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On his journey from the North Pole to New York City, Buddy's encounter with an unfriendly Rascally Raccoon.

    • All of Buddy's Fish Out of Water moments in New York City, where he ends up treating a revolving door and zebra-stripe crosswalk as games. Also this:

 Buddy: Have you seen these toilets? They're ginormous!

    • To say nothing of his mistaking a short coworker for an elf.
    • [confronting the fake mall santa] "You sit on a throne of lies!"
    • [answering a phone] "Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color?"
    • "Oh, wait! I forgot to give you a hug!"
    • [after being hit with a snowball] "Owwww! Son of a nutcracker!"
    • Trying to buy a bra for his dad. No, really.
  • "I went past sea of swirly twirly gumdrops. Through the candy cane forest. And walked through the Lincoln Tunnel."
  • Buddy's excited response to hearing that Santa's coming to town.
  • Buddy singing in Gimbels:

 Buddy: I'm SINGING! I'm in a store and I'm SINGING! I'm in a store AND I'M SINGING!

Gimbels Manager: Hey! There's no singing in the North Pole.

Buddy: Yes, there is.

Gimbels Manager: No, there's not.

Buddy: We sing all the time. Especially when we make toys.

  • The Bigfoot-esque video of Buddy in the park.