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  • Game Breaker: With sufficient amounts of hunting or luck, you can acquire a Rod of Domination. Use that to dominate a Gold Bell. Genetically modify the gold bell to boost its level and give it extra limbs, then give it a shuriken (one that preferably nullifies poison). Pick a fight with a monster that's stronger than you. Laugh when your new best friend cuts it to shreds.
    • Playing the blackjack games enough times will net you enough potions of cure corruption to trade/sell for anything a wandering adventurer might have. And then you can steal them back on top of that. (however, you'll need new potions as their base value changes once given the stolen flag.)

The spin-off Elona Shooter provides examples of:[]

  • Game Breaker: Gravity Gun, Gravity Gun, Gravity Gun. This Ball-Of-Death shooter is indispensable to getting the Chosen One medal The change in difficulty once you get this is so big, you go from struggling on the previous days to breezing through the following levels. A lesser extent is the Crossbow that could shoot through mobs, hitting multiple times on big targets, making Hunters a solid choice from start to beginning.