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Epic Rap Battles of History, pitting historical figures, celebrities, and fictional characters against each other. Tropes used to describe these combatants should be within the context of the raps.
The Announcer[]
- Animorphism: Whenever ERB News needs The Announcer to appear onscreen, a talking animal is used such as a bear. In the battles themselves, The Announcer is still He Who Must Not Be Seen.
- Large Ham Announcer
- No Indoor Voice
- The Unintelligible: Getting progressively worse each battle.
- The Voice
Season 1[]
John Lennon[]
- Badass Moustache
- Bling of War: He wears his uniform from "Sergeant Pepper."
- Fake Brit: But Downplayed--see Not Even Bothering with the Accent.
- Lennon Specs
- Not Even Bothering with the Accent: Could be chalked up to Early Installment Weirdness, though.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: Spends both his verses telling O'Reilly to shut up.
- The Stoner
- Technical Pacifist: He's all about peace and love, but he'll kick your ass for free.
Bill O'Reilly[]
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- Card-Carrying Villain: He outright admits that he's evil.
- Dodgy Toupee
- Man of Wealth and Taste
- Nice Shoes: Worth $10,000!
- No Indoor Voice
- Propaganda Machine
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money: Has to be rich, if he can afford $10,000 shoes.
Adolf Hitler[]
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Chancellor and Fuhrer of Germany.
- Badass Longcoat: His Nazi greatcoat.
- Badass Moustache
- Butt Monkey
- Card-Carrying Villain: Hitler seems to really be enjoying his reputation as the most evil man in well, ever.
- Commissar Cap
- Evil Is Hammy
- Eviler Than Thou: With Darth Vader.
- Large Ham: Even by this show's standards.
- Laughably Evil
- No Indoor Voice
- No Swastikas: Completely absent on his uniform.
- Politically-Incorrect Villain: Pretty much every line he drops Crosses the Line Twice in some form or another.
- Stupid Jetpack Hitler: His claim of going back in time to make Vader whack in the Star Wars prequels.
- Those Wacky Nazis
- Villainous Valor: He's ready to rap within seconds of being thawed out of carbonite (painful, debilitating, and blinding).
Darth Vader[]
- Badass Cape
- Combat Pragmatist: Promptly drops Hitler into the Rancor Pit when he's on a roll.
- Cool Helmet
- Evil Overlord
- Evil Sounds Deep
- Eviler Than Thou: Everything Hitler did, Vader invented it!
- The Force: It's Darth Vader, of course this trope applies.
- Just Toying with Them: Vader only thawed Hitler from carbonite to have a rematch and drop him into the Rancor pit.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Vader may or may not know if he's Hitler's father, because he used the line in conjunction with a Your Mom joke.
- Vader Breath: Trope Namer.
- Your Mom: "So many dudes been with your mom, who even knows if I'm your father."
Abraham Lincoln[]
- Authority Equals Asskicking: President of the United States.
- Badass Beard
- Hard Head: He can catch bullets with his skull!
- Nice Hat: His signature top hat.
- President Action: To hear him tell it.
Chuck Norris[]
- Badass Beard
- Nice Hat: Wears a cowboy hat during his first verse.
- No Indoor Voice: During his second verse.
- Offhand Backhand: During his first verse, he casually defeats a few different attacks without looking or breaking up his lyrics.
- Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: His fists are faster than the speed of light.
- Super Mode: In the form of Attack of the 50 Foot Whatever.
Sarah Palin[]
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Governor of Alaska. Gaga tries to downplay the former by claiming it's "like principal of a home school".
- Big Screwed-Up Family: According to Gaga.
- Brunette Republican Sex Kitten: With an extra helping of Meganekko.
- Hot Chick in a Badass Suit: She can kill moose with her bare hands.
- Mama Bear: Don't insult her children.
- Never Mess with Granny: She is a grandmother, after all.
- Glasses Girl
Lady Gaga[]
- Crosscast Role: Played by Nice Peter
- Dreadful Musician: Palin's opinion of her.
- Musical Assassin
- Rummage Sale Reject
- True Art Is Incomprehensible: In-universe; expresses this opinion.
Kim Jong-il[]
- A God Am I: Fancies himself as a god amongst men.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: He's a dictator of a country with nuclear weapons.
- BFG: A rocket launcher.
- Combat Pragmatist: Why rap when you can shoot the other guy with a rocket launcher?
- The Napoleon
- Sinister Shades
The Mega Powers - Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage[]
- Back-to-Back Badasses
- Badass Beard: Randy's beard.
- Badass Long Hair: Both of them.
- Badass Moustache: Hulk sports an awesome handlebar.
- Celebrity Endorsement
Randy Savage: Snap into a Slim Jim, Kim Jong-il! |
- Cool Shades: The Macho Man's shades
- Global Ignorance: Hulk thinks Beijing is in Korea.
- Made of Iron: Hulk survives a missile!
- Nice Hat: Randy's hat and Hulk's bandanna.
Ludwig Van Beethoven[]
- Badass Baritone
- Classical Music
- Deaf Composer: He considers it a blessing so he cannot hear Bieber's songs.
- Distracted by the Sexy: Beethoven momentarily tries to sneak a peek when Bieber mentions having Kim Kardashian backstage.
- Musical Assassin
- Wouldn't Hit a Girl: This is the reason why he will not smack Bieber.
Justin Bieber[]
- Bratty Half-Pint
- Curb Stomp Cushion: He's pretty much destroyed by Beethoven, but still manages to get some good lines, such as claiming the Beethoven went deaf because of his own music.
- Hollywood Tone Deaf
- Kidanova: If his verses are to be believed.
- I Just Want to Be Badass
Albert Einstein[]
- Badass Bookworm
- Badass Grandpa
- Badass Mustache
- Einstein Hair: Obviously.
- Pungeon Master: Most of his lines are science or cripple related puns.
- A Worldwide Punomenon: "Minds are relatively blown," "Albert E. equals MC squared"... the list goes on.
Stephen Hawking[]
- Auto-Tune
- Badass Bookworm
- Berserk Button: Saying his Black Hole theory has holes in it.
- The Cameo: Has appeared in other battles as a cameo.
- Dissonant Serenity: He's clearly pissed after his Berserk Button is pressed.
- The Dragon: To Darth Vader, apparently.
- Genius Cripple
- Handicapped Badass
- Machine Monotone
- Super Wheelchair: With 12-inch rims.
- Your Mom
Genghis Khan[]
- Badass Mustache: Sports a Fu Manchu.
- Cool Helmet
- Cool Sword
- Evil Laugh
Easter Bunny[]
- Bow Ties Are Cool: Wears a rather large one.
- Joke Character: Not even The Announcer is impressed.
- Killer Rabbit: Subverted. Hard.
- Mascot: From Hallmark in denial, according to Genghis Khan
- Real Men Wear Pink: He appears to be male.
Napoleon Bonaparte[]
- A Man Is Not a Virgin: Endorses this idea.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: He's the Emperor of the French.
- The Emperor
- Four-Star Badass
- Gratuitous French
- The Napoleon
- Nice Hat
- White Stallion
Napoleon Dynamite[]
- Awesome McCoolname
- Cool Horse: The Liger.
- Name's the Same: The rap battle is announced as Napoleon vs. Napoleon.
- Nerd
- The Stoic: He stays pretty emotionless throughout his battle, not even bothering to do any motions aside from the occasional reaction to Bonaparte's verses.
- Weapon of Choice: Carries a sai and nunchucks as a testament to his alleged skills.
- What the Fu Are You Doing?: His nunchucks. "Alleged skills" indeed.
Benjamin Franklin[]
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Governor of Pennsylvania and Founding Father of the United States.
- Badass Bookworm
- Badass Long Robe: He wears one at the start of the battle.
- Bald of Awesome: Though he's not completely bald.
- Specs of Awesome: His bifocals.
- Stout Strength: He makes the screen shake when he stomps.
Billy Mays and Vince Offer[]
- Badass Beard: Billy Mays.
- But Wait! There's More!: Billy Mays' Famous Last Words
- Four Easy Payments Of: Or in this case, one easy payment for Ben Franklin to whoop Billy's ass.
- Red Baron: Billy's the Lord of the Pitch. Vince, on the other hand, is more often than not referred to as The Shamwow Guy.
- No Indoor Voice: Comes with being a spokesman.
- Take Up My Sword: Billy dies of a heart attack before he can complete his second verse. Vince steps in to finish the battle.
Gandalf the White (formerly Gray)[]
- Badass Beard
- Badass Long Robe
- Badass Grandpa
- Brought Down to Badass: Getting knocked from White to Gray, but by no means less badass.
- Death Is Cheap: It makes his brights brighter.
- Playing with Fire: One of his powers.
- Simple Staff
- Smoking Is Cool: Gets a memorable shot of him releasing a gout of smoke after inhaling from his pipe. In slow-motion.
- Wizard Beard
Albus Dumbledore[]
- Badass Army: Dumbledore's Army.
- Badass Beard
- Badass Long Robe
- Badass Gay
- Badass Grandpa
- Familiar: His phoenix Fawkes.
- Magic Wand
- Straight Gay: And proud of it!
- Wizard Beard
William Shakespeare[]
- Ax Crazy
- Antiquated Linguistics: Complete with Iambic Pentameter.
- Badass Beard
- Badass Mustache
- Cultured Badass
- Gratuitous Iambic Pentameter: His first verse.
- Kill'Em All: One of his plays, Macbeth, is described as "1 + 2 = so much blood."
- Motor Mouth: Just listen to his second verse.
- Sophisticated As Hell
Dr. Seuss[]
- Ax Crazy: Things 1 and 2.
- Berserk Button: Don't accuse him of writing the Literature/Twilight books.
- Bow Ties Are Cool: Both Seuss and the Cat wear some.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Appropriately. Through a bulk of the battle, he seems to be oblivious to what's going on.
- Kubrick Stare
- Marionette Master: His artwork does the rapping.
- Right-Hand-Cat: The Cat In The Hat.
- The Voiceless
Mr. T[]
- Badass Beard
- Badass Crew: The A-Team.
- Bling of War / Gold Makes Everything Shiny: His chains.
- No Indoor Voice
- Scary Black Man
- True Companions: The A-Team's got his back.
- Verbal Tic: "Punk!", "Fool!" and "Sucka!"
Mister Rogers[]
- Ax Crazy: Slips into this when Mr. T says he'll "call CPS about them kids on your lap!"
- Batter Up: Mr. McFeely.
- Berserk Button: Accusations of child molestation make him take a nasty turn.
- Beware the Nice Ones: And how.
- Creepy Monotone
- Dissonant Serenity: So much.
- Nice Shoes
- Precision F-Strike: Delivers a rather poignant one to Mr. T.
- OOC Is Serious Business: Mister Rogers gladly accepts anyone into his neighborhood, except for Mr. T.
- Tranquil Fury: Rogers is clearly pissed at Mr. T's joke about child molestation, but his only reaction is to slip into a calm, even, and creepy as hell monotone. Especially noteworthy given that Rogers was rather jovial until that point.
Christopher Columbus[]
- Alien Non-Interference Clause: The worst offender of the Prime Directive.
- Badass Baritone
- Badass Longcoat
- Beat Them At Their Own Game: Neck chopping Spock and stabbing Sulu with a sword.
- Cool Boat
- Cool Sword: A rapier.
- Hero-Killer: Floors Spock and Sulu in seconds.
- Nice Hat
- No Sense of Direction
- Politically-Incorrect Villain: According to Kirk.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Starts to pull this after his first line, but comes back to make good on his claim that he already knows who's going to win.
Captain James T. Kirk[]
- Anything That Moves: Makes out with a Green-Skinned Space Babe right after decking her.
- The Captain
- Cool Starship: The Enterprise.
- The Kirk
- Large Ham: In true William Shatner style.
- Stylistic Suck: He doesn't rap, so much as spastically state his verses.
- Would Hit a Girl
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Co-creator of the rap battles.
- Call Back: When he says "You and Bill O'Reilly can both suck my dick", he literally turns into John Lennon again for a second.
- Cool Shades: Until the end of his first verse, anyway.
- Embarrassing Middle Name: Alexis.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Lloyd's red.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: "Man, you don't even need to say that kind of shit. Fuck the rap battles and you. I quit!" Subverted when Kassem appears.
- What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?: He does a Jaw Drop when Lloyd threatens to unsubscribe his YouTube channel.
- Bald of Awesome: Though it's only visible for his first two lines before a hat covers it.
- Just Here for Godzilla: In-universe; claims that people only go to Peter's page for the rap battles.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Kassem calls him Todd.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Peter's blue.
- The Napoleon
Season 2[]
Master Chief[]
- Badass Baritone
- Cool Helmet
- The Faceless: Lampshaded by Leonidas.
- Human Popsicle: That sleeps in a freezer in outer space.
- Not Quite Flight
- One-Man Army: Or so he claims, though not without reason.
- Powered Armor
- Super Soldier
- Trigger Happy: Good thing he doesn't have a gun.
- Authority Equals Asskicking: King of the Spartans.
- Anything That Moves: Master Chief uses Leonidas' Greek heritage to lampshade this.
- Badass Army: The 300 Spartans.
- Badass Beard
- Badass Family
- Cool Helmet
- Heroic Build
- Large Ham
- Made of Iron: Claims his abs are stronger than armor. They're certainly stronger than pottery.
- Motor Mouth: Not as much as Shakespeare, but he speaks one line particularly fast:
Leonidas: I'll stomp you in the face with my sandals enraged and tonight we shall rhyme in the shade! |
- No Indoor Voice: He yells all of his lines.
- Non-Singing Voice: EpicLLOYD provides his voice for Leonidas' raps.
- Punctuated! For! Emphasis!: THIS! IS!! SPARTA!!!
- Rock Beats Laser: His opinion.
- Sword and Sandal
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Master Chief lampshades this.
The Mario Brothers[]
- Ax Crazy: Luigi.
- Back-to-Back Badasses
- Badass Mustaches
- Bash Brothers
- Brooklyn Rage
- Gold Makes Everything Shiny: They sport some awesome bling.
- Fat and Skinny
- Large Hams
- No Indoor Voice: Luigi.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Ironically, Luigi is the red to Mario's blue.
- Sibling Team
The Wright Brothers[]
- Back-to-Back Badasses
- Badass Beard: Wilbur.
- Badass Mustache: Orville.
- Bash Brothers
- Battle Strip
- Goggles Pull: Wilbur rips his goggles off in the second verse.
- Incest Is Relative: As accused by Mario.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The intro implies that Orville is red to Wilbur's blue.
- Sibling Team
- A Threesome Is Manly: The Wrights playing Donkey Kong with Princess Peach.
Michael Jackson[]
- Abusive Parents: His daddy beats gold records out of him.
- With alchemy!
- Badass Adorable: In the first verse, when he appears as a kid.
- Child Prodigy
- Cool Shades
- Cheerful Child in the first verse, Pretty Boy in the second.
- Dance Battler
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
- Fashionable Asymmetry: His signature glove.
- Man Child
- Man in White: As an adult.
- Musical Assassin
- Nice Hat
- Red Baron: King of Pop.
- Shotacon: Accused of this by Elvis.
Elvis Presley[]
- Big Eater: Which leads into "Fat Elvis."
- Camping a Crapper: "I may have died on the shitter/but I don't give a crap."
- Fat and Proud: Upon noticing his immensely gross weight gain, he looks positively enthused, and continues wolfing food down. Come his second verse, his being fat and old, against all common sense, makes him even more awe-inspiring than before.
- Hotblooded Sideburns
- Lolicon: MJ tries to imply this with Elvis' wife.
- Man in White
- Musical Assassin
- Papa Wolf: Displays elements of this. "I only let you marry my daughter cause I knew you'd never bang her."
- Power-Up Food: His peanut butter and banana sandwiches, which he overeats during Michael's second verse, transforms him in time for his own second verse.
- Red Baron: King of Rock'n'Roll.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: His last lyric.
"Later wierdo, Elvis is leaving the building!" |
- Stout Strength
- Too Hot for TV: Lampshaded by Child!MJ's lyric about Ed Sullivan.
- A God Am I: Kind of. She states she is a descendant of Gods, but does not claim to be one.
- Alpha Bitch
- Authority Equals Asskicking: Queen of the Nile.
- Brainy Brunette
- Brother-Sister Incest: Accused of this by Marilyn Monroe.
- Cleopatra Nose
- Kneel Before Zod
- Ms. Fanservice
- Walk Like an Egyptian
Marilyn Monroe[]
- Beauty Mark
- Berserk Button: Gets visibly pissed when Cleopatra brings up how she never had children.
- Convenient Miscarriage: As mentioned above.
- Everything's Sparkly with Jewelry: Best friends indeed.
- Hair of Gold
- Looking for Love In All the Wrong Places: Lampshaded.
- Marilyn Maneuver
- Ms. Fanservice
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Acts like a ditz, delivers quite the diss.
- Really Gets Around
- Sexy Backless Outfit