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Enoch's Cherubic Choir is an actual Cherubic Choir.[]

He's literally got angels singing for him in the background.

The next game (if any) will involve Lucifel's Face Heel Turn.[]

Ishtar's notes suggest that the Grigori were manipulated into their errors by Belial. If Belial could reach to the Grigori like that, it might not be that hard for him to at least try to contact Lucifel. While the Grigori were vulnerable with frustration with what they thought was humanity being retarded by divine pride, Lucifel is clearly wrath-ridden, and perhaps not able to understand that Pure is Not Always Good; he's perhaps a little too quick to judge the Grigori as not just deserving of destruction, but undeserving of redemption for any reason (poor Armaros). It might not be much of a stretch to imagine Lucifel becoming disenchanted with "unwarranted" mercy by God in other matters, leaving Belial an avenue to tempt Lucifel. Enter Lucifel becoming Lucifer...and maybe his duties being translated to become Enoch's purview...

It's worth noting that the Western/Christian understanding of Lucifer largely comes from Isaiah's allusion to Shaher, the Babylonians' personification of the planet Venus, in describing Nebuchadnezzar's hubris. Shaher kept trying to steal the sun's spotlight, but kept getting pushed back down. Now consider that we already have references to Mesopotamian divinities who aren't Hebrew in origin (Nanna, Ishtar, Sin); casting Lucifel and Shaher as the same might not be much of a stretch. Still, given that the game mostly likes to play with precepts with some definite Mesopotamian roots, there's the question of who Lucifel would most resemble. Mastema, who commandeered the ghosts of the Nephilim as his own personal army of temptation and corruption after the Great Flood? Satanel, the classic tester of humanity (q.v. Job)? Other?