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Some or all of these characters need descriptions. A list of tropes is not a description.

Characters from Empress Cesia Wears Knickerbockers include:


Empress Cesia Wears Knickerbockers Yuri

Yuri of Rhonda[3] is the protagonist of the series. She transmigrated into the world of Valencia, and decided to crossdress in order to pursue a career as a tailor.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Cesia Valencia[]

Empress Cesia Wears Knickerbockers Cesia Valencia

Empress of Valencia.


He took over control of the shop, Atracia, and built it into the headquarters of the massive trade guild, Calle. He owns 30 trade ships.[4]


Allison worked as a guard for Lester's Atracia. He has a streak for taking in orphans, and has adopted five so far, including Yuri.[3]


Empress Cesia Wears Knickerbockers Arsinoe

Lady Arsinoe is the ruler of Aswan. She holds an annual event to decide on Aswan's successor as her future partner.[121]


Empress Cesia Wears Knickerbockers Nigel

He lives in Aswan and got to the second round of Arsinoe's annual event.[121]


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