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Epic Mafia is a game of Informed Minority (the Mafia) attempting to beat the Uninformed Majority (the Villagers), with Third Party roles individually attempting to beat both of them. Sounds simple enough?

Here's where it gets fun. There are over 100 roles over the three sides, making each game setup wildly different. These roles include Policemen, Doctors, Gunsmiths, Spies ,Janitors, Thieves, Monks, Cultists, and Traitors, not to mention Drunks, Samurai, Santa Claus, Yakuza, Ninjas, Voodoo Ladies, Zombies, Warewolves, and Cthulhu, and everything in between. All of them are in complete psychological warfare with each other.

Don't take things too seriously, unless it's a ranked game.

Tropes associated with Epic Mafia Roles:[]

Village Roles[]

  • Action Bomb: A villager playing the Bomb is the equivalent of this--killing attackers if killed over night.
  • Never Mess with Granny: And how. The Granny role in the game will kill any player who has the misfortune to visit her at night, for whatever reason, regardless of their alignment.
  • Police Are Useless: Subverted. Whilst the Cop role (The normal one, anyway) is mighty useful for discovering a chosen player's alignment in most situations, some EM setups utilize the roles of Millers (villagers who show up guilty) and Lawyers (mafia role who can make other mafia show up innocent), which can undermine the cop's use. Not only that, the "Special Cops" also have varying degrees of usefulness:
    • The Insane Cop sees everything in reverse (ie - Mafia as innocent, Townies as guilty), which isn't so bad if you can put two and two together, however...
    • Paranoid Cop sees everybody as guilty. Yes, everybody. Hence he's pretty useless for making any deductions and serving as anything but clear.
    • ...Much the same as his cousin, the Naive Cop. Same issue, only he sees everybody as innocent.
  • Taking the Bullet: If the mafia (or anybody else) decide to kill the Bodyguard's target, there's a 50% chance that the Bodyguard will die in the victim's place, invoking this trope.
  • Taking You with Me: The Bomb role explodes if killed, taking down his assailant at the time (Unless the killer happens to be protected by the doctor).
  • Vigilante Man: The Vigilante role, obviously. He's sided with the village but can target one player each night and kill them, hoping that he's hit mafia. Of course, there's no guarantee that he won't shoot a villager.

Mafia Roles[]

  • Amoral Attorney: The Lawyer in this game is a mafia sided role. Yep. His ability makes his fellow mafia partners appear innocent to any cops who investigate them.
  • Dead Person Impersonation: The Disguiser role functions like this - they kill a player and take on his name. Of course, how well the actual impersonation goes depends on the skill and know-how of the actual disguiser.
  • Face Heel Turn: The Yakuza's special ability allows him to turn a village sided player into mafia (Well, in exchange for his own life).

Third Party Roles[]

  • null

Tropes associated with Epic Mafia Gameplay:[]

  • Everyone Is a Suspect: The only way to play and succeed if you're graced with being a cop.
  • Good Is Dumb: When a player fails at putting together basic mechanics or generally fails at utilizing logic in some games, this is passed off as "dumbtelling". Which many players (sometimes wrongly) tend to associate with "towntelling", or being a member of the town, since the mafia are not only an 'informed' minority, but would generally be too careful to mess something like that up.