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  • Akiko Minase's final memory, called "There's also some that isn't sweet" features her famous inedible jam. If this move connects, she will prepare breakfast for her opponent on a table, with a slice of bread with some jam on. Each girl reacts differently to thi before taking a bite: for instance, Awake Nayuki is shivering in fearMisaki is happy with the big toast she has on the table, Sayuri thanks Akiko as she proceeds to eat it with knife and fork, etc. Each of the individual reactions is priceless.
  • And then we have Akiko Minase in general, as her fighting style involves attacking with a vast array of household items. In Kanon, Akiko is a nice and kind mom towards Nayuki and her friends, and she will certainly not harm a fly, this fact makes her fighting style even funnier, as she motherly and kindly beats them up.
  • And what about Akiko's super move where she smashes a car against her opponent? This one actually has shades of Black Comedy, as it's based in one event in Kanon where she suffered that car accident.
  • If Misuzu's winquotes are any indication, it seems the other girls are concerned about the idea of tasting her pulpy peach juice. Misuzu seems to be pretty upset when they decline her offer.
  • Makoto's Final Memory has her throwing a meat bun in the air, then catches with her mouth and eat it to recover some health. However, if you're fast enough, you can hit the meat bun away from her, and see how Makoto reacts in anger. Priceless.