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Ebisu-san and Hotei-san 2759

Love and Romance at workplace has never been so cute.

Ebisu and Hotei are both Office Ladies. While Ebisu worked at the head office in the city, Hotei worked at a branch office in the suburb. The two had met before when Ebisu had a meeting at head office. There, Ebisu was highly critical of Hotei and her work. After that, Hotei hated Ebisu and hoped that she would never have to see Ebisu again.

Some time later however, Hotei now finds that Ebisu has transferred to Hotei's branch. How will Hotei be able to work with this perfectionist Workaholic?

Ebisu-san and Hotei-san is a serialized Manga by Kizuki Akira and Satou Nanki. It ran in the Girls Love anthology magazine Tsubomi.

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