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Epic Rap Battles of History, pitting historical figures, celebrities, and fictional characters against each other. Tropes used to describe these combatants should be within the context of the raps.

The Announcer[]

Season 1[]

John Lennon[]

Bill O'Reilly[]

Adolf Hitler[]

Darth Vader[]

Abraham Lincoln[]

Chuck Norris[]

Sarah Palin[]

Lady Gaga[]

Kim Jong-il[]

The Mega Powers - Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage[]


 Randy Savage: Snap into a Slim Jim, Kim Jong-il!


Ludwig Van Beethoven[]

Justin Bieber[]

Albert Einstein[]

Stephen Hawking[]

Genghis Khan[]

Easter Bunny[]

Napoleon Bonaparte[]

Napoleon Dynamite[]

Benjamin Franklin[]

Billy Mays and Vince Offer[]

Gandalf the White (formerly Gray)[]

Albus Dumbledore[]

William Shakespeare[]

Dr. Seuss[]

Mr. T[]

Mister Rogers[]

Christopher Columbus[]

Captain James T. Kirk[]



Season 2[]

Master Chief[]



  Leonidas: I'll stomp you in the face with my sandals enraged and tonight we shall rhyme in the shade!


The Mario Brothers[]

The Wright Brothers[]

Michael Jackson[]

Elvis Presley[]

  • Big Eater: Which leads into "Fat Elvis."
  • Camping a Crapper: "I may have died on the shitter/but I don't give a crap."
  • Fat and Proud: Upon noticing his immensely gross weight gain, he looks positively enthused, and continues wolfing food down. Come his second verse, his being fat and old, against all common sense, makes him even more awe-inspiring than before.
  • Hotblooded Sideburns
  • Lolicon: MJ tries to imply this with Elvis' wife.
  • Man in White
  • Musical Assassin
  • Papa Wolf: Displays elements of this. "I only let you marry my daughter cause I knew you'd never bang her."
  • Power-Up Food: His peanut butter and banana sandwiches, which he overeats during Michael's second verse, transforms him in time for his own second verse.
  • Red Baron: King of Rock'n'Roll.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: His last lyric.

 "Later wierdo, Elvis is leaving the building!"



Marilyn Monroe[]