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Erenischverse (also called Ereniverse, Erenisch Universe and Erenisch Comics Universe) is a Dystopia shaped by a "Compulsory Female Slavery Law" of 2022. Majority of the stories take place around the year 2038. The detailed Fetish Fuel Future universe created by the BDSM comic artist known as Erenisch has an active fan base organized around a forum, and the verse expands with reader participation.

Comic books in the Erenischverse continuity[]

  • Birthday Gift Series (8 parts)
  • Slave Fair Series (2 parts)
  • Sluts In Training Series (2 parts)
  • Slavecop
  • The Clinic
  • The Hotel
  • For Sale
  • Family Slave Set
  • Roommates

Erenischverse includes examples of:[]