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Elsword is a 3D side-scrolling MMOG created by KOG studio, currently released in Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, Germany, and North America. It is the spiritual successor to Grand Chase. Elsword has improved on systems Grand Chase had, along with more Animesque graphics and improved gameplay. Instead of making rooms like in Grand Chase, you get to explore the whole world of Elsword (which is still a side-scroller). Like Grand Chase, this game subverts the norm by giving players a few preset characters instead of having a character creator. The first set of available characters includes Elsword, the hot-headed Swordsman, Rena, the cool and calm Archer, and Aisha, the arrogant Mage. They are all expies to their respective counterparts from Grand Chase - Elesis, Lire and Arme. Other characters include Raven, a war-veteran Cyborg, Eve, a Robot Girl, and Chung, a young boy with an oversized cannon.
In this game players create rooms in order to complete a mission stage. The basic objective for these stages is to beat up everything in sight, move to the next screen, and wash, rinse, and repeat until you reach the boss. Players are awarded the in-game currency of ED and some EXP points for finishing a mission. This game also features a PVP room for the more experienced players.
A character page is under construction.
- Abandoned Mine: Richie Mine, a dungeon where the Nasods have started setting up base and excavating materials to build more of their kind.
- Action Command: This is how you execute skills, you are given A, S, D and C slots to fill in the skills the character has.
- The Archer: Rena.
- Arm Cannon: Raven can shoot fireballs from his Nasod arm, Raven's new Weapon Taker job path enables a Gatling Good as one of his special active.
- Armor-Piercing Slap: The first thing Eve does upon being reactivated is slap Elsword in the face. It's also used as a move in one of Eve's combos.
- Attack Its Weak Point: The Nasod King's Core.
- Awesome but Impractical: Most of the Level 3 special moves, since you charge MP much slower than Grand Chase, and unless you are Rena or Aisha, you have to attack monsters to gain MP, or drink MP potions.
- Specially the Magic Knight's "Phoenix Talon" attack, the concept is pretty awesome, after all you shoot a freaking phoenix upwards, but Wind Blade (A Level 1 Special attack, to boot) deals roughly the same damage and when improved reduces the enemy's MP by 50. Phoenix Talon also increases your overall movement speed (Useless, believe me) increases MP regen (Burst MP to gain MP.) and absorbs all projectiles and turns them into +10 MP (Which is only useful in Belder, because most enemies in there are archers, and sometimes not even then.), it also causes the "burn" status ailment, something "Sword Fire" does just as well, for less MP cost, and higher damage.
- This however, is subverted in the newly implemented "Vitality Aura", which makes Phoenix Talon cost 200MP and recover 200MP on full hit.
- Specially the Magic Knight's "Phoenix Talon" attack, the concept is pretty awesome, after all you shoot a freaking phoenix upwards, but Wind Blade (A Level 1 Special attack, to boot) deals roughly the same damage and when improved reduces the enemy's MP by 50. Phoenix Talon also increases your overall movement speed (Useless, believe me) increases MP regen (Burst MP to gain MP.) and absorbs all projectiles and turns them into +10 MP (Which is only useful in Belder, because most enemies in there are archers, and sometimes not even then.), it also causes the "burn" status ailment, something "Sword Fire" does just as well, for less MP cost, and higher damage.
- Backstory: Every character gets one once you begin the game, showing why they're on their quest.
- Bad Dreams: Elsword is shown to have these about his sister in the Eltype comic serialization.
- Bare Your Midriff: Void Princess, Aisha's job advancement from Dark Mage. Both Magic Knight and Rune Slayer, job advancements for Elsword, and Trapper Ranger, a job advancement for Rena.
- Battle Butler: Oberon and Ophelia, for Eve's Code Architecture and Code Empress class.
- Beware the Nice Ones: Rena is shown to be very calm, kind, and understanding, but if you make her angry she really gets angry.
- BFG: Chung's cannon, the Destroyer, is as big as himself.
- BFS: Chung's cannon also applies as he uses it as a meleé weapon too. However, the Sword Knight's aptly named Armaggedon Blade skill is the utter EMBODIMENT of this trope.
- Black Magician Girl: One of Aisha's possible job change - Dark Mage.
- Boobs of Steel: Rena. Especially so in the Wind Sneaker class advancement path.
- Bribing Your Way to Victory: To gain extra slot stats which improves your character's performance, you have to buy avatar sets, which cost a hefty amount of cash. Or, if you prefer to be even better, buy Ice Burners, which is like gambling, to get special avatar sets that are even better than cash avatar sets.
- Calling Your Attacks: With a few exceptions, Special Active attacks all begin with the character calling their attack.
- Came Back Strong: Banthus, after you have defeated him in the very first dungeon, he came back stronger in the later dungeon, and the dungeon after the previous he came back with a necklace that can shoot laser.
- Clarke's Third Law: The Nasods are a huge abuser of this Law. Raven's Nasod arm can use "magic," particularly fire, in a number of combos and special attacks. Ignis and Leviathan, two high class Nasod guards, specialize in fire and water "magic" respectively, yet are 100% machine.
- Cute Bruiser: One of Rena's possible job change - Combat Ranger.
- Cyborg: Raven is made into half Nasod half human to survive.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Raven and Eve have them, but Raven definitely qualifies for this trope the most.
- Dark Is Evil: The demons invading Feita and Velder.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Aisha's Dark Mage class.
- Subverted into the further advancement into Void Princess though, she clearly shows signs of being Evil, especially after making a pact with the little bat-demon, Anger, and giving evil stares on most of her ending poses... She still works for the good guys, but the development clearly made her more evil.
- Death of a Thousand Cuts: Code: Electra, Eve's newest job change, has "Thousand Stars", which, when used with the El Crystal 01, creates a barrage of orbs, each one deals minimal damage, but there's about 50 to 45] of them.
- There are reports of a party of Code Electra doing 2 thousand above of those orbs.
- Deflector Shields: One of Eve's abilities in later class changes is this.
- Determined Expression: Most characters' artwork has them giving this at least on one occasion.
- Driven to Suicide: The only thing keeping Raven from this point until he met Elsword and co. was the fact that the Nasods were using him.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady: Chung, made even more glaring into his "Fury Guardian" class, and even MORE glaring at the further development into Iron Paladin.
- Dual-Wielding: Elsword's Sheath Knight job path, he can wield two swords now.
- Elemental Powers: Players can infuse their weapons with elemental Elshards, which gives their weapon some upgrade responding to the elements.
- Exact Time to Failure: Many quests involve you beating a dungeon on a certain difficulty within a certain amount of time. Needless to say, a timer near the top of the screen shows you exactly how much time has passed, to the nearest second.
- Explosive Overclocking: Invoked by the 'Self-Destructive Acceleration' title you can obtain during matchmaking fights. The title ups your abilities, but reduces your HP and MP drastically.
- Expy: The first three starter characters mirrors their personality and relationship from their counterpart in Grand Chase.
- Everything Trying to Kill You
- Evil Laugh: Aisha indulges in this in her Void Princess job change.
- Eye Take: A few characters have done this.
- Fantasy Kitchen Sink: Let's see, you fight with forest guardians, then robots, then more robots, then suddenly back to medieval...
- Fixed Damage Attack: The Battle Magician's "Energy Spurt" 200mp skill is pretty much this, since it completely ignores defense and deals damage based on your character level.
- This actually becomes a Game Breaker against Joakin's Boss Form (Boss of Illusionary Velder, Velder's Secret Mission) since it immediately negates his shield which makes most attacks deal only 3-digit damage (In a game where even the newbies deal 4-digit damage), therefore immediately stopping him from healing, therefore taking away any difficulty from the boss whatsoever.
- Forgets to Eat: The game actually warns players about this. "You must not skip meals even if Elsword gives so much fun."
- Freudian Excuse: Raven's past, the Belder capital falsely accuse him of treason and plans to execute him just because the royals hate him, his friends and fiancé came to rescue him but all get killed, leaving Raven half-dead, and later getting taken by Nasod races to be brainwashed into helping in a siege in Altera.
- Frickin' Laser Beams: A lot of Code Electra's attacks involve laser beams, making Dark Mage's Plasma Cutter fail in comparison.
- Gainaxing: Rena, where even standing still will invoke movement of her assets.
- Glass Cannon: Aisha, although it can be subverted temporarily with Mana Shield.
- Game Favored Gender: Zigzagged, depending on which class you play, and which gender the game developers favor after a certain time.
- Guns Akimbo: Chung's Deadly Chaser path, he still uses his Destroyer.
- Healing Potion: Pretty much the only way to regain HP lost in dungeons is to use some of these, though HP-regaining food can also be crafted by an Alchemist or given out in event quests.
- Heel Face Turn: Raven, though it's more on being the case of being Brainwashed and Crazy
- Item Crafting: A LOT of good items can't be bought, only crafted or randomly found.
- Instant Armor: Chung has this in berserk mode, followed with a full-faced helmet.
- Chung as Shelling Guardian, beside a full-faced helmet, he also included a chest plate and Shoulders of Doom
- Kick Chick: Rena's fighting style when not using her bow. The Combat Ranger job path focuses more on this aspect of her.
- Lost Technology: The Nasods' technology certainly counts. Eve herself could be Lost Technology.
- Macross Missile Massacre: Shooting Guardian's Shooting Star skill.
- Made of Explodium: The fire faries known as Kenaz explode when killed.
- Magic Antidote: How antidotes work in this game.
- Magic From Technology: The Nasods (plus Raven) are particularly good at pretending to be elementalists despite being robots.
- Magic Knight: Elsword's Magic Knight class.
- Magical Girl: Although Aisha's Elemental Master path dresses the part, Aisha's new Battle Magician job comes with a Transformation Sequence and a costume change as part of a skill.
- Medieval Stasis: Despite King Wally's town of Elder being quite advanced due to his influence, it is still strictly medieval.
- Mighty Glacier: Chung. More so as Fury Guardian.
- Mind Control Device: Raven had one built into his Nasod arm so that the Nasod king could control him and manipulate his emotions. Raven regains control of himself after fighting with Elsword, Aisha, and Rena.
- Mirror Match: William, a rat like monster who uses a poor mimic version of Elsword's swordsplay, and Type-H, an Eldritch Abomination who not only knows all Elsword's swordsplay and skill, is much much deadlier than William.
- Investigative hacking reveals that the files for Type-H are labelled "Parasite Elsword". Make what you will of this.
- Mirror Morality Machine: Closer to the point of what the Nasod control device in Raven's robotic arm does to him at times.
- More Dakka: Shooting Guardian, Chung's magic class.
- Taken further by it's upgrade Deadly Chaser.
- Nerf: Happens rather often, will often overlap with They Changed It, Now It Sucks.
- Never Split the Party: The characters always stick together and never split up. The gameplay has this too, depending on your skill level: the game is much easier when in a large party.
- Panty Shot: The girls will occasionally flash their panties by action but Aisha is the greatest offender. It doesn't help that the color and various other properties changes as she class changes into Elemental Master.
- Perfect Play AI: SS ranked NPC Blademaster is the most notable example, all the AI can use skills and awakenings in the middle of YOUR combo.
- Playing with Fire: Literally, on Elsword's Magic Knight job.
- Powered by a Forsaken Child: In a sense. Eve had to shut herself down and use her own energy to power the Nasod King and his subjects. She was only rebooted when the Nasod King was destroyed.
- Power Source: Eve to the Nasod King, as stated above. Also, the Nasod King turns to the El Stone stolen from Ruben and installs it into his Powertrain.
- Power-Up Food: Players will occasionally find things such as chicken, eggs, or fruit which can replenish health or mana points, and some potions increase speed or Awaken your character.
- Pure Energy: Elsword has a few special attacks which seem to use giant swords made of this. Aisha can use laser beams, though that could be magic and not energy.
- Ridiculously Human Robot: Eve, the only way to tell her she is a Nasod is her eyes.
- Robot Girl: Eve, as unbelievable as it seems.
- Secret AI Moves: SS Ranked NPC Aisha has Freeze Step. also has Ice based fireballs that reduce attack speed, same thing with the Rune Slayer's Epic NPC, with ice runes that have the same effect, plus Code_Proto_00, the Code Nemesis's Epic NPC, with infinite Queen's Throne, a counter move (Something only Elsword has) that seems to be immediately triggered, and a spike storm... Coming from the ground. As well as almost infinite Cloaking (Which hides her remaining HP)
- Spiritual Successor: Of Grand Chase
- Squishy Wizard: Aisha, but with Mana Shield, this can be subverted.
- Sugar and Ice Personality: Eve.
- Super Speed: Oberon is capable of doing this in one of the active skill. But Raven as Sword Taker takes it Up to Eleven by cutting everything up with one slash (depending on the number of enemys within the range).
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Rena
- The Computer Is a Cheating Bastard: while attaching an element to your weapon only gives it a 15% chance to activate it, if a monster has one, expect it to activate tenfold at least 90% of the time.
- Token Mini-Moe: Aisha is often portrayed as such by fandoms, and Eve.
- Verbal Tic: Pick any non-human, and you'll find one. The tic seems to be the same for all members of that race.
- Which Me?: It gets somewhat confusing when you get to the Black Crow as Raven and have to fight...Raven. Also, in the Eltype comic serialization, Aisha experiences this when she dreams about life in the future. Each character has advanced to their last job class, only for their alternate job path selves to later appear, Aisha's included.
- Zettai Ryouiki: With the cash shop you can dress up your girl characters into this. What class is up to you but class A or S is possible.