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  • Any rock song. It's just so rare to have a rock song in Eurovision.
  • According the the judges, Fairytale by Alexander Rybak In 2009, it was given the highest score ever (until the introduction of the split voting system in 2016) even if others would disagree.
    • This (American!) troper bought his album. And it's good.
      • So is his second album. Feels good to be proud to be a Norwegian for once.
  • The flash mob of 2010 managed to outshine every single entry in that show.
  • "Hello Millstreet, Sarajevo calling". The Bosnian judges phoning in from the middle of a literal warzone just to give their votes live. The audience seemed to think so too.
  • France's entry in 2009, Et s'il fallait le faire by Patricia Kaas. Only one person on stage, hardly any light or stage show, just 2 minutes and 45 seconds of singing followed by a tiny bit of dancing. Listen to the audience reactions.
  • In 2006, Lordi (Finland) won the contest. Cue Eurovision 2012 with Lordi as the spokeman for Finland.