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Eureeka's Castle was a children's show that was co-created by RL Stine and aired on Nick Jr., produced from 1989 to 1991 and then continuing in reruns until 1999. The show was co-created by RL Stine. Made at Nickelodeon's Nickelodeon Studios complex in Orlando, Florida and designed as a spiritual successor to Pinwheel, it followed a similar format to Sesame Street in that it was a puppet show that also featured animated and live-action segments. In its original run, it was two hours long; reruns were shortened to a half-hour in 1994, and the shortened episodes were later rerun on Noggin from 1999-2002. In Canada, the series aired on Ontario's public TV channel, TVO.

As of 2021, the series is streaming on the Paramount Plus service.

Tropes used in Eureeka's Castle include:

Mr. Knack: Hm... this phone was working until I fixed it.
