Canon Sue: Oh dear, Emily. Her name is Sue-ish to start with, 'Byrd Starr'. Emily has Kaleidoscope Eyes, which can go from a suspiciously Sue-ish purple to grey depending on her mood. She has pointed 'fairy-like' ears, and 'cloudy' jet-black hair which we're often reminded is glossy. She has a tragic past (orphaned), and her guardians are frequently unreasonably harsh towards her. Just about every man who encounters her seems to fall in love with her - Dean, Perry, Teddy, the Japanese prince...the list goes on. Did I mention she has vague psychic powers? And out of all of LMM's characters, she's likely the one most closely based on Maud herself.
Fan-Preferred Couple: A good chunk of the fandom favours Emily/Dean over Emily/Teddy.
Tear Jerker: Try getting through the first few chapters of the first book without your eyes stinging. And it doesn't stop there.
Values Dissonance: Notably appears in concordance with Cursed with Awesome: Emily occasionally shows psychic powers, which have been known to save lives and solve decades-old mysteries? Great! Except that she is ashamed and afraid of them and keeps them a secret, because of the stigma around insanity and all unexplainable phenomena in the Victorian era.
The Woobie: Several characters could qualify, including young Emily and possibly Dean, but Mrs. Kent deserves special mention as a Jerkass Woobie who is in desperate need of several forms of therapy, who deliberately wrecks the happiness of people around her, but Montgomery takes plenty of time out to say, she had it rough.