- Complete Monster: If kidnapping children and turning them into wooden statues doesn't make Trantor a monster, then what else?
- Also when he turns Ernest's dogs into wood.
- Crowning Moment of Funny: The Cutaway Gag in which Ernest's 4th grade teacher confirms that "He never knew when to quit." after whapping young Ernest over the head.
- "How 'bout a bumper sandwich, booger-lips?!"
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: When Ernest is reunited with Rimshot, after the spell that turned his dog into a wooden statue is broken.
- Ear Worm: The opening theme.
- Memetic Mutation: The face Ernest makes at Trantor the troll during their fight (and right after Ernest's "booger lips" line) has become memetic to the point that this movie is the origin of the internet phrase "troll face".
- Narm Charm: Like pretty much every Ernest movie.
- Nightmare Fuel: Quite a few of the scenes actually are genuinely frightening, particularly for children.
- Nightmare Retardant: Granted, the film never really takes itself too seriously.
- So Bad It's Good
- Special Effect Failure: The very revealing stage hand pushing the block of garbage Ernest is trapped in out with a hammer.
- Strangled by the Red String: Elizabeth randomly kissing Kenny on the cheek as they head on home, even though there were no romantic implications between the two.
- Visual Effects of Awesome: Very minor example, but the Trantor costume is a lot more impressive than you'd expect for a shoestring-budget comedy.