Crazy Awesome — Darius Jedburgh is all over this. He returns home from El Salvador and casually upends his golf bag on the floor, spilling out golf clubs, empty bottles, an assault rifle and hand grenades.
Crowning Moment of Awesome — Darius Jedburgh brings some of his freshly stolen plutonium to a conference at Gleneagles Hotel and makes it go critical in his hands, irradiating himself and Grogan with a bright flash of pure awesome.
Funny Aneurysm Moment — "Azure". Police terminology indicating that the room is bugged, which makes it a wonderful name for an operating system.
In the first episode it's mentioned Craven's wife died of Cancer not long ago. Some 15 years later Bob Peck himself lost the battle with the disease, making this off hand comment rather awkward in hindsight.
Special Effects Failure — Averted, but it is rather amusing to discover, via the making-of documentary on the DVD set, that the plutonium containers shown on screen were just cheap storage bins bought from Woolworths, with nuclear warning trefoil stickers applied.