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File:Erika s Number One.PNG

She's number one! And she kind of acts one too.

"I am merely offering to put an end to your loneliness as an outcast." That's what the man promised. One little spray was all it took and then it happened. That was just the beginning. Now my big sister is my little sister. My little sister is my big sister. Mom told me that change would be hard... She was right.

Speaking of change...

Erika's New Perfume began as a short story written by Deviant ARTist/Troper Adam Cowie (aka Lance the Young) and inspired by a storyline on a Choose Your Own Adventure page and has since evolved considerably, spanning one comic series written and drawn by the author himself (with adaptations into text of most comics in this series), a Web Comic adaptation written and drawn by a fan of the original story, one crossover sequel and another crossover outside of continuity, and some individual art drawn by the author. Fanart has also arisen, and the author has stated that he is considering a spinoff sequel.

The plot might qualify as totally insane to some, but it has a following for its charm and the unique humor the concept revives. Things start out simply enough, when eleven-year-old Erika Swanson is called into an alley by an unknown being and given a bottle of perfume that she's told will put an end to her loneliness. Upon using it on herself when she gets home...

She needs diapers. Yeah. From there things get more complicated as the perfume turns her little sister Sarah into a sixteen-year-old, and her big sister Marie into a three-year-old. With no one but Erika and Marie remembering how things were, Erika finds herself adjusting to a new life stuck somewhere between her preteen years and babyhood. It's Better Than It Sounds.

It's worth noting that, while the writing in the first story is solid, the author's ability improved drastically in the two years after its posting. Erika's situation has also been expanded on in many of the spinoff-related materials.

A sequel was written entitled Erika's Old Big Sister or Marie's New Perspective, which centers primarily around closing some remaining plot threads involving Marie.

The webcomic adaptation can be found here. The entire list of Erika works (excluding most Crossovers and Fan Works) is here.

Tropes used in Erika's New Perfume include:

The first story provides examples of:[]

  • Aliens Speaking English: Apparently, English is the alien language, and the only places that don't speak it are foreign countries on Earth. "Don't tell anyone."
  • Art Shift: The comic adaptation of the original story was drawn by a friend of Adam known as Abe Sedecim, resulting in a very different look for the characters. Another of Adam's works, Chrissy and Minerva, is also getting this treatment.
  • Captain Ersatz: The figure in the alley originally was envisioned as Darkseid.
  • Equivalent Exchange: The perfume seems to work vaguely like this.
  • Fake Memories: Everyone but Erika to some degree, but Sarah most of all.
  • Fountain of Youth: Marie and Heather.
  • Imported Alien Phlebotinum: The perfume.
  • Love Potion: Though not directly, the perfume seems to ultimately have this effect too.
  • Magic Pants: A weird example, but both averted and played straight. Just because Erika's particular needs in underwear changes the ones she's wearing don't; this happens straight for Heather.
  • Plot-Relevant Age-Up: Sarah, though she remembers it differently.
  • Potty Emergency: Marie, post-transformation.

The comics provide examples of:[]

Erika's Old Big Sister Provides examples of:[]


It was like the world was backwards, she thought, sobbing into her knees. Sarah was supposed to be three, but she was such a cool grown-up. And Erika... Erika had actually reduced her to tears. The eleven-year-old in a wet diaper had just totally blown her away into dust when finally pushed too far.

  • Big Sister Bully: Teenage Marie, especially in Old Big Sister.
  • Break the Haughty: Marie, big time, in the turns-16-again story arc.
  • Bring My Brown Pants: Erika frequently gets scared into needing a diaper change.
  • The Diaper Change: While Sarah and their mom, Veronica, are used to changing Erika (after all, from their perspective they've been doing it for 11 years), recently un-regressed Marie got stuck with the duty in Old Big Sister. Neither Marie nor Erika were happy about it.

Marie: Did it have to be number two?

  • Getting Crap Past the Radar: At one point in Old Big Sister, Sarah had to explain to a once-again-teenage Marie that she caught Mark cheating on her with Erika present:

"Uh... You know how Mark was on the baseball team?" Sarah petted Erika's hair, trying to think of a good way to phrase this without damaging a certain someone's virgin ears. "Well, he was holding safe at first base when he tried to make a sudden break for a home run. I called foul and he got sent to the showers. The very cold showers."


"Hm." After only the briefest moment, Sarah's frown became a smirk, "Heheh. It's weird you don't get along with her better. I always thought you two were a lot alike."
"WHAT?!" Eyes widening, the younger sister present shrieked, "I am NOTHING like that dumb baby!"
"You sure?" Snickering at the reaction, Sarah explained, "You're both kinda on the short side, you've both got that same light build... Heheh." After a little chuckle she announced, "And when you're scared, you both make that squeaky little "eep" noise."
Growling in bitterness, Marie announced, "Yeah, well I don't crap in my pants all day, so I think your argument falls apart. W-We're different in all the important stuff!"
With that rebuttal, Sarah frowned again, pulling into the mall's parking lot. "Hm. Yeah, I guess that's true. In the important ways, you're very different from Erika." Kindness, empathy, generosity, loyalty...
