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Note: Character folders have recently been made. Feel free to add new folders, and switch examples around if you think they fit better.


Grace is the prophesied Master of Fire, not Damien.[]

She is completely immune to fire, and is certainly the sort who could become The Messiah.

  • No one said she is "completely immune to fire". Her fur is fire retardant, making her less likely to catch on fire, but she can still get burned if exposed to constant flame. The bit about The Messiah is more true, though.

Grace, and therefore the TF Gun, will eventually have the forms of every main character/magic user in the series.[]

It will eventually culminate in either a Potter-esque game of keepaway, or a makeout session between seven Tedds of varying gender.

  • Wasn't it stated that the gun doesn't confer special powers? ex: someone TG'd into Grace wouldn't have her shapeshifting.
    • They can still use the gun to turn everyone else into Tedd.


We are eventually going to see a Tess/Ellen alternate world.[]

We already have a Tedd/Elliot world (The main story line), a Tedd/Ellen world (Ellen's alternate life), and a Tess/Elliot world (the AF 04 world, and the magic wand story line), so, it stands to reason the the next world is a Tess/Ellen world. Possibly with other genders reversed.

The nose-beepery and dreamery didn't work.[]

Nioi said that having a young soul in an older body can lead to mental instability, didn't she? Take a good look at these three comics. Ellen's clearly got issues with her emotional stability, which may indicate mental instability as well.

    • User:Robin Zimm: That makes sense, and I see a possible reason, too: the logical way for the nose-beepery to work would be for Ellen to identify with the new memories rather than the old, thereby effectively becoming a copy of the other person — and she doesn't and isn't. It's like a failed transplant, only the incompatibility is effectively Incompatible Orientation.


Mouseygirl!Elliot's attraction to Justin will bleed through to regular!Elliot[]

OTP, y'all!

Elliot's parents work at the same place as Mr. Verres. Alternatively, they're in alliance with Lord Tedd. Even more alternatively, one of them is an Immortal[]

They dismiss magic like it's no big deal. Kinda weird even for Moperville.

  • If one of Elliot's parents was secretly an Immortal that would make Elliot (and by extension possibly Ellen) an elf and that would mean Elliot should have been punished for using magic so publicly since elves are forbidden to do so. The lack of punishment by itself josses that part of the theory.
  • Also Elliot's parents are used to weird things going on because Elliot spends a lot of time with Tedd.

Elliot's Power Incontinence is an omen of bad things to come[]

Look at the first time he woke up as something he didn't expect to wake up. That day alone an evil monkey attacked the school, and he and Ellen realized they were awakened. Mere days later, Abraham attacked the school.

Now, maybe Dan just hasn't shown us other instances of it, but the dialogue on this page suggests that Elliot waking up with the wrong form hasn't happened outside of this and the previously mentioned incident. What have we discovered thus far in this arc? 1. Some fiery dude is attacking innocent nerds. 2. Elliot can fly.

Obviously Dan's got some other big to-do that's about to go down. I'd be watching out for any other times that Elliot's magic doesn't quite work the way he wants it to.

Elliot and Sarah will break up soon[]

This is all but canon already. This strip shows that Jerry thinks it very possible that they will break up, and she was pretty weirded out when he morphed into her, but with bigger breasts. On the road trip, she confirmed that she felt less attracted to Elliot--so that her attraction to him is more like that of Nanase's to him during their relationship. I don't see Sarah becoming a lesbian, but I think that she is far too uncomfortable with Elliot to remain in a relationship with him for much longer. (Perhaps this combined with Elliot's attraction to Justin while in alter-ego form will allow for a Justin/Elliot pairing under normal circumstances?)

The reason Elliot's clothes didn't change when he morphed into "Gracelyn..."[]

...had nothing to do with inexperience or not having planned to morph, and everything to do with the fact that the clothes he was wearing weren't of his own choosing in the first place. This will become important at some future date.

  • The only idea that springs to mind where this could come into play is possibly if Elliot is caught by a future Big Bad and is forced to wear unbreakable bonds and chains. But numerous times it's explained he has the ability to focus and change aspects of himself along with his typical transform. Even if Uryoum suit tech is used to make them, there has to be an absolute smallest size the clothes can shrink to, which I assume he can go below since the absolute limit of his powers or control over them haven't been shown yet.


Nanase's decoy/puppet/Fox spell will be an incredibly important Chekhov's Gun.[]

  • Based on when this WMG was posted I'm guessing the OP meant something other than its use in Sister II.

Nanase has become stronger as Grace (or maybe she is stronger now?)[]

  • Okay, maybe not right now, but her new spell is as powerful as Grace's stronger form. Maybe Nanase is the stronger in the group, because she doesn't has Grace's weakness. And yes Justin seems to have convinced her to learn martial arts, but even with Grace's talent to learn fast, I don't think she will be at Elliot or Nanase's level very soon.

Nanase will make Ellen Pregnant[]

An accident with the gun that makes Nanase a guy for enough time to do it: it's the most probable thing...

  • It's explicit that Ellen can undo a M-F transformation (if she's in the mood to do so), it may be possible that she can do a stand-alone F-M transformation. Alternatively, Ellen has that new spell where she can mimic any person/animal that she sees, presumably a male form she could take would be "fully functional". (This admittedly isn't likely, since it would be squicky for BOTH of them)
    • As of 2 March 2012, maybe not squicky if the actual goal is having children.
      • It would also be possible for them to have children without pregnancy if they went the roaisol route. This would most likely require Grace's help, which many may find rather squicky.
  • Actually the other option (Ellen getting Nanase pregnant) seems more likely to me. As mentioned in the comic linked above it would be possible to use the TF-gun to turn one of them male and get the other pregnant. Having Ellen as the "father" is useful since it would provide a ready-made explanation for anyone outside the masquerade. Specifically they could claim that Nanase got pregnant with artificial insemination and that Elliot was the sperm donor thereby explaining why the kids have a strong family resemblance to Ellen.


Justin is currently dreaming, and will only fully awaken when he forgives Melissa[]

  • If we look at Susan, it's made clear that an awakening can be induced by angst, so why not have an awakening induced by catharsis. We've seen since the beginning that Justin has had access to magic from his training with Anime Martial Arts. However it's only recently that it's starting to really show itself due to the stress, also recently the issue of Melissa has been brought to light more readily. It is probably that the reason Justin hasn't awakened fully is because his magic is being blocked by his hatred towards Melissa. In fact, all the anime martial artists would of probably gotten a proper awakening the moment they got over the personal problems that were holding them back; the only reason it didn't happen that way for Nanase and Elliot is because outside sources intervened before either of them resolved those problems on their own.

George has a crush on Justin.[]


 Justin: What the hell, George? You're not like this with my other friends.

George: The girls are different.

Justin: Oh, so my friends you want to sleep with. They're okay.

George: That is so not the problem.


Melissa got a more masculine haircut and style of dress in order to appeal to Justin.[]

Notice that in the most recent of the flashbacks, she has long hair and girly clothes, but in her first appearance, she has short hair and is wearing a suit.

Justin will go on a date with Elliot.[]

At some point, he'll use the TF Gun to turn into a copy of Sarah. The date will go well and Justin-as-Sarah will even kiss Elliot. He'll be content with knowing that he managed to go out with Elliot but will always be tempted to repeat it.

  • Doubtful. Justin actually contemplated something similar to this during the year-long TG party, but came to the conclusion that the female self wouldn't be him.
  • Justin also doesn't seem like someone who would do something so underhanded and treacherous.

Justin is the prophecied Master of Fire instead of Damien[]

In his fight with the fire-monster, it was shown that he's more powerful than he thinks he is, and after New and Old Flames, he has new powers related to fire. "A being of power, and a master of fire?"

  • Uhm, no. Dan has explicitly stated in a Q&A chapter that the form of a mark doesn't matter, it's the area of the body it's on that matters. While it is possible that Justin has gained some fire magic due to somebody's meddling, it doesn't mean he actually has, unless he has a natural affinity for fire or a strong desire to set things on fire.

At some point, Justin will end up playing with Noah's hair[]

He won't be able to help himself.

  • They'd have to become pretty good friends first, and I don't see that happening.
    • Considering that Justin is currently the only main character who knows that Noah is the Child Left Behind, though, it's possible that they could become friends.
    • In fact, I'd like to take this WMG a step further and tie it in with some of the theories about Noah actually being a greater chimera: This is how Justin will find out. He'll be playing with Noah's hair and suddenly be feeling two distinctly non-hair-like things in there... Noah's antennae! Not sure what will happen from there, though.
    • Given that Noah doesn't seem to have hangups about "conventional" social behavior (like that's ever stopped anyone in EGS) I'd see him as being willing.


Ellen's sudden Face Heel Turn after her creation into "Elliot's Evil Twin" was the work of Magus.[]

I don't know about anyone else, but for this troper the idea just makes it feel more believable. Originally it bugged me that she was so quick to decide that she couldn't disappear in a month if she was an evil Opposite Sex Clone instead of the incarnation of a curse, and therefore choose to be an evil twin. However, Magus was shown to have his hand in the progress of her creation from the very beginning and if she was having even the slightest hint of these feelings, he just ratcheted them up to 11.

  • It wasn't that she thought she wouldn't disappear if she became an Evil Twin. She just figured she was dying anyway, so she may as well go out in style. Although Magus having a hand does seem plausible.
  • It certainly fits with his ability to manipulate emotions. Maybe he figured a crazy Ellen would be more likely to zap Elliot than a sane Ellen would.

Magus is Nanase (from another universe)[]

Proof? I don't really have a basis for this WMG. It just seems like the kind of thing that Shive would do, given that one strip when he kept complaining to Nanase (the irony would be staggering). Plus, there is some artistic similarity between him and Nanase's male form.

  • This troper actually thought that Magus' hair looked similar to Elliots long hair when he was younger.

Magus is an alternate of Elliot[]

He did tell Ellen that her father commanded it, when trying make her transform Elliot, and though Elliot is considered to be the "mother" to Tedd's "father", the association is still there. His body language is very similar to Elliot's. Terra, who he was fighting when he was disembodied, looks an awful lot like Tedd, and they wear the same uniform. They were dueling in an empty stadium, and Terra looked awfully surprised and worried when Magus vanished. School of magic, anyone?

  • Really? Magus/Elliot seems obvious, (so obvious that there was no need to make it explicit) but I always assumed Terra was that universe's counterpart of Nanase, not Tedd. Their rivalry certainly seems a lot more like Nanase/Elliot than Elliot/Tedd. School of magic is a given.
    • Nah, look at Terra's eyes in the second link. Definitely Tedd.
      • And, his name is terra, we know how likes Dan to conserve the first letters of the name.
    • Either way she's definitely not a Nanase. I thought so too until I realized that in one scene Magus says that Nanase "would so be a man in my universe."
  • He's Ellen's father because in this strip and this one, which triggered the creation of Ellen, Magus was almost certainly manipulating Tedd's emotions. That said, he could still be an alternate Elliot, just not for that reason..

Magus is the alternate of Abraham's Master.[]

Magus' return will involve the combination and death/possession of Ellen and Elliot[]

The reason Magus needs Ellen to zap Elliot in order to come back is that they will become completely identical, right? Perhaps doing so will reverse the effects of the Dewitchery Diamond, and Magus will somehow be able to reform the resulting body into his own.

  • The only problem with that is that Elliot has transformed into Ellen-form already on at least one occasion. This Troper believes that the key will be the beam ensnaring Magus and pushing him into Elliot's body, requiring the Dewitchery Diamond to seperate them again, conveniently providing Magus with his own body.

Magus will become the "Ninth Ranger"[]

  • He isn't evil, only was Pandora's Puppet. He will help to defeat Pandora, but after that will discover that he can't go back to his dimension. So, he will stay with one of the main characters until they made a way to send him back. Also, he will become Sirleck's new host.
    • That would be great. Seriously. I think Magus is a nice guy.
    • Too bad the main characters are unaware of his existence. The only way Magus could become even known to the main eight is through someone who can see beings on the spiritual plane maybe one of the Immortals or possibly Noah.

Magus' plan is to use the Dewitchery Diamond after possessing Elliot[]

If the Dewitchery Diamond solves possession the same way it does transformation, via essentially putting the magical affliction in a new body, Magus will be given a body of his own when it 'fixes' the problem. Either that or he'll put Elliot's mind in the new body and take the original, if he doesn't want to be a busty female.

Magus is responsible for the events of New and Old Flames[]

He vowed to end Pandora - this is an attempt to frame her. The pithos amulet does this quite well, enough to immediately make Raven suspect her. It is also implied that immortals have not been able to mark people without their knowledge or consent, however Magus doesn't qualify as an immortal. Magus' key ability is to amplify emotions, and both the marks of Dex and Justin appear to be tied to their emotions - loneliness and rage respectively. It also fits with Dex being possessed - Sirleck (now allied with Magus) is the only creature known to be able to do so in the EGS verse. He would not want to do so in the presence of Elliot due to fearing the immortals guarding him, and hence why Elliot was removed from the dojo promptly and with timing for no immediately obvious reason. Finally, Raven notes that the course of events was particularly unconvoluted for her. Note also that Dex's dialogue appear's to contradict Pandora: saving the world rather than destroying it.

  • Not necessarily. Raven thought that the plan was too simple for it to be Pandora's doing, only because he didn't know about Justin's magic mark, and as of Death Sentence probably Rhoda's and other random people. As it stands, the affair with Dex could've been a bait to distract Raven from the real, important pieces of the game.
  • Immortals have a lot of powers on the spirit plane. Magus doesn't. He explicitly says that the only things he's currently able to do on the material world is affecting emotions (not sure where, but I know it's there somewhere near his first appearence). And a lot of the things they can do or can't aren't really physical limitations so much as social ones- if an immortal does a wrong step and the others find out, whoopass ensues.
  • So far as we know, only Immortals can give powers to people. This would mean that Magus is working with an immortal, or immortal-like character (Sirleck probably doesn't count) to give people spells for his plans.
  • Jossed. It was Chaos who started it all. Apparently her plan is to give everyone magic, so Raven can fight.

Magus plans to impregnate Elliot and posses his baby[]


Archie is a duplicate of Noah.[]

Noah's been appearing in the comic for quite a while now, and Nanase says he's one of Mr. Raven's favorites. Dan's obviously planning something special with him. Could this be it? So far, any recurring character in Second Life has come from elsewhere in the comic, except Archie. Now let's see: Like Noah, he's about the same age as "Ellen" and "Tedd". He's got long blond hair - and those antenna out the back of his head? Hmm, doesn't Noah have a ponytail? Granted, they've got different personalities, but so do Elliot and Ellen. Plausible?

  • I thought this was what we were meant to assume. Note that they both have really weird eyes. As well, we know that there's something mystic going on with Noah--based on Raven's favoritism, most likely a form of magic. This was translated as Archie being a chimera. Anyway, the resemblance is strong enough that they likely correspond.
  • Dan has hinted Noah's signifigance with a lot of other things too, so Archie would just be another part of that.
  • Another point of commonality is that it is strongly implied that they are the only two male non-virgins. Archie explicitly, and Noah strongly suggested.

Noah is also a greater Chimera. He's just good at hiding it.[]

  • This kind of fits with the theory that Noah is this universe's version of Archie.
    • He has hair tails that move; we might have a confirmed here.
      • Raven's reaction to Grace all but directly confirms it.

Noah will eventually become part of the "circle."[]

Noah is the prince-in-exile of some sort of magical kingdom[]

Hence why he would think he has the authority to knight people. The kingdom was destroyed, and he's of the opinion that, if not for the Masquerade, his parents would have been able to get aid from the regular countries.

Noah is a male-to-female Transsexual.[]

Noah looks like a girl, dresses like a girl, and if this troper isn't mistaken, seems to act like a girl in general. Maybe Noah was about to come out to Justin before this happened.

  • Probably not. Moreover Dan's not going to go into someone being seriously Trans beyond the extent that Ellen is, mostly because transformation isn't a huge deal in the comic anymore, and gender is so fluid it pretty much doesn't exist for some characters (most notably Elliot).
  • Furthermore, what Noah wanted to ask Justin questions, not tell him something, as we saw during his conversation with Raven. It probably has something to do with magic, considering that Raven is the one who wants Noah to talk to him.

Noah and Magus are the same person[]

Chaos' description of Magus seems to also fit Noah's alter ego, the Child Left Behind. I think it's been mentioned Magus was blonde haired in his physical form, like Noah. And they're not necessarily alternates; they were "split" somehow when whoever they were previously was sent to the Gooniverse(I just made that name up as I don't know the preferred term; correct it at your convenience).

Noah and Grace are siblings.[]

If Noah really is a Greater Chimera and is The Child Left Behind, he is a Greater Chimera that lost his parents to Damien. Damien killed just about everyone in the lab that created Grace and her siblings before stealing them, including the Uryuom parent they all share, but perhaps he left one child behind?

Noah can jump between dimensions/planes.[]

He already appears to be able to see beings on different planes. His apparent ability to teleport short distances may just be him jumping into a different plane when nobody's looking, and then jumping back in a different spot.

Pandora Chaos Raven[]

Chaos is the one that killed the original Grace[]

  • She seems to be a real Chessmaster, even with her habit to be a little too Chaotic. She could made the scenario to make Grace's "Grandfather" to use her death daughter's DNA and ruin the project, making it seem like a "car accident" and it was so well made that even Mr. Verres thought that it was an accident. She also has used Magus power to convince Grace to go to Tedd's house to make both of them fall in love. The reason isn't clear yet, but it could be to make her pregnant and steal the baby to raise him/her as The Antichrist, or it is relati with Lord Tedd.

Chaos is not going to destroy the world.[]

She's going to threaten it, probably kill a lot of people, but this is just to give her boy the chance to fight and make a difference. He can't get involved unless magic is involved or people's lives are at stake. She's magic and going to put a lot of people at risk. This seems overkill, but she's a powerful Fey, so it's not like she needs much motivation.

Chaos is working with Arthur[]

Chaos is trying to break the Masquerade and Arthur announced on national TV that magic is real. Also Arthur mentions that "The occasional casualty will not disrupt our long term objectives"

The "remaking" of the world by Chaos will result in magic for EVERYONE.[]

Raven wants a world he can freely participate in, and one situation where he can participate is anything involving magic. If everyone has magic, just about every situation will likely involve it.

  • Understandable, since Pandora seems to be (though it's ambiguous whether she's behind it) marking random people, granting them powers (Justin's battle aura, Rhoda's size-shifting powers, thus far).

Pandora is the one that sabotage Magus[]

  • Of all the Magus in existence, only one, and only one appear to have been trapped, and Pandora seems to know a lot about how help him. So, she trapped Magus in immortal's dimension and make him think that was his "friend" who sabotage him.
    • This one's extremely likely, given her "an egg fell from his nest" speech a short while later. She probably needed someone like him, so she arranged his teleport accident.

Pandora is going to survive the comic and achieve some kind of happy ending[]

It just won't be the one she expects.

  • But...that's the only kind she could have!

Pandora is trying to prepare this universe against Lord Tedd's plans[]

Look this way. If our world is like GTA, the Lord Tedd's universe can be like GTA San Andreas or Devil May Cry or Fable or...whatever. As she had Watching Lord Tedd's universe, she thinks that she needs to do something... but as she can't act directly, she is training the main characters by the use of a Xanatos Speed Chess.

Pandora stole/bought the last TV stand (during the "Elliot Dunkel and the TOSF mini-arc).[]

It's crazy enough to be something she might do, and if either Elliot or Noah had gotten it, they might have just gone their separate ways. As it is, her insidious schemes to, um... make them friends... can advance! (This is not the most serious of WMGs, to be perfectly honest.)

Susan and Diane[]

Diane is Susan's clone[]

Susan's father couldn't stand the idea that his daughter hates him, so he cloned her and aged the clone. He was Genre Savvy enough to call clone Diane, because "Tiffany" would be too suspicious (that or Diane is using her second name, just like Susan).

  • The only mention we have ever had of fast-aging was by Grace's grandfather, who said that it would never work and that actually, Grace and her brothers age more slowly than normal. I'm pretty sure Dan hasn't retconned this. Dianne could still be a duplicate via the Dewitchery Diamond or something similar, but a clone would require her to be made at about the same time as Susan, and would require different motivations.

Diane is Susan's twin sister and Susan hates her for siding with their father.[]

  • Note that Susan's response to Ellen's question wasn't "I don't have a sister" or "I don't have any relatives" it was: "my mother is the only family that I care about."
    • Except that her response was "I don't know. The only family I care about is my mother." Although since Ellen was asking her specifically if she had a cousin, your theory could be right.

Susan has a major thing for Justin/ They are going to end up with each other, perhaps opposite genders[]

Tied in with the above, if you look at the tags, you start to notice a trend. Each tag connects the person with the specific tag to the person they love/are paired with. In panel three, you'll notice that Elliot has a 'S' tag (Sarah) while Justin has a 'E' tag (Elliot). If you look closely at Susan's, you'll see that her tag is slightly obscured by her hands, but you can kind of make out what looks to be either a 'T' or a 'J', more likely a 'J', and she's quite obviously looking at Justin's... body.

  • If it's a J, it could also mean Jerry, the only other person she's allowed herself to show any kind of affection for. But, more likely, it's a joking reference to Jeremy, given how she's in Jeremy form in that comic. FURTHERMORE ! Susan has well-known issues with sexuality in general and men in particular. Dog-Justin's tail is wagging as he looks at Elliot. It may be possible that he's showing excitement in other ways and she's staring at Justin's... "body" with fascinated horror.

Add to that the events of Grace's birthday party in which M!Susan and F!Justin made out, you could draw a very strong connection between the two, only stopped by Justin's orientation, which could be dealt with if Susan decided to change gender.

  • If you think back to Elliot's lucid dream sequence, you'll remember that he start's fixing problems, and mentions finding a man for Justin and a woman for Susan, and mentioning that maybe that problem could sort itself out by switching their genders. Mayhaps that's the plan?

Mr. Raven is Susan's father.[]

Look at her in panel five of this comic. I know that's not her natural hair color, but her general looks, weirdness, and Ace Attorney-style finger point are so much like Raven's here that I couldn't resist pointing it out. Whether it's true or not, an Ace Attorney game with these two against each other would be hilarious.

  • Also as Pandora is blonde (which is a recessive trait and thus homozygous) Raven is heterozygous for blondness.
    • For aid of reading... Pandora's hair color means Raven could have blonde kids.
    • Is it actually blonde? It's certainly darker than Noah's and about as dark as Melissa's. Melissa's hair used to be shown as blonde, but with Art Evolution it is now shown as quite a bit darker. Perhaps it's dirty blonde, light brown, or even red? Catalina's hair is about the same shade, after all... Just saying, it's not exactly certain that Pandora is blonde. Unless it's one of the backgrounds...?
  • Raven doesn't show romantic interest in any mortal (inside continuity), and is portrayed as a paragon of integrity. Also, his name is not Pompoms, and he looks nothing like this guy.
  • Grace makes this WMG in-universe here, when Raven disguises Grace as his niece, and she ends up looking like Susan. It is josses both by Raven and by Dan in the commentary, but Dan hints that a deeper twist might yet come from this. And therefore:

Susan and Raven are related in some other way[]

  • Basically anything that skirts the "half-immortals can't have kids" rule, which would not rule out a relation through his mortal father's side.
  • Pandora is Susan's father! I mean, come on, it's not like she can't turn into a man--she turned into Agent Wolf once, you know. Susan's--and Diane's--entire lives are part of some elaborate plot. This would make make them both elves, but perhaps they don't get pointed ears until later in life?
    • Interesting thing to note - though it's gone through Art Evolution, Susan was originally drawn with pointier ears than the other characters.
  • Raven may very well have said it explicitly. "I want to be able to credibly claim that you're my niece."

Susan will learn to do the GOLDION! CRUSHER![]

It's a hammer, isn't it?

Susan's father was having an affair with Diane's mother...HIS EX-WIFE![]

Susan's father married, and they have twins. they divorce and the two keep with one of the child's. Susan's father married again when Susan was TOO young remember and was raised believing that her mother was her blood-mother instead of her step-mother. Some years later, with an six years-old daughter, the marriage start to broke and Susan's father start to see his ex-wife again...the divorce comes but the step-mother obtain Susan's custody. Maybe the father is married with his ex-wife. Diane doesn't know the truth, either...or does she but Susan's step-mother reject to let them know?

  • Just compare them
    • Except there is pretty much zero chance a step parent would be given primary custody under U.S. Law, unless there were some very unusual extenuating circumstances.
      • she seems to have a good life, it could go on her advantage in the judge if the real mother, and the father, doesn't seem to have enough money to maintain both childrens. Susan could testify in her step-mother's advantage to stay with her. That, or it was the blood-parents idea...
  • I think the simpler explanation would be that Susan and Diane are half-sisters. Susan is the daughter of her father and the mother we've seen. Diane is the daughter of the same father, and some blonde he was cheating with (not necessarily the same woman we saw. Maybe he's just got a thing for blondes).

The woman Susan's father was having an affair with was Tedd's mother.[]

Because there has been far too little of Susan hitting Tedd with hammers lately.

  • Aw man, you beat me to it. Still, what else could turn Mrs. Kitsune against her sister?
  • If that's true, the women we saw with Susan's dad would have to be japanese and possibly have purple hair.

Despite the disclaimer, the reveal that Susan's fairy dismissal causes a massive crack of doom sound FX is an incredibly important Chekhov's Gun.[]

  • like blowing up in a badguy's face as a distraction?

Diane has a Big Sister Instinct[]

Diane protect's Rhoda as she were her little sister because she has a reprimed memory of her with her sister(Susan), so, Rhoda is filling Diane's loneliness for her lost sister.

Susan is Diane's Dewitchery Diamond Duplicate (whoa, alliteration). The spell separated? A memory spell.[]

Susan's father had some magical powers. When he told Susan that her mother could not hear of the mistress, he wasn't just telling her; he was casting a memory spell to make her forget. Through some unknown events, Susan touched the DD which produced Diane, upon which Magus or Chaos spirited her away to be adopted and raised by another family.

Alternately, Susan is the duplicate, and the memory spell was to make her think the father was cheating.[]

This would explain why she doesn't remember anything about a diamond. It doesn't explain much else, though.

  • This raises the question of why Abraham didn't come for either of them. Abraham's reaction to hearing about Ellen suggests that Ellen is the first human Dewitchery Diamond duplicate.

There is a spell that keeps Susan and Diane's resemblance unnoticed.[]

Similar to Ally from The Wotch, there is a spell on Susan and/or Diane that makes people unable to notice their resemblance unless it's pointed out to them. Ellen and Grace aren't affected by it because they have a high enough magic resistance. Hence why Nanase and Justin didn't notice it until Ellen pointed it out.

Diane is Susan from the Alpha Universe.[]

Following the above theory, she has this spell because she's an undercover agent of Lord Tedd, sent to the main universe to spy on people and she can't risk people noticing her resemblance to her dimensional counterpart.

Susan and Diane's mother gave both of them into adoption[]

Diane is Susan's Half-Sister[]

Nothing is known of Diane's home life, while Susan's father was a known cheater.

Susan is assexual[]


Tedd's mother is a lesbian.[]

Not that it's especially likely, but this contributor just had to get the "Tedd's mother" ball rolling. (And if it's true, that kid has serious issues...)

  • Tedd has so many issues, I doubt this one would have any discernible effect. His dad is an MIB !!
  • He glows when in love, his inventions work despite many reasons why they should not, Mr. Verres "knows a lot about Immortals" (no explanation), and he keeps turning into a girl. Tedd's mother is obviously some kind of Fairy.
  • Let me rephrase that: if Tedd's mother is a lesbian, his yuri fetish betrays serious issues.
    • Really? I wonder if much of Tedd's self-declared perversion is really just posturing. Note the way the guy who claims to love 'hot lesbians' panicked when he discovered Ellen and Nanase snuggling on his couch.
      • Nanase is his cousin, remember.
      • His 'ugly cousin'.
    • If his mother was straight, him liking porn featuring straight women wouldn't betray serious issues; why would it be so for a lesbian mother and yuri?

== Tedd and/or Nanase are part Fae (or part Chimera) from some distant ancestor(s), hence their hair color and other peculiarities. == Nanase's family name, Kitsune, seems to indicate some connection with fox spirits specifically. The fact that Tedd glows visibly to others when he's thinking romantically about Grace has also been suggested as evidence that he isn't an ordinary human being.

  • And why is Nanase's last name Kitsune when it's her mother who is so obviously Japanese?
  • And what is Tedd's favored transformation? Exactly.
  • Further, Kitsune are often portrayed as tricksters, which would give an explanation as to why Nanase's magic is heavily stealth-oriented.
  • Well, odd hair colors have been established as being normal in the EGS-verse, but the other reasoning still applies.
    • Unless odd hair colors are normal because some degree of Immortal ancestry is more common in this universe than we've been led to believe.
  • One of Tedd's defining characteristics is his androgyny. Youthful!Raven is also incredibly androgynous.

Tedd is Awakened (at least partially)[]

Warning: Freakin' huge WMG approaching. Okay, so by now it's pretty well-established that when Tedd experiences extreme emotions he glows to some extent, and it's not just artistic license. As of yet though there's been no explanation for this, so allow me to present y'all with the basis for my theory. We know that the magic one develops is based on one's personal experience and personality when it's developed naturally, but it's based on one's interaction with magic when it's brought about by outside effects. Now, we haven't seen any direct evidence that Tedd's been magically tampered with beyond the TF Gun-induced stuff, but let's go over the moments when Tedd's been really passionate or extreme emotionally: 1) during the Painted Black arc he enters a quiet, awesome rage when he discovers that Damien abused Grace as a child. This is a suitably emotional moment, but there's nothing magical involved and my assumption is that his awakening is artificial to some degree. 2) When he makes any sort of romantic headway with Grace he proves to be immensely emotive, but most of those times he glows already, and again there's no magical influence.

No, in order to find the origins of Tedd's glowy-ness, we have to go waaay back, into the very beginnings of the first Sister arc. As you may remember, Elliot's first real gender-swapping predicament began when he accidentally got on Tedd's nerves, which caused him to erupt in a fit of rage and accidentally blast Elliot with the TF gun. Now, this seems distinctly out-of-character for Tedd, seeing as how both before and after this incident Tedd's androgyny has been played for laughs, and even Tedd himself has admitted he doesn't understand why he got so angry. This suggests that his emotions were invisibly manipulated somehow by an outside force.

Gee, that would mean the culprit would have to be invisible, intangible, and capable of amplifying the emotions of others. Now who does that sound like?

Here's my take on the thing: Magus seems to require for as-yet-unspecified reasons a female Elliot whose body he can possess so he can move on to the next step of his similarly cryptic plan. He's got no idea how on earth he's going to pull this off, when suddenly he's presented with an absolute jackpot of a situation: his target in the same room with a semi-lonely teenager who has the capability to change the genders of people with SCIENCE! and is currently feeling more than a little wangsty about how effeminate he looks. Magus supercharges Tedd's anger at Elliot, gun does its zappy thing, Tedd's already-magically-influenced self awakens at least partially, and now his magic turns him into what is essentially an emotion-powered magic engine: the more extreme his emotional state, the more energy he produces.

He will later use this as a substitute for the generator he tried building after the Painted Black arc, creating the first Ganmen and kicking the ass of the next big villain.

  • First of all, a partial Awakening is called Dreaming. Not sure if this is what Tedd is doing, since it doesn't quite fit with pre-awakened Susan's abilities, but possible. However, I can only remember Tedd glowing twice, both times when experiencing intense feelings of love for Grace. However, that didn't happen during Painted Black. This is explained when Tedd and Elliot discuss Tedd's decrease in perverted behavior towards women who are not Grace, instead becoming much more interested in Grace alone. Couple this with Jerry's explanation that strong emotions trigger Awakening and magic's flair for the dramatic and Tedd is most likely just about to Awaken based on his love for Grace.

Tedd's Mother is also an Elf[]

EXTREMELY flimsy but that's why this is WMG after all: Ted has something odd and magical about him (his sparkles and mad science) like Noah (Eliot-grade swiftness and agility without anime martial arts) and like Noah is extraordinarily androgynous. Since Noah appears to be Mr Raven's son, these similarities could be explained by similar heritage.

  • Go back and re-read the two previous strips. Noah's parents are dead. Mr. Raven must be his guardian. But the possibility that Noah has elf ancestry still stands. The case for Tedd is weaker since Dan has all but outright stated that Tedd's mother and Nanase's mother are sisters.
  • Which doesn't rule out elf ancestry, either with half-sisters or simply Nanase's mother not showing it. Also, see this strip. Note Jerry's pause in the second panel right before he says father...
  • Maybe Tedd and Noah are also related, and Raven is their uncle?
  • Noah and Raven being related has been specifically Jossed and Raven being his guardian has been specifically confirmed.

Mr. Verres is Tedd's Mother[]

Note that Jerry hesitates when referring to Tedd's father as a well-known entity in the supernatural community. Note that Mrs. Kitsune says "I have no sister." And then there's Mr. Verres' glasses. They could just be there to make him look businesslike or intimidating. Maybe like his son, he has extremely striking eyes. Maybe they have an Asian cast to them that would look verrry suspicious, given that Tedd's surname is the not-particularly Japanese "Verres." This might have happened long ago, so long that Tedd doesn't remember it consciously, but might explain a lot.

  • Except that Mr. Verres refers to Mrs. Kitsune as his sister-in-law.

Tedd's Mother is a Straw Feminist.[]

Think about it. Tedd obviously has some very... odd gender issues. I get the feeling his mother put some very confusing ideas into his head about why men are bad, or maybe even was very verbally or physically abusive, hating Tedd for being born a boy. Or if we're not getting that serious, maybe she just made Tedd wear a dress when he was little so she could pass him off as her daughter and Tedd found that he liked it; Having to wear a dress would explain his problems with being told he looks like a girl. Any one of these things constitutes psychological abuse, which would explain why she's never around- she's given a court order to keep away from him. This puts a new light on his relationship with Susan and explains why it took them so long to warm up to one another.

Tedd is a Human/Human Lesser Chimera[]

One of his parents were infertile, so they used a Uryuom egg to mix their DNA. His androgyny is caused by him being in his intermediate hybrid form (like Grace and Vlad were when they were born). It could also be part of why he has a furry fetish (he likes the concept of a hybrid person). Possible consequences would be the ability to shapeshift into a 17-year-old clone of either parent. There are two minor problems with this theory:

  • The Uryuoms could sense that Grace was shapeshifted, but didn't say anything about Tedd also being shapeshifted.
    • But they KNOW Tedd. So they wouldn't see any need to comment about the fact that he's a chimera, because he always has been. (Also, they probably wouldn't ever bother mentioning it to him.)
  • Transformations applied to Grace using the TF gun don't "time out", and the "normal" setting on the gun doesn't do anything to her.

There are two things that could deal with either problem:

  • He's a Lesser Chimera--
    • The Uryuoms sensed Grace because she is a Greater Chimera, and hence more powerful/easier to detect. Also notable is that Grace was disguised as Claire, which is not her normal human form.
    • We've never seen the TF gun used on a known Lesser Chimera (such as Guineas or Hedge). The "normal" setting may not do anything to them, or it may return them to their hybrid form (which is "normal" for Tedd) As for letting the time run out on a transformation, we don't actually know that Tedd has ever stayed transformed long enough to run out the clock.


  • He has never shapeshifted himself naturally--
    • The Uryuoms sensed Grace because she had changed into Claire just before the Uryuoms met her. They might not have been able to notice in a few hours/days/etc. Except when using the TF gun, Tedd has been in his default form for his entire life.
    • As for the gun, Tedd has been in his hybrid form long enough for a minor Shapeshifter Mode Lock to set in, as far as the gun's "normal" setting is concerned. And again, we don't know if he would change back on his own if he has ever tried letting the time run out on a transformation.

If it's a case of never having shapeshifted on his own, it is possible that Tedd may actually be a Greater Chimera, and can shapeshift into anything he's turned himself into using the TF gun (but without Grace's Lespuko heritage that allows her to combine forms).

Tedd is the founder of Celestial Being[]

Bear with me here, as this is more or less written up for total lulz. And perhaps to troll Gundam fans with.

There is/was a rampant fan-theory in Gundam fandom that Tiera Erde is a nanomachine-enhanced cyborg clone of Aeolia Schenberg. Tiera is an androgynous purple-haired, glasses-wearing guy who does look like Tedd in some strange way. Aeolia is just Tedd under a pseudonym to disguise the fact that he's been alive since the 1980's(?) (and hey, if you've got the haxmagic to turn yourself into a busty girl, catgirl, etc. etc.... what's keeping you from periodically 'resetting' your age?). Additionally, Aeolia's technological theories were far beyond his time, perfectly in line with the idea that he could've had alien knowledge, but not the means to mass-implement it.

Celestial Being's main purpose, as suggested by Regene and Veda-Tiera is to unite the world under a common banner, but not for warm and fuzzy reasons--but rather to better prepare humanity for the first contact with alien life. Tedd knows alien life exists and has interacted with it personally, and received technology/magic from them. Obviously the masquerade will fail sooner or later, and it'd sure be nice if humanity wasn't overrun or sent into total panic.

Also: Aliens do exist in Gundam 00. And they shapeshift.

Since being based off of the crazy shit we see in EGS, the GN Drives literally are magical, and GN Particles are literal pixie dust, hence they can evolve (transform) beings into higher/different states, facilitate psychic communication, teleportation, seem to favor androgynous prettyboys (Tedd is vain, after all), magically heal people (according to the sidestory manga), and turn child soldiers into badasses.

But why use giant robots? Simple, Tedd's a gigantic nerd.

tl;dr - Tiera looks like Tedd, amirite?

Tedd inherited his glow from his father.[]

Look closely at the last panel of this comic.

Tedd's mother is Mr. Raven[]

I'll even say this is far-fetched, but Gender swapping technology exists in this universe, and Raven definitely has a deeper connection to Tedd than what we knew before the Death Sentence arc began.

Tedd is using Sarah to test the failsafes on the watch.[]

So, Tedd (yes, that's Tedd) just handed Sarah a watch ... which, when Sarah pushed the button, did nothing. Why would he have to test this?

Simple. The watch is supposed to only work when the intent of the user is somehow formatted correctly. Sarah needed to be oblivious because oblivious-Sarah will be neither intentionally focusing in the way that the watch requires to work, nor intentionally not focusing in the way the watch requires to work. -- User:Robin Zimm

Lord Tedd[]

Tedd's dream foreshadows that Tedd's mother sent Lord Tedd over the edge/Tedd will become Lord Tedd[]

Firstly, observe Tedd's dream at the end of Painted Black. In the first comic, Tedd (apparently a child now) sees a grave. Between this and the second comic, Tedd undergoes a swift transformation into a being very similar to Lord Tedd. As for the part about Tedd's mother; it is possible that the grave shown is, in fact, the grave of Lord Tedd's mother - if the second theory is incorrect, this means that while our Tedd handled it pretty well, Lord Tedd lost his marbles when he heard of this, using what seems to be Uryuom technology to strike down... something.

As for the second part, the ominous words in the strip, when translated, reads; "Death. It Is Time For The End Of Man. This Master of Fire Shall Inherit The Earth. My Very Presence Eatyc Awai(a?) At Your Flesh". Now, "eatyc awaia" aren't words. I have come up with two ideas about what they could mean; awaia is a typo of "awaits"; this doesn't allow "eatyc" to mean anything. If this is true, it becomes "Death. It Is Time For The End Of Man. This Master of Fire Shall Inherit The Earth. My Very Presence Awaits At Your Flesh." If we assume "my very presence" to be Lord Tedd's, the pieces fall into place. The other idea is that "eatyc awaia" means "eats away", which would be guilt... but that's a slightly different theory.

  • I always assumed it was "eats away", and since it does say "flesh", that implies literalism more than a spiritual metaphor. (I thought it had something to do with Damien's fire power before realizing it was supposed to be Lord Tedd and not some defeated/otherworldly version of Damien.)

Damien had something to do with Lord Tedd[]

Using the above quote from the translated text in Tedd's dream; "Death. It Is Time For The End Of Man. This Master of Fire Shall Inherit The Earth. My Very Presence Eatyc Awai(a?) At Your Flesh". In-comic, it is established that Damien is this "master of fire" or some such; perhaps Damien conquered Lord Tedd's Earth and Lord Tedd is attempting to take it back or some such. The idea of "my very presence" meaning Damien's, means that if "eatyc awaia" means "eats away", Lord Tedd might be some form of Tedd/Damien hybrid or some such.

Alternately, Damien might have killed the male or female doppelganger of Elliot in Lord Tedd's world. Think back to how Tedd reacted here and here and imagine what Damien's killing of his best friend (or lover) would have done to him, particularly if he blamed his kindness and non-combatant status for that loss.

  • Sounds likely. I'd think Damien was already dead, though, considering General Shade Tail is around and apparently kicking ass (especially likely if "Lord Tedd" isn't an empty title).
  • Sounds very likely. Let's assume that Damion pulled the same thing in the Lord Tedd 'verse and wiped out the chimera project when Shadetail was still a small child, then took Shadetail under his wing. Shadetail, in that universe an aggressive young man, is influenced by Damion's A God Am I attitude, and takes after him, becoming a Card-Carrying Villain. Then he takes a Klingon Promotion, and we've got a Big Bad much worse than Damien on our hands. That meshes fine with the Lord Tedd theory, assuming that Damion got to Tedd through Tedd's father's work spying on the chimera project, and he breaks Lord Tedd before Shadetail kills Damien and moves into his position. As it's been established that Shadetail may be pulling Lord Tedd's strings.
    • Alternately, Shadetail didn't take the Klingon Promotion, and there's another level to the intrigue surrounding Lord Tedd, or the Damien/Tedd hybrid theory is correct.
  • Maybe Damien conquered the world and Lord Tedd took it over from him?
    • World or not, it seems they are or (more likely) were enemies in something like a chimera civil war — maybe Lord Tedd is an Evil Overlord, but when compared with Damien, well... even before Nioi's influence.

Perhaps it's worth considering that in Tedd's dream in sleepy time, when he has become Lord Tedd and kills what is attacking him, a silhouette strongly resembling General Shade Tail can be seen watching. Perhaps killing Damian, or whatever that thing was, was one of the first steps in Lord Tedd's devolution into evil, or at the very least the start of Shade Tail's control over him.

Lord Tedd is the Damien of his universe.[]

Based on the guess that Tedd is part Uryuom egg (or even without that, if Lord Tedd's parents were simply press-ganged into the project) and he or his shade referring to what is most likely himself as "this Master of Fire". The Damien project simply took place with a different primary genetic source, so the Shade Tail project may have been affected (or undone) by this in any one of many ways. The Elliot of Lord Tedd's universe may have been killed (or at least driven away) by his Power Incontinence, and Tedd's glowing may be a result of EGS Tedd being part of a similar but separate project, or the walls of the worlds thinning.

Lord Tedd shares a similar second life like Ellen.[]

Lord Tedd may be having similar second life dreams to live out with someone similar to the friend he lost, because any Elliot/Ellen will do, which may result in some sort of story arc where he kidnaps Ellen/Elliot (Though more likely Ellen, since Elliot's been kidnapped already).

  • Alternatively - he shared THE SAME second life - this little Tedd that had a crush on Ellen was him.
    • Supported by the fact that Alternate!Tedd shares Lord Tedd's hairstyle.
  • Second alternate: Lord Tedd is an aged-up and buff duplicate of the original Alpha Tedd, getting his soul aged by Nioi. Beta Tedd hasn't figured this out yet, and Nioi decided that Ellen would likely react badly if she found out.

Relating to the above, Lord Tedd's Freudian Excuse ties into his connection with Alternate!Ellen, and Ellen's implanted dreams are in fact Nioi's secret insurgent weapon[]

Lord Tedd harbored a deep attraction to Alternate!Ellen from an early age, as, among other things, Ellen assisted him in developing some self-respect. At some point Ellen did something (or something happened to her) that drove him over the edge, seeking out the power necessary to "weed out the weak Tedds" (how that ties into Ellen's whateveritis we'll have to find out later). His quest for Universal dominance/killing "weak" Tedds drives Nioi from his stronghold, seeking a way to destroy him. Having somehow found out about Tedd's feelings of weakness about Ellen (which perhaps ties into the creation of Kaoli), she leaves for the standard EGS-verse to find an appropriate Ellen-host to accumulate the necessary memories to strike down Lord Tedd when he arrives and assist Kaoli's development- two birds with one stone. When it comes time to fight Lord Tedd, he will be defeated by Ellen. With a kickball and hugs.

Again tying into the above, Nioi is lying; Kaoli's creation is intentional[]

Similar to Ellen, Kaoli is her backup weapon, having played an (admittedly lesser) part in Tedds life, and thus knowing his emotional "sweet spots". We never see her depart the alternate universe, which may mean that Nioi left her there so she could see Lord Tedd's development in Alternate!Tedd.

Lord Tedd's Ultimate Goal[]

As stated somewhere above, the Goo creature's statement of "kill weak Tedd" can be interpreted as "Kill Tedds that are too weak", not necessarily "Kill all other Tedds because they are inferior to Lord Tedd". Perhaps in the hopes of "atoning" for his inability to save his own Ellen, he has sought out the other Tedds to test them and strengthen them so that they may defend their respective Elliots/Ellens. Perhaps eventually Lord Tedd performs a Heel Face Turn and becomes a (admittedly traumatized and morally ambiguous) mentor figure for the cast?

  • Alternatively, the "kill weak Tedd" could be due to Lord Tedd wanting to prevent any other Tedds from becoming another Lord Tedd. If he is trying to stop something from happening to Ellen/Elliot, it's possible Lord Tedd directly caused it to happen, and wants to make sure he's not around to cause it in any other universe.

Tying into all of the above, Nioi has created a Stable Time Loop[]

In seeking out the perfect weapon against Lord Tedd, she has inadvertently caused his creation.

  • This WMG is impossible for two reasons: first of all time travel doesn't exist in the EGS multiverse and second of all Nioi didn't create or modify the Second Life Universe; she merely pulled the memories from it. Even if all the above theories are true, Nioi's involvement never affected the past.

Lord Tedd's Gauntlet is derived from the TF Gun technology[]

They share some design elements when Lord Tedd's in his "creepy" form: the color scheme and "twisty-dial" are awfully similar. Considering it's owner, it probably has considerably uglier effects.

Lord Tedd's origin.[]

Jumping on the "Lord Tedd" ball, specifically the one about Kaoli, Tedd's dream in the above-linked-to panel shows that something put Lord Tedd in a childlike state and drove him over the edge. I have written a purely-WMG explanation below for why it might be Ellen's grave, which may turn out to be several WMGs in one.

Okay, let's say Damien and the rest of the Quirky Miniboss Squad converged on Moperville, and took it over with Shade Tail's help. Ellen and Tedd realized they had to stop him, so they organized a resistance-which failed horribly, and succeeded only because Shade Tail turned traitor because he wanted the power for himself. Somewhere along the way, Tedd lost an arm and made a replacement out of the TF gun. Ellen and Tedd eventually got close enough to Damien to kill him, but lost Ellen in the process, causing a major stress-induced awakening in Tedd that drove him insane and killed Damien. The now deranged Tedd became Lord Tedd, and gained immense power over his world, to the point that he could refer to Shade Tail, his now-subordinate, as "General." He created Nioi because he was lonely, and Nioi-after seeing, somehow, what Lord Tedd could become if Shade Tail corrupted him further, noticed her clone Kaoli (or she created her intentionally, see WMG on Kaoli's creation above) and used magic to catapult her into the past, at the same time planning to plant memories of Kaoli and Alternate!Ellen and Tedd in Ellen's head as a weapon to use against Lord Tedd if he became too corrupted and tried to attack the EGS-verse, or any other universes.

As for why he sent the Goo, I think he has a Noein-ish motive-he was was convinced by Nioi to eliminate the suffering of the other Tedds by sending monsters to strengthen them or give them allies to fall back on in case something threatened to make them like Lord Tedd. I know it's a lot of Xanatos Hyperspeed Chess I'm expecting of Nioi, but what do we really know about her?

As for the thing in Tedd's dream, I have no clue. Maybe it's an ally of Pandora?

On that note, there's a lot of WMGs about Tedd.

Nioi is from a different point in the timeline as the Lord Tedd we saw[]

Where and when she comes from, Lord Tedd hasn't completed his transformation into the man willing to kill all other Tedds. Something happens after her adventures that makes him go into evil full-time.

  • And she gets killed in the course of these adventures, leading to Lord Tedd's breakdown and change of heart.
  • Alternately, she's from after he pulls a Heel Face Turn. She knows he's not that bad because she's seen the good in him, even after he became Lord Tedd. She contacted the main cast to let them know that he could be redeemed, so when they finally meet him, Defeat Means Friendship will happen instead of Karmic Death. Stable Time Loop!
  • Since time travel doesn't exist in the EGS multiverse but visiting time displaced dimensions is possible there are implications for this WMG. If Nioi is from before Lord Tedd's transformation then she came from an Alpha-like Universe which is "behind" the one whose Lord Tedd sent the Goo. If Lord Tedd pulled a Heel Face Turn prior to Nioi arrival then either that happened between the second Goo fight and Nioi's arrival (which was about a month) or he did so in a different Alpha-like Universe which is "ahead" of the main universe. The specifics of when or if Lord Tedd's Heel Face Turn took place determines if it is possible for Nioi to be actually from the same universe as the one whose Lord Tedd sent the Goo.

== The grave shown in Tedd's dream is that of the Alpha universe equivalent of Elliot/Ellen. == This has been suggested to be what drove Lord Tedd over the edge.

  • Hmm... Made more likely by the fact that every Tedd we've seen but Lord Tedd has had an Elliot close at hand. Three out of five Tedds have had crushes on their Elliots, and two out of those three have ended up in romantic relationships with their Elliots. Could have been foreshadowed by Beta Tedd bringing up the subject of Elliot's alternate, especially if the thread directly below turns out to be right, and Beta is evil. Elliot does seem to be a strong common Tedd factor that Lord Tedd is missing.
    • Dan has also said that most of the time, Elliot and Tedd end up together in universes where they are compatible.

== The Goo was not really meant to kill 'weak Tedd' but was a test of ability. == Or alternately, was only one part of some long-term plan of Lord Tedd's. Dan has specifically stated that none of the alternate Goos succeeded in their mission to kill the Tedds. Perhaps they never were meant to kill them at all? This would fit with Nioi's claim that Lord Tedd has been misunderstood by the others.

  • In fast, "kill weak Tedd" can easily be translated as "kill Tedd if he's weak", and the fact all Tedds survived just means that none are.
    • Of course, it's also possible that beta Tedd is either part of the test or just plain wrong.
      • This tropers theory is that BETA is evil, and LT isn't. All LT info that says he's bad comes from Beta, so how can we trust him?
        • Grace found a still of Beta Tedd unaccountably creepy.
          • Um... no she didn't. She found the still of Lord Tedd creepy.
    • Alternatively, given that we've seen that Ted has begun to construct his own sinister gauntlet, 'Kill weak Tedd' may not mean a test: the dangerous threat the goo poses is meant to start the 'weak' Tedds on the path to becoming 'strong' like Lord Tedd sees himself.
  • Or that the secondary form of the goos is meant to control the Tedds. It would explain the "High powered squishable" form. And an army of The Virus controlled wacky mad scientists is nothing to sneeze at.
  • Maybe Lord Tedd just wants to make sure that all his alternate counterparts will be strong enough to stop whatever happened in his universe.
    • ...that is, Damien?
  • That would also explain the whole "prepared set of curse words" thing. The Goo didn't need to feel anger, but to make it seem like a threat, it would have to appear as pretty obviously dangerous. Since the Goo was semi-sentient (as evidenced by the fact that it could hold a discussion on logic with Ellen), it couldn't just be programed to swear--it had to be taught to swear, and pretend to be dangerous. Yes, I understand that it was comic relief. However, that arc happened in the transition phase where EGS was only half taking itself seriously, and it's not the first time Dan's made a Retcon to develop a one-off joke and/or complexify a backstory.

Beta Tedd is the one trying to kill all the Tedds, not Lord Tedd[]

Nioi already said that we don't know what we think we know about Lord Tedd, and Beta Tedd so far is the only one who has mentioned Lord Tedd wanting to kill Tedd. Sounds like a classic case of the villain trying to pin crimes on a hero.

Tedd's father will die[]

Lord Tedd's glove/gauntlet thingy is his dimension's Damien[]

In the Alpha universe, rather than trying to create a god to fulfill the prophesy, the scientists created a symbiotic device/artifact, much like the Zanaffar Armor from Slayers, meant to produce the same kind of powers the god was supposed to have. However the Damien Gauntlet project was a failure in that it would slowly drive whoever wore one increasingly monstrous and psychotic. When Nioi goes to the main dimension she isn't referring to General Shade Tail when she thinks "He's corrupting you," but Damien, and she wants to find info on other dimensions' Shade Tails so she can try to figure out a way to destroy the Damien Gauntlet without severely injuring or killing Lord Tedd while General Shade Tail is willing to just kill him should it come to that. As for how Lord Tedd got a Damien Gauntlet, he was able to use his father's connections to either locate one or create his own to fight off somebody else who had already succumbed to their Gauntlet, explaining the dream Tedd has where he sees Lord Tedd blasting a demonic figure.

Lord Tedd=Lady Tess?[]

The Alpha universe is the AF 04 universe. Tess is a mad scientist, but studies dimensions rather than transformations. After Elliot died in a lab accident, she started thinking "this is all my fault... if he hadn't been here, this wouldn't have happened!" and Awakened, transforming into the first form she could think of that wouldn't have been with Elliot. The gauntlet is for defense against Things That Should Not Be from between the worlds, and the goo monsters were to warn the other Tedds against messing with dimensions.

Lord Tedd will try to kill/has killed Terra[]

If the theory of Terra being Another AU version of Tedd and Lord Tedd it can be possible.

There's more than one Lord Tedd[]

  • Nioi's Lord Tedd is not the same Lord Tedd who's menaced the cast from afar. She's unaware of this, which is why she thinks they're misunderstanding her kindly Lord.
    • There could (of course) be more than one Lord Tedd even if the only one we've seen so far has been Nioi's Lord Tedd. Our Tedd had a nightmare about turning into Lord Tedd, so the potential is probably there for every Tedd to turn into a Lord Tedd.

There are TWO Lord Tedds[]

Just compare them they are TOO different to be only art evolution...or a change of personality.

  • Seems plausible to me. The other is less bulky, more androgynous, and the more evil one doesn't appear to be wearing the necklace/pendant the the nicer Lord Tedd is.
    • This would also imply that there are two General Shade Tails.
      • But, maybe, just ONE Nioi...

The alternate Tedd Ellen met in her dreams is Lord Tedd[]

  • She says he "started out shorter and grew up taller" than our Tedd, which is in keeping with Tedd's dream with the gravestone- he starts by wondering "why am I so short?" and then turns into Lord Tedd. This, of course, implies that either Lord Tedd is a product of the diamond, or that a copy of him was made at some point, which Nioi "nose beeped" into the dream-world with Ellen and Kaoli.
    • Using only confirmed info, Second-Life Tedd can't be Lord Tedd since Lord Tedd is Nioi's master and Second-Life Tedd was part of a universe in which Kaoli existed in place of Nioi. That is not to say that Lord Tedd didn't have a youth that was similar to Second-Life Tedd's, only that they can't be the exact same person. However, If one assumes there are two Lord Tedd's it brings up the possibility that the evil-looking Lord Tedd had Kaoli as his servant while the kind-looking one had Nioi and thus evil-looking Lord Tedd would be the same person as Second-Life Tedd in that case.


  • Why? well, first of all, we have Grace's Evil, Hot and male counterpart as his general. Later, we have the alternate Tedd with Ellen as his girlfriend. So, in some points, these universe are pretty similar in some points, in others, they are pretty different, Specially in Tedd's friends, and maybe, Lord Tedd's universe is, except for Ellen's existence and Nioi, pretty similar to the hero's universe. Now, in some point Tedd's started to become evil but not heartless so, I don't think that he has killed his friends. I think that maybe, they become part of his army(you can't being called "lord" without one) and they are pretty much powerful(and a little different) that the main characters. If we think that Nioi is Ellen's EvilCounterpart then there will be some other. And i think that they are the opposite, like:
    • Alpha universe's Elliot = more wild and less mature.
    • Alpha universe's Nanase = Not lesbian and with spell for fights instead of all those "hiding spells" that Nanase hated so much. She never broke with Elliot.
    • Alpha universe's Tiffany = she doesn't hate men, the opposite, she loves them. Oh, and she is expert in the use of a lot weapons, with an entire arsenal to choose. She doesn't dye her hair.
    • Alpha universe's Justin = heterosexual, and more...aggressive.
    • Alpha universe's Sarah = with her, I have a crazy theory (yes, more crazy than the things I wrote before). First of all, she never becomes Elliot's girlfriend, beacuse Elliot never loved her, but Nanase. So, she decided to give up with men forever, started to practice martial arts, with Justin as her personal trainer, harder and harder to be as powerful as Elliot or Nanase, and make an important, ask Tedd...TO MAKE HER A MALE PERMANENTLY! that way, she will never have any hope like with Elliot. In exchange, Sarah's become, after Shade Tail, his first soldier and most powerful soldier, again, except for Shade Tail. So, these "Sarah" is a lot more powerful and useful than the main character's universe.
      • Aaand, yes. Nioi says that maybe Shade Tail's the one corrupting Lord Tedd, but remember when Ellen mentioned that she thinks that Tedd is pretty and she(and Elliot the first, time being woman) would date with him if she has the opportunity. Now, with Nioi, if she is Ellen's evil counterpart, and she and Lord Tedd seem to have some kind of relationship and, if we combine these things together, Wellll...
      • Any particular reason you're switching sexualities and not genders?
      • Well, remember the grave; I stand by the theory that Lord Tedd's Elliot is dead. But of course the others are the other "pets" that General Shadetail alluded to! Hmmm... Sarah is male, and named Sam. He's become an expert in Uryuom and other advanced technology to compensate for not having magic like the others. Why yes, I am being influence by his resemblance to Quatre.

Mr. Verres[]

Mr. Verres has some sort of spell related to making his absurd cover-ups work[]

Such a spell would certainly be in line with his personality, fitting the magic system of the work, and, considering that EGS is not a world of stupidity, Most Definitely Not a Villain should not work without additional justification.

Mr. Verres has taken care of the Lord Tedd situation[]

He probably wouldn't kill an other-dimensional version of his son unless it came down to his having to jump between Lord Tedd and his own Tedd. However, the man's crafty and before his promotion, very powerful - he's probably done something to curtail Lord Tedd.

Or maybe just talked to him.

Beta Tedd is the same Tedd from Ellen's second life[]

Second life Ted and Beta Tedd are both attracted to Ellen. Nothing is said of Ellen's relationships after Archie, and she easily could have gotten together with Tedd. Both Ellens are sexually active, which is uncommon in EGS.

Other Characters[]

Catalina isn't merely a theme character, but the subject of an Uryuom breeding project.[]

Her powers will manifest thanks to stress caused by something to do with Susan.

  • Or: Catalina is a were-bobcat and has yet to undergo her First Change (or however natural pure-human shifters work in this universe).

Nioi is the same species as Saturos and Menardi[]

I mean, look at them

The new Jerry will be named Zeus.[]

Tedd's Mom has magical abilities and/or immortal connections[]

Jerry seemed very aware of Tedd's identity but hesitated before identifying his father as the reason. Could that mean Tedd's mom is notorious in immortal circles?

  • We've seen that Nanase's mom has pull in Mr. Verres' organization, and knows more about Nanase's abilities than she ought to, which suggests that Nanase's mom's sister may have similar knowledge.

Agent Cranium is a Uryuom.[]

Pretty flimsy, given that the only evidence is this sketchbook entry (note the antennae on Cranium). Might-or-might-not indicate that Agent Wolf is also one.

If this is true, it would indicate that Agent Wolf's habit of pointing out how obviously alien Lavender is isn't just him being Agent Mulder: it's him telling her to seriously consider getting a better Human form, as there are obviously better ones out there. Or maybe he's just teasing her about how bad she is at morphing.

Sarah will learn to summon creatures[]

That could be perfect for her.

Sirleck is possessing Arthur J. Arthur.[]

  • What else could explain his sudden change of heart? Jerry said he was much more concerned with keeping secrets than helping people, so why would he suddenly explain everything now? It must be part of the Dark Alliance's plan.

Greg will start teaching Sarah Anime-Style Martial Arts anyway.[]

Even though Greg's not keeping the dojo open, he's got everyone else's assurance that Sarah would not turn into a psychopathic killer if given, basically, superpowers.

  • Or, Elliot might be able to teach her something.
    • Or, she'll start taking regular martial arts lessons.

Amanda and Lisa are going to be an item[]

Seven words: her tag has an L on it.


 Chika: Amanda, go change into something alluring but appropriate that doesn't make it look like you don't know how to dress yourself. I will answer questions while you do.

Amanda: But I don't know what that is!

Lisa: [rushing to their sides] I'LL HELP!

Chika: Of course you will.


Amanda, Lisa, and Chika were in high school during the current storyline[]

They're really answering questions in the future. In fact, the reason they are answering these questions is because they were there when it happened. Dan decided to make a historical fiction off of the strange happenings in Moperville and uses them as council to make sure he gets the details right.

== The Verreses are related to the Greens in College Roomies From Hell!!!, while the Kitsunes are related to the Moneymakers in Exploitation Now! == OK, this hair color theory stuff is getting out of hand...

Mr Tensaided will end up thinking Sarah is Cheerleadra[]

After all, if, as Susan claimed, Elliot was actually the Lois Lane to Cheerleadra's Superman, that would imply that Elliot's girlfriend was Superman.


Dan intends to produce the page image for as many tropes as possible[]

  • For starters, we do know that he is quite familiar with this site. He wanted to stand out here as much as possible, and knew that he couldn't possibly compete with Rich Barlow for most Trope Overdosed webcomic. However, he realized that he already had several page images, and has designed several recent strips with the primary intention of being used as a page image here. Just look at the page image for Jossed. How could that not be intentional? However, he does occasionally mess up and forget that the "somewhere an x is crying" tropes don't include a physicist, for example.

Dan Shive posted one or more of these theories in order to either screw with people's expectations or hint at future reveals.[]

Evidence: He's used trope names and linked to the site before, so it's very likely that he's at least AWARE of this page. Yeah, it's all circumstantial and suppositional, but...

  • I do NOT! Oops... (Just kidding, I'm not Dan.)
    • ...or am I?
      • No. No, I'm not.
  • wait. How do we know that THIS theory isn't posted by Dan to throw us off other theories in this page? I'm on to you Dan!
    • Well, here's a test to see if he's really been here: What would Elliot's FV 1 form look like? Hmm, Dan?
      • Panel 4?
        • Darn. I thought I was on to something. I guess I forgot about that.
    • How about Elliot's FV 2 form?

Panel 5 of Q&A #5, page 7 is a reference to the cheese shop sketch from Monty Python's Flying Circus.[]

Susan is the best analogue to John Cleese's character in the cheese shop sketch among the EGS cast, and "fresh out of" is the first thing the cheese shop owner gives as an excuse.


== Mr. Raven is some kind of vampire that can survive during the day. == I mean, just look at those teeth! And he's f*** ing insane! He's gotta be a vampire!

  • I had pegged him for a transformed form of the hunting summon monster.
  • Either Our Vampires Are Different, or he's wearing SPF Infinity Sunblock.
  • And he's apparently been around for quite some time: Nanase mentioned he had already taught her mother.
    • That's just plain odd considering Nanase's mother is a Japanese immigrant.
      • Japanese, not necessarily an immigrant. She could be first-generation.
      • Have you ever considered that Raven may be some kind of Watcher? A Giles to Nanase's Buffy?
        • The problem with that, given that Nanase got her magic from the Immortals, would be that it would imply that Raven worked for the Immortals. Which is... unlikely, given the conflicting personalities involved.
  • Jossed...perhaps. Raven is a wizard, at least.
    • Huh. Jossed: he's an elf.
    • Extra specifically jossed here.

Mr. Raven WAS some kind of vampire.[]

He was "cured" by the Dewitchery Diamond and his magic has duplicated some of his old vampiric abilities and appearance. This would also nicely explain his seeming knowledge of the Bloodgrem, considering Rocky would've tracked down Raven and his Abomination.

  • Could this mean that there's a raging, thirsting, mindless super-vampire Raven running around? Makes this troper think of D Shive's original plan for Painted Black, before he made Hedge the Grace-hunter.
  • Perhaps, perhaps not. He clearly knew about the diamond before meeting its creator, but he insists that it's common knowledge (and a cautionary tale).
  • Unlikely, given the latest sketch. To quote: "Um, I'm... I'm not a vampire..."
  • And very specifically jossed here

Tedd's mother taught Susan and Nanase magic[]

  • This is a bit of a stretch, but they both apparently learned it while in Paris, and it's mentioned that Tedd's mother is somewhere in Europe. If she's a witch of some sort if might also explain why Tedd glows when emotional.
    • Sorry, but it was the two Immortals currently following Elliot around that gave them magic. Now, that doesn't mean the female one can't be his mom, but wrong hair color (last I checked).
    • When did we see her hair colour?
      • The female immortal's hair is shown as being pink, as for Tedd's mother I don't think we've ever actually seen her on panel or had her described. There's also Mr. Verres line about there being "a reason" he knows so much about immortals.
        • Mr. Verres's hair is blue. What color do you get when you cross pink with blue?
        • Dan has specifically stated that hair colour doesn't work that way.
    • Interesting theory, but I think Nanase would have mentioned that her aunt was the one who taught her magic... then again, it's not like she's ever explained it in depth, so I guess it's possible.
      • Who says Tedd's mother couldn't have been in disguise?
  • Jossed, we now know the actual backstory.

Diane is Susan's Nobody[]

The immortals mentioned that they messed up by thinking Susan and Nanase were strong enough to fight a monster during their class trip to Paris, so it's possible that her heart was stolen, creating a new person. Diane was taken in by Verres' organization and given a cover story to avoid suspicion. Add to that the fact that Diane is all of the things Susan wishes she could be: attractive, popular, and Diane definitely has a Les Yay relationship with Rhoda. it would also explain how Susan never met Diane, as well as why Nanase hates Diane

  • Given the origin of the term "nobody," shouldn't this be "Susan is Diane's Nobody" with that reasoning?
  • Jossed. Nanase and Justin apparently never noticed Susan and Diane's similarity to each other, and the full info on the trip to France cements it. Vampires don't steal hearts and Susan was saved by Nanase the first time and killed it the second time they fought.

Elliot is the copy.[]

Ellen isn't (Elliot+ female curse-Elliot+ fake Elliot body), she's (Elliot+ female curse), and Elliot is (Elliot+ female curse-female curse). The second life didn't have anything to do with "soul ages", it was just a way to calm her down so she felt more like a real person, and could make her own past that would help her get used to her future as a female, while distancing herself from Elliot's memories and helping... Niobe, I think, I'm probably wrong, mentally age up (not her soul, but her actual mind). It's not really going to matter much to Elliot, but it will likely give the Watcher a Heroic BSOD (allowing Ellen to escape) when he realizes all the fakes are the ones he let live, and the real ones were just under the influence of the curses. The "always a werewolf" thing was either myth mutation or a coding error in the diamond's powers. You have to admit, even with the always-a-werewolf thing, it makes just as much sense, and without it, it makes more sense, because why bother making an entirely new host to let the curse run around free in instead of some sort of immobile containment creature/amulet?

  • Jossed, because aside of Nioi's explanation of DD Epic Fail, Ellen was repeatedly identified as a magical creature. That, and Abe himself knows the difference.

Susan lost her ability to manifest Hammers when she used one of those hammers to hit someone who was picking on Tedd.[]

  • Pretty much Jossed. Losing the hammers was because the immortal who powers them is recalling his power.

Susan's hammer-summoning tapped into Nanase's magical power[]

It fits, since Nanase is clearly the magical one of the pair- and Susan could only ever summon the hammer. If she was tapping into Nanase's abilities when she summoned the hammer, it would not only explain why she never got any other spells despite frequent use, but also why the hammer won't appear after Nanase has been temporarily brought down to normal.

  • Sarah was using the hammers before she knew Nanase. It would have been rude for Sarah to be using Nanase's magic without her permission, and it would have been extremely rude of Susan to share the knowledge of how to tap Nanase's magic.
  • The Susan/Sarah conversations about the hammers mention just hammers, and that they're for use against offensive men. But Susan summoned a sword back during Sister, for use against the goo.
  • During Susan's oh so long ago brief summary of the Trip To France, she says "we gained access to magic". Her wording would be awkward if it's a case of "I'm bumming magic off Nanase". It suggests that they both got their own magic.
  • We haven't seen Nanase summon the hammers (except during the recent Trip To France exposition)
  • Thoroughly Jossed by the Hammerchlorians arc.

Elliot's magical ability given to him by the Dewitchery Diamond was not the ability to transform into female forms[]

Everyone assumed that the ability Elliot received was the ability to transform into female forms because he was in female form when he touched the diamond. However, when he used the belt to transform into a cat form, he retained the transformation as a natural ability. He also retained all the strengths and weaknesses of the original transformation (i.e., extreme fatigue for cat form). This reminds me of when Grace was able to acquire several hybrid forms by shooting herself with the transformation gun. The only reason why he can only turn into various female forms is because it's the only transformation (that's relatively painless) he's been through since touching the Dewitchery Diamond. The transformation gun (the true nature of his curse) requires the various forms to be programmed into it before said forms can be used. Perhaps Elliot's ability works the same way: He can only change into the forms that he 'programs' into himself by being transformed via external sources (the belt) or by creating variants with his mind (as opposed to a computer for the TF gun).

  • I thought that that was explicitly stated by Mr. Verres; Elliot's first few spells will involve turning into girls, yes, but he has been awakened to be a shapeshifter in general.
  • You're conflating the Dewitchery Diamond and Awakening. The Dewitchery Diamond separates the curse from the cursed, gives the curse a new permanent body and a way to spread itself, and allows the cursed to become a facsimile of the curse at will. Other forms can be added to either the curse or the cursed if added in a few hours of touching the Diamond. This is why Ellen can V5 people with her beam and didn't disappear after a month, and why Elliot can still turn into a girl and gained the ability to turn into a cat when he used the belt. However, Elliot had built up very high levels of magic energy from Anime-Martial Arts, which meant that when he touched the Diamond, both he and Ellen were Awakened. Normally, Awakening gives you spells related to your personality and what you do. However, Elliot and Ellen were awakened improperly, so they will gain abilities related to the curse first, then normal ones later. They are also suffering from energy build-up which forces them to use their spells if they don't cast them often. Elliot may gain cat-related spells, but that will only come after the girl ones are done.

Sarah will begin studying Anime Style Martial Arts at Greg's dojo[]

Elliot took her to the dojo early on, so it's not that far fetched. This will also provide an opportunity for a reasonable development of magic and character for her.

  • Jossed. The dojo is closing down and Greg seems reluctant to teach new people for fear of creating supervillains.
    • Well, fudge. I thought I was on to something.
      • Greg may still be willing to give Sarah private lessons. The others would most certainly vouch for her and Greg probably knows her well enough to believe there's little to no risk of her turning into a supervillain.

Mrs. Kitsune is Mr. Verres' replacement as head of the local MIB[]

Agent Cranium defers to her and Jerry says "His replacement is far more concerned with keeping secrets than helping people."

  • Seems unlikely. Cranium defers to her before Mr. Verres is fired, not afterward, and his superior wants to stop incidents like the near murder because of personal connections.
    • If Mrs. Kitsune was in line for Mr. Verres' position she likely would have been his deputy and thus Cranium's superior even before he was fired.
  • Jossed

Elliot will be stuck in his superhero alter-ego form and Ellen will have to zap him, thus returning Magus to physical form.[]

It seems plausible. After the situation with "Arthur" (Agent Wolf, perhaps?) blows over (or during it, if it lasts for a while), Elliot will try to morph back to himself, but be unable to. Elliot will think of using the TF gun to make himself able to transform again, but the TF gun will have been borrowed by Sarah or Susan for some nefarious purpose--perhaps to test the effectiveness of her hammers on various species? Anyway, someone will think of having Ellen zap Elliot to make him able to transform again, so they'll interrupt Ellen and Nanase's cuddling time to have her morph him back, but it will lead to Magus coming back instead.

Ellen and Nanase will break up soon.[]

Nanase is trying to get non-sneaky spells by being more open and honest about things. The things that she is admitting to seem very superficial (having short hair, wearing boots to give an illusion of height, etc) as opposed to revealing something of importance (being a closeted lesbian). Notice how in the most recent updates, Ellen looks saddened by Nanase's behavior. Ellen is very honest about who she is as a person. If Nanase continues to make all these unimportant changes as opposed to finally becoming comfortable with being a lesbian in public, it may form an unfixable crack in her relationship with Ellen.

  • They kinda addressed this already
    • Not necessarily. Just because Ellen wants to be with Nanase and is willing to try does not mean that she's actually capable of dealing with the reality of their relationship. If they're going to work out, Ellen and Nanase are both going to have to try a lot harder.
  • Looks kind of unlikely now, given Nanase's latest spell and her use of it. A break-up does not look imminent, given Nanase survives, of course.
    • She does. She also says she's tired of hiding, tells Ellen she loves her very much, and begs the Agency to let her tell all to her folks. I think a break-up is pretty well Jossed at this point, but who knows?.

Noah is the one who outted Justin.[]

  • Melissa is traditionally the one blamed for outting Justin, as she's the only person he told that he was gay. But she and Noah have been shown to be close. If they were close even when the date with Justin failed, she would have told him. And Noah has stated before that he hates keeping secrets. He's also really awkward in social situations and blurts out random things without realizing how people will feel about them. He seems to me like the kind of person who would have told people about Justin's sexuality without realizing what the consequences would be to Justin and Melissa's friendship would be until it was too late.
  • Nope. Melissa told her gossipy sister.

Ellen is infertile.[]

We know that it's impossible for a man transformed by the TF gun to get pregnant, and she's basically a transformed Elliot. My guess is that transformed individuals don't even menstruate, since I don't think menstruation is among Tedd's fetishes.

    • Jossed...years ago. In grace's party, she...he...whatever explain that it's impossible to a male turned into female to get the very first night he turned into a she. several days have to pass to get pregnant...which for some reason, kinda make sense...anyway, the point is that Ellen can get pregnant.
      • She has periods after all.

The Child Left Behind is the one that summoned the fire-that-isn't-fire thing[]

S/he discovered that Grace was in Moperville thanks to Abraham's attack. S/he summoned the creature in an attempt to make Grace to appear and fight.

Magus is an alternate universe version of the party leader from the MUD[]

The eyes are a bit different, which leads to the 'alternate universe' bit.

  • This would mean that Dan Shive himself is inhabiting one of the universes in his comic--it's certainly not our world he lives in.
      • therefore, it is to some degree a webcomic about himself.
  • I always though the party leader was Noah. Not much to go besides the hair, but if it made sense it wouldn't be wild mass guessing would it?
    • Confirmed in apr27, 2011 strip.
  • Original idea Jossed, it was Noah.

Noah and Tedd are half siblings[]

  • Terra and Magus were Noah's parents, and once Magus dissappeared, Terra went to Verres's organization to help find him. They fell in love and had Tedd, but ultimately Terra grew restless and ran off to be a model in Europe. Noah's apparent age discrepency is due to being born of two people of strong magical talent, he ages slower. Tedd presumably has some magical power as well, but Mr. Verres helped focus it and his latent raw energy powers the TF Gun. Presumably, Lord Tedd is a formidable enemy because he has fully mastered his magical talents and merged them with his own inventions.
    • Terra and Magus are from another universe, Noah's parents died, and the TF Gun runs off its own power since other people can use it (not to mention the uryuoms who created it and gave it to Tedd to tinker with). Tedd and Lord Tedd having latent magical power may be valid.

Dex is a former student of Greg[]

Come on! why would he go to the dojo if it weren't because he knew Greg?

  • Jossed. Dex was manipulated into going to the dojo while under the influence of whoever was able to get through the disorientation his pendant caused. Dex has seen Greg before though at an anime convention when Greg was cosplaying as Chun-Li.

Dex has learned Comics-Style Martial Arts.[]

  • Sensei Greg obtained his abilities by watching a ton of anime. What's to say somebody who reads a similar amount of superhero comics wouldn't gain similar abilities? Especially since at the beginning of the arc, Greg and Justin mentioned the Super Mutant Principle...
  • Jossed. Currently Dex can only summon a fairy under his own power. The other summons and abilities were due to a temporary boost in power via the pendant he wore. Also, he never displays fighting skills at all during the battle let alone Anime-Style Martial Arts.

Dex - the creepy comic book guy - is Sirleck's new host[]

They have the same speech bubbles, and as of today (4/8/11), it has been revealed that Dex is the summoner of the fire monster

Dex’s Fairy is Reborn Jerry[]

  • (Fairy Jerry, Faerry for short.) On the grounds that Dex got his spellgraving the day Jerry died, and first summoned her the next, at much the same time as Susan was showing her version of the summon-fairy spell to Nanase... This is Jerry's way of staying close to those he’s promised to help, though in unrecognisable form for now. Not a greatly different form from the other recently-reborn immortals as it happens, and suitably styled for Dex’s taste... But has some other power intervened to “entertain”ingly impact the outcome while Faerry is still “out of commission”? Ah... While we’re at it, Dex is Susan’s father, some years on, having been chewed up and spat out by his ex and discovered the important things in life (comics and sparkly things). Jerry may not have grasped the whole of their relationship at short notice – or maybe he did and knows there’s a potential reconciliation on the go (and Dex will make a much better father now than in his erstwhile effort), so she’s in the perfect place. When she grows a bit she can go to school and join the feminist club, thus being a position to help, and also to watch Susan occasionally wield hammers, which may help with memory and anyway, Jerry was into it.
    • Dex's fairy is a summon, Jerry is an immortal. Immortals can't be summons since they are fundamentally different. Fairy summons are not baby immortals. Immortals can pretend to be summons as Pandora pretended to be Nanase's summon briefly but that's about it. Immortals are not supposed to intervene in the lives of mortals other than guide or empower them so even if Jerry wanted to pretend to be Dex's fairy summon he couldn't without breaking the laws of the Immortals.

Terra is Tedd's Mother[]

The reason she wasn't around for Tedd's childhood is because she left to train with Magus.

    • Terra and Magus belong to a different universe. Magus was brought from that universe into the spiritual plane of the main universe.

The Reaper is good, while Mr. Raven is evil.[]

the reason why Mr. Raven is gathering students is so he has his own personal army to battle the Reaper.

  • Not too wild there, it looks to me like the Reaper's job is to clear up the mess when the Diamond is used. The whole Vow thing may just nudge him over into Well-Intentioned Extremist, but I'd place a fairly significant sum of money on a Heel Face Turn, quite possibly after discovering that Ellen is the result of a lab accident rather than a true curse.
    • Half-Jossed - The Reaper is conflicted, but Raven (at this writing) loses a fight to protect Ellen by being too merciful.

Magus is Raven's father.[]

He's a mortal, trapped in the immortal plain. He shows--well, used to show--loyalty to Chaos. It's not a huge logical leap.

  • I'm not sure that is possible. Magus comes from an alternate dimension and was blasted into the spirit realm of the main universe due to sabotage. Additionally, he would probably have been more protective of Raven at the end of Sister II if he was Raven's father.
    • Also, Raven has been around for centuries, Magus has only been trapped for 2 years (we know because of the flashback to when it happened, there was an explicit "2 years ago", both for Magus's home dimension and the one the main characters are in).

After Ellen's memories of her alternate life come to their endpoint, Alternate Ellen dies.[]

Without an intelligent mind to drive the Alternate!Ellen body, she simply lies comatose in bed on the first day of college, eventually dying. Naturally, this is what drives Alternate!Tedd over the edge.

  • Pretty sure it doesn't work that way. Alternate!Ellen seems to be her own person, and was almost certainly not guided by Main!Ellen in any way. She might have gotten a bit of a weird feeling from suddenly losing her other soul, but that's probably it.

Tedd is a Time Lord.[]

And the TF Gun is his Tardis

Immortals are Timelords[]

Think about it.

Ellen's favorite T-shirt is a Shout-Out to Ash Upton from Misfile.[]

  • Perhaps it's the other way 'round. Which one came first?
  • Ellen appearing in EGS pre-dates the start of Misfile by years. Ellen starts wearing that particular shirt about a year before Misfile started. Yes, this troper has way too much time on his hands.
    • Ah, but isn't Ash an Expy of a Building 12 character?

Greg is awake without realizing it.[]

Verres says that one way to awaken without having to deal with overflowing energy buildups is to "study hard" for it. Greg spent 168 hours (one week) watching anime and ended up unlocking his Ki powers. Connection?

  • Greg is Dreaming, most likely, the pre-Awake state. Awakening means gaining your own spells and and then using the weird experience system to gain more. Dreaming refers to anyone not awake who can use spells of some kind, like Susan's chest-summoning, Ellen's beam, and Elliot's ability shapeshift into a girl. Greg developed Anime Martial-arts, whose higher techniques use magic energy, as well as building up magic energy. Greg probably could awaken at this point, but he needs other magic beings to do so.

Commander Jaguar (from the end of Painted Black) was the original genetic source for Shade Tail[]

No proof, but they do kind of look similar...

  • The original genetic sources for Shade Tail consisted of a naturally strong human male, in addition to the uryuom, squirrel and lespuko sources. Commander Jaguar on the other hand appears to be a seyunolu of some kind and is almost certainly not human.

== Jerry will be called in by Grace to help calm down the Boar in response to Raven's request. == Okay, come on. Raven almost asks OUTRIGHT for the Serenity-Inducing-Fluffy-Animal-Attack. After all the fuss Dan put into it, [read the commentary below] I refuse to believe the awesomeness will not be used again. Plus, it's a good way to reintroduce Jerry! ...Who's just carried out his own Death Sentence OH SHI-!

Confirmed or Partially Confirmed[]

Tedd's mother is Nanase's Mother's sister[]

  • Tedd and Nanase have similar features while their fathers do not.
    • Doesn't explain the names though.
      • I think you have a severe misunderstanding of how maiden names work.
        • And I think you have a severely obsolete understanding of how maiden names work. These days anything goes. I even know someone who changed all of her names (first, last, and middle) when she got married.
          • "Severely Obsolete"? Try PROPER. A woman's maiden name in the traditional sense is also a woman's maiden name in the way it is supposed to be. Just because one person decided to completely change their name when they married does NOT mean that 'anything goes' when it comes to maiden names, it just means that the particular person wanted to deviate away from the tradition of keeping the maiden name as a middle name.
      • They could have followed the Japanese practice where the wife's family adopts the husband in order to preserve the family name in families without male heirs. Or the even more common practice of the wife keeping her maiden name. As for Nanase's name, you get whatever name your parents wrote on the birth certificate application. Using the father's name is not the law, just a tradition.
      • In this troper's country, the man is allowed to change his name to that of his wife's. Wouldn't be much of a stretch if Kitsune is the maiden name of Nanase's mother.
    • Makes sense to me. Weren't Ted and Nanase explicitly stated to be cousins?
      • Yup. Mr. Verres says that Nanase's mother is his "sister-in-law", which means that Tedd's mother is either the sister of Nanase's mother or father (it's not made clear which).
      • Sorry, doesn't work that way. in a strictly legal sense, one is only an in-law to a sibling's spouse. (Your brother's wife is you sister-in-law, your wife's brother is your brother-in-law, but his wife is your wife's sister-in-law, not yours. So Mr. Verres' can only truly be Nanase's uncle and her mother's brother-in-law if Mrs. Kitsune were married to his brother. Since that's probably not the case Dan Shive either doesn't understand this stuff either or likely simply doesn't care. Most people either don't know or don't care because the strict definition only matters when you're determining inheritance.
        • I'm voting for 'doesn't understand this either', as you must have either been involved in a lawsuit or make a hobby of researching obscure legalities to even know that....
        • Wait... so according to that, using: me-brother-brother's wife(BW). BW is MY sister-in-law, but I'm not her brother-in-law? (because I'm not married to her sister)
    • Nanase's mother has a shade of purple in her hair. The same color as Tedd's hair and probably his mother's hair as well.
    • Word of God on this subject, back in 2004: "It was actually "sister in-law"; the relation is on Tedd's mother's side, and even if she was Mr Verre's blood sister, she would take on the last name of the man she married."
  • Given how traditional Nanase's mother is, this Q&A leads me to believe that Tedd's mom is Nanase's mom's sister. Considering they have said(or was it just hinted at?) that Tedd's mom essentially abandoned him and his father.

Dan Shive is a troper.[]

He occasionally uses terms from TV Tropes and has linked to TV Tropes on multiple occasions.

  • has linked to TV Tropes on multiple occasions. WMG is for guesses, not for stupid, It's blatantly obvious he's been here.
    • Having been here =/= being a troper.

Reporter Carol Brown is Sarah's mother[]

They have the same last name, and Dan referred to Carol having that name "for EGS-specific reasons".

Mr. Verres' secretary is taken with him[]

  • Lavender the Uryuom has adopted a rather Hello, Nurse! body-shape and seems both rather attentive towards him and quickly affected by shifts in his mood. While, by all indications, they aren't physically compatible with human beings, Uryuom attraction is based on personality - and Mr. Verres is a smart, principled, and ultimately kind-hearted man. She could very plausibly have at least a crush on him.
    • Considering Mr. Verres' style, things probably haven't gone beyond subtle flirtation - and he may be unwilling to let it go any further for a variety of reasons.
    • Dunno. Given the demonstrated Uryuom tendency to be overly-literal about some things she just might jut be under the influence of a lot of old movies.
    • Alternately, the feelings are completely reciprocal. Mr. Verres just doesn't feel like telling Tedd or his friends about it just yet.
    • If this is anything to go by, the theory has just been confirmed.

Noah is The Child Left Behind[]

Okay, so we know Noah hates secrets and lost his parents. Since Damian had killed those involved with Project Lycantrope to get to Grace and her brothers. It's possible that Noah would blame the MIB or the secret project in general if they were involved; then he went to Raven for training so he could avenge them. Just a hunch though.

  • Seems pretty damn likely, actually. The Child is seen apologizing to a gravestone for failing to defeat Damien...specifically, by being beaten to the opportunity by Grace. What do we know about Noah? Well, he and the Child have some vague resemblance (the Child is mostly silhouetted, but (s)he has a pretty wiry build). His parents are dead (specifically, as a result of some massive secret kept from the public). He's strong and fast enough to give Elliot a run for his money in both store-racing and basketball...with Elliot strongly suspecting that Noah is holding himself back. And we know the poor guy has some rage issues (and specifically brings up that some things are unforgivable enough to deserve violent revenge). Yeah...pretty damn likely.

Tedd's labeling of Nanase as his "Ugly Cousin" is to hide the fact that at least part of him recognizes her as an attractive female.[]

Note, this WMG doesn't necessarily mean Tedd has a Kissing Cousins crush on Nanase. It could very well be that part of his teenage straight male mind recognizes that Nanase is a physically attractive girl, even if this recognition does not include sexual attraction. Of course, this recognition makes him extremely uncomfortable since Nanase is his cousin. Teasing her and calling her ugly is his way of denying this recognition to himself.

  • Oh, definitely. This strip practically spells that out. Not only did Ellen reach a similar conclusion about how his opinion that "Lesbians are neato" was conflicting with one of those lesbians being his cousin, but the exact words he used in his panicked denial of there being anything attractive about the situation was a cry of "Ugly cousin! Ugly cousin!"

The "remaking" of the world by Chaos will result in everyone finding out about magic[]

This is already happening, at a pretty rapid pace, and if magic is no longer a secret, then perhaps Raven will be able to act more openly and freely participate in the world in a bigger way.

The story takes place in a parallel universe.[]

The existence of parallel universes is confirmed in the storyline. It would explain the small (and large) differences between the realities, I, for one, have never seen aliens people wearing shirts saying "Human".

    • Haven't you? Or are they so well hidden that they've been there the whole time, and you've never noticed?
    • I think this is more evident in the fact that blue, purple and green are not especially unusual natural hair colors in this setting time period.
  • I pretty sure the whole "this is a webcomic" thing ensures that this is an alternate universe. That's what comics are after all.

like Dexter and Justin, Rhoda's unknownigly Dreamimg[]

her spell is making other things bigger ,and she's responsible for accidently making the boar huge

  • Interesting, it kinda fits with other stuff. Rhoda is a small person, and always sees everyone else as being huge and intimidating. In one panel, it shows that she sees Justin towering over her, even though he says that he's not really THAT tall. But what if she unconsciously increased Justin's size temporarily?
    • Confirmed by this strip. Rhoda has a magic mark and unknowingly enlarged the boar as it came toward her with her eyes closed. Whether she ever affected Justin's size is unconfirmed.


the Demonic Duck Of Some Sort is a lesser chimera[]

Specifically Lespuku (horns, tail, sentient), Duck, and Cardinal (red).

Mr Verres and The Dunkels all served in the Peace Corps[]

Three Words: Epic. Flip. Charts. Plus it would be a good start to Mr Verres government career and explain the Dunkel's adaptability: genderbending children are nothing next to bucket baths and lack of newspapers.

[[The Uryoums on earth are refugees ]] Or at least their ancestors were. It would explain why their participation in the Revolutionary War in (only?) Ellen's alternate universe didn't result in it not really being a war: they didn't have most of their technology at the time. Maybe their ship crashed? In any case they didn't really get caught up with their homeworld until more traditional first contact was made with the MIB (in the 60s, to correspond with the first UFO sightings).

Uryuoms and Chimera have been on Earth for at least 200 years, possibly much longer.[]

First off, the history of the Second Life universe is closely parallel to that of the Main universe - except that Chimera and Uryuoms are in plain sight. This changed enough that Ellen didn't feel comfortable about her historical knowledge of the main universe (she specifically mentions that there were Uryuoms fighting in the American Revolutionary War), but at the same time, the overall course of history (World War II, etc) is more or less the same. If the main differences in the histories is that Uryuoms have kept up a Masquerade this whole time, then they have been around since at least 1784 (the end of the American Revolution).

Second, and perhaps more tellingly, Dr Sciuridae claimed that the prophecy of the "Master of Fire" is 'very old', which means that Chimera - and hence Uryuoms - have been around in hiding on the main universe's Earth for a long time as well.

    • Humans are not a necessary part of the Seyunolu equation; Uryuom/$OTHER_ALIEN Seyunolu (Lespuko?) could have existed long before the two species met. Therefore, the prophecy could predate the Uryuom's presence on Earth.
      • No, the prophesy was specifically mentioned as one being passed down by human seyunolu.

The series exists in a dimension parallel to that of Azumanga Daioh.[]

Most of the characters are all there. Grace and Osaka, Ellen and Tomo, Susan and Sakaki, Nanase and Yomi, and now Kagura and Catalina. It's only a mystery why Sarah and Chiyo don't link up as well. Also, which character would represent Chiyo-dad?

  • Tedd could be a gender-flipped, older but equally cute (though less innocent) Chiyo.
    • The loss of innocence is a result of him/her finally understanding the drunken lecture, which Tedd also experienced though under different circumstances. This means that when Chiyo in the Azuverse finally understands what Nyamo was saying she'll start thinking like a Tedd.
    • Huh. And when Chiyo loses her innocence, so does Chiyo-Dad, who takes on a slightly more human form. Also, if we consider Justin and Kaorin to be one and the same as well as Raven-Kimura, then that leaves only Elliot and Sarah...Yukari and Nyamo?
    • As a small child, Chiyo's dad was a squishy, loveable, cryptic, flying cat-thing. Now that Tedd's grown up more, he's Dumbledore. It makes sense. Maybe Yukari and Nyamo are Agent Cranium and Agent Wolf? Or they could be a bygone pair of schoolteachers that helped along Tedd's thing for lesbians. Or Elliot and Sarah, or Lisa and Amanda.
    • This NEEDS to be a crossover fic. Exchange program? I'll even contribute a Running Gag: Yukari-sensei turns out to be an excellent driver when transplanted to a place where they drive on the right.

The "Paranormal Things That Are Of Little Use To Anyone Storage Facility" is the SCP Foundation (or one of its many buildings, anyway).[]

Doesn't ring a bell? It was mentioned in the wall of text. Dunno what this connection implies, but it's totally possible.

  • Um... 1. The Foundation is not a branch of the government. 2. Letting civilians, even ones connected to an agent, mess with even Safe items is almost certainly at least a Keter-duty (more likely a D-classification) offense. 2a. Said civilians would likely get dosed with amnesiac after being captured, and the leak would get investigated. 2b. As something created by an SCP item and able to spread SCP effects, the Foundation would have locked up Ellen as a Euclid. In short, if the facility is associated with the Foundation, whoever's in charge of that area is really incompetent.
  • The Storage Facility is the REAL SCP Foundation.The Website has been corrupted by SCP-732

EVERYONE of the main characters will receive their own spellbook (yeah, Grace too)[]

  • We have Elliot, Ellen, Nanase and Susan with their own spellbook. Sarah wants to learn magic. Yeah, Grace's say that Tedd will do some magic-like stuff, but i doubt that Sarah will be satisfy with only that. And i doubt that Tedd will be satisfy only with that. i think he will discover a way to make her awaken. Tedd...there is a theory already. Justin will ask the two immortals watching for Elliot(who, probably, are the ones that awaken Nanase and give Susan her "Tatoo") to awaken his power he had already been building through her martial arts. And grace, we know a lot about her "ability". But i think we still don't know nothing. When she srtarts to train in martial arts, she will start to awaken, and so, obtain her own spellbook.

Soon, we will see a Super Mode for each of the main characters[]

First of all, we have the Dark Omega Grace Form which is grace's stronger form. She refuses to use it again, but she knows that there will be a day when she will need it again. Next one, it's Nanase's Angel-Form, strong enough to temporaly made her unable to use magic. Third one it's the recent Elliot's Cheerleadra-Form. It wasn't explained in detail, but it seems to give him the ability to fly and made him stronger. So, with this logic, the next one to obtain a super-mode should be Susan, Ellen or Justin and they can be like this:

  • Susan: something related with armor, maybe?
  • Ellen: an evoluted version of her original FV5-form that make her hot and more stronger...or maybe it is already, but we don't know.
  • Justin: ..ehm... Super Saiyan?

Tedd and Sarah would obtain something similar with Tedd's inventions, but it wouldn't be very soon.

There will be a Time Skip after this arc or the next one finishes[]

It will mentioned that Nanase will have to wait month's before regain her powers and pandora's plan seems to have to be delayed thanks to Magus betray...or maybe Magus, unknowing, is doing EXACTLY what Pandora is searching for: try to oblige Ellen to zap Elliot...

the Shadow thing wasn't summoned by Pandora. the dragon's target wasn't noah[]

It's makes no sense. First of all, if the dragon's target were Noah, as Raven suggests. why the hell did he grab Elliot and go flying with him? it's obvious that he would follow the dragon. Second, once they are at the store, the dragon attack the road, not the store, it's obvious that the dragon wanted elliot to block the attack, instead of acomplish an assasin mission. third, the first thing the dragon do after knock elliot, was to descend near his body. So, Noah's presence was just a coincidence, luckily for elliot. which leads me to the next WMG...

  • You do realise that Pandora prefers not knowing the outcome, and thus will make sure her plans make little sense when considering what her objectives are right?

the dragon's target was Elliot[]

whatever pandora seek, i'm pretty sure that it doesn't include a "comic super-cherleader-hero". it's just isn't related to magic in any way! i mean, it's likely to people to relate this with this than with this. killing Elliot would avoid to people think more about magic than alien.

The man in panel three of this comic is "the" Doctor. The genuine article, you might say.[]

And the pig-tailed girl is his companion. With two corollaries:

Raven had some sort of crime fighting dream team with Tedd's dad and Nanase's mom in the past[]

It sort of looked like them in the photo, Nanase's mom hated her, and he's got an awkward relationship with Tedd's dad. Alternatively, the team included Tedd's mom, who left because of something that happened while working with Raven.

== "Magic" is actually Sufficiently Advanced Lost Technology from an ancient Uryuom civilization == Yes, magic has been explained as a type of energy, but so is electricity, and we still need some sort of technology to use it properly get any sort of use out of it whatsoever. The devices that make magic work either exist in hyperspace, are nanomachines, or something even weirder, but in any case self-propagate and so couldn't be lost just because people forgot about them.

As for the Uryuoms, let's see: They've been space-faring for at least two centuries and have religions with specific rules regarding the use of computers, but don't seem to think of themselves as particularly more advanced than us (furthermore, Ellen's universe didn't seem any more advanced than ours, as one would think it would be if Uryuoms had introduced rayguns when they decided to fight in the American Revolution) and needed a human child to help them program their TFG.

in short, they could have come to Earth, gave us magic on account of it being cheaper than any form of technology where you actually had to mine ores out of the ground to produce, and then experienced a galactic apocalypse/war with elves/rise in religious fundamentalism, and are now scavengers of their old tech. Either their spaceflight was magical in nature or they've managed to preserve their space ships rather well.

  • Strangely inverted. Dan has revealed that Uryuom "technology" is actually powered by magic. So is their, and by extension Grace's, shapeshifting abilities. It looks like all super abilities in the EGS universe are actually magic.
    • Way to roll a critical failure on your "Understanding what the hell I'm talking about" check; I compared magical energy to electricity in the first freaking sentence, and whats more wrote this long after Verres' exposition on the subject.

An evil shapeshifter will go against the group.[]

When asked on his Formspring if there would ever be a villain with shapeshifting abilities, someone more proactive than Pandora, Dan responded with "good chance, yes" so I suppose you could say it's partially confirmed. But beyond that, someone with shapeshifting abilities will use them to impersonate Elliot, Sarah, Susan, Tedd and all the rest in order to sow discord or ruin relationships between the characters and make them paranoid about who's who and what's going on. Either this person will be someone with a grudge against the group, someone in league with one of the villains (Magus/Sirleck, Pandora or a villain/villains not yet revealed) or someone manipulated by Pandora with a mark like (presumably) Justin and Rhoda.