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Ellen McLain is an operatic soprano, stage actress, and voice-over artist, who is most famous in the latter field for her work with Valve Corporation, and in particular for her portrayal of G La DOS, the Breakout Character and Fountain of Memes from the Portal series.

She is married to John Patrick Lowrie, also a voice actor who has done extensive work with Valve, and it was he who encouraged her to get into voice-over work. Her training on the stage - and, most importantly, her skill in acting and singing - made her perfectly suited to play the character of GLaDOS, a role which has brought her great praise.

In addition to continuing to work in theatrical productions, she is now a permanent member of the Valve repertory, having appeared in all of their games since Half-Life 2. Surprisingly, and despite her popularity and critical acclaim, she's done little voice acting outside of her work with Valve - IMDb, for example, lists no other credits.

Her commentary track for Portal is a great listen, and forever endeared her to the game's fanbase. Also, a very good full-length interview can be found here. To see her at work in her "other" career, watch this clip from Cosi fan Tutti. She performed her two Portal songs, "Want You Gone" and "Still Alive", live for the very first time at the Midwest Anime Convention on July 16, 2011, accompanied by Lowrie on banjo, with the two of them leading a sing-along the following day.

She and Lowrie have an itinerary of conventions where they'll be appearing throughout the next year, including Kitacon in Birmingham, UK in April. McLain has also confirmed that she's appearing in at least one more game in the near future, but she's been sworn to secrecy about what the game is, or what kind of role she's playing.

Roles performed by Ellen McLain:[]

Tropes for Ellen McLain:[]