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  • Author's Saving Throw: After an Epic Fail the part of WWE. On the June 20, 2011, episode of Raw, which was a "Power to the People" episode, fans got to choose who Bourne's opponent would be by clicking on or texting A for Jack Swagger, B for Mason Ryan or C for Sin Cara. Most people thought Bourne's opponent would be Sin Cara, or at the very least Jack Swagger, since the two were in the middle of a feud. However, the world was shocked that Ryan received 51% of the vote to Sin Cara's 30% and Swagger's 19%. While it wasn't a Curb Stomp Battle, Ryan won the match emphatically. The next day, however, it was revealed that there was a hitch in the voting system. For the previous match, which was to determine who would face (and ultimately defeat) Brie Bella for the WWE Divas Championship, 11% chose Eve (A), 53% chose Kelly Kelly (B) and 36% chose Beth Phoenix (C). Between the Diva's match and Bourne's match, did not reset voting on its Chat Poll. Had they done so, Sin Cara would have received 90% of the overall vote and faced Bourne that night. In response to their mistake, WWE has booked Evan Bourne vs. Sin Cara for the June 27, 2011, episode of Raw.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: His indie roots and natural skill make him a smark favorite though WWE rarely books him as really stong.
  • HSQ: The height Bourne gets on some of his aerial moves - especially his Shooting Star Press - has to be seen to be believed.
    • Shooting Star Press, 6 opponents, and a twenty-foot ladder. Three guesses what the audience started chanting after they saw this spot.
    • He's now teaming with Kofi Kingston. That's every bit as insanely awesome as it sounds.