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The plot of the third episode is inspired by Urban Legends of Zelda of the previous episodes[]
Elite was said to contain a hidden planet, called Raxxla, which supposedly had a device on its surface that worked as a gateway to another place (depending on who tells the legend, the "other place" can either be another planet, another solar system, another galaxy or another universe). Frontier, instead, was said to contain a hidden, extremely powerful Thargoid ship called Mirage. First Encounters actually contains a mission that takes the player character to the Polaris system, where he can dock to a Thargoid Space Station. When you leave it, you discover that you are not in the Polaris system anymore, but in another solar system called Miackce, home to the Thargoids. If you accept and complete the mission that the Thargoids give you, you can then get several extremely powerful Thargoid ships.
If Elite 4 ever gets released, it will bring more Urban Legends of Zelda into reality[]
Frontier featured another urban legend that so far has not been explored: the existence of a black hole at the center of the galaxy. In reality, the game has been reverse-engineered and the black hole has been proven not to exist; however, when the player character attempts to enter the Beta Lyrae system (supposedly a contact binary), the game crashes. This troper bets that the Beta Lyrae system will be explorable in Elite 4, and it will contain a black hole.