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  • Executive Meddling: Several songs were purportedly chosen because Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime liked them. In addition, many rumors of a sequel exist purely based on the fact that Reggie was apparently quite fond of the game. Not that him getting us a sequel would be a bad thing.
    • In fact, it seems that September and a Jamiroquai track have to be in every music game Nintendo has some hand in, being as they are in EBA, Donkey Konga and... well, that's it.
    • September and Material Girl are also in Wii Music.
    • Speaking of musical preferences, iNiS apparently likes David Bowie, judging from one of their previous games.
  • ~Hey, It's That Guy!~: A few characters from Ouendan appear in this game, especially noticeable with the lead actor in Romancing Meowzilla, who previously appeared as a character in the second stage in Ouendan.
  • ~Hey, It's That Voice!~: The covers of Walkie Talkie Man and Canned Heat are sung by Jason Paige, best known for his Pokémon theme.
    • The cover of "SK 8 R Boi" was apparently sung by the same person as the theme song for Kim Possible.
  • What Could Have Been: As you can see here, the Agents were actually supposed to be based on the Village People, J's hairdo looked a lot like Ryuuta's, Derek was a completely different person, and they were known as the Disco Rangers.
    • There's also this E3 trailer, which makes it a bit more similar to Ouendan.
  • The Wiki Rule: There's an iNiS Wiki, but no one ever uses, updates, or fixes it.