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  • Genius Bonus: The cat that Tom talks about (in the box that may be dead or alive) is a reference to Schrodingers Cat.
  • Ho Yay: In episode 8, though it was unintentional on the characters' part:

 Dana: Tom, find someone else. Date... someone else. Sleep with anyone else.

Zack: Not it!

    • Also, from an in-character interview:

 Zack: The Tom puppet is one of my favorite puppets, I put my hand in him all the time.


  "I come in here sometimes to cry."

    • Tom is a Jerkass Woobie. While he is an ass to everyone, and his excuse for being so is... weak, when he actually admits why he struggles, he shows a scared side. Especially obvious in Romantic False Lead when Tom's reasons for loving Porn Girl is that she doesn't threaten, scare or hurt him.
    • Gaelyn. She has a crush on Zack, and he completely misses the point and thinks they should be best friends. You can tell she's a bit disappointed.
    • Dave at the end of S2E2. He thought Gaelyn's message for Zack was for him. Cut to him standing outside, waiting for her with flowers, looking very disappointed. Aww.