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Kaji: Okay, listen: Shinji, you are becoming a man... |
Evangelion: ReDeath is a Gag Dub of Neon Genesis Evangelion made by Studio Sokodei. It takes both the series and the movie and somehow boils it down to a half-hour Coming of Age parody, which is quite an accomplishment. ReDeath is frequently shown at anime conventions, and remains one of the more popular and quoted fan-parodies of Evangelion out there. It was recently re-released in a ReDux version.
In the film we follow Loser Protagonist Shinji Ikari, who sets out on his epic quest to discover exactly what this "nookie" thing everyone keeps talking about is, and, most importantly, how he can acquire some of it. Meanwhile his father, Gendo the Pimp, attempts to bring about The End of the World as We Know It through the use of a horribly outdated pop song.
The ReDux version can be viewed here.
- The Abridged Series: Well, sort of. The term was not yet invented when it was made, so it is kind of a predecessor.
- The Ahnold: Asuka.
- Also Sprach Zarathustra: The first appearance of the SEELE monoliths (in case the reference wasn't already clear).
- Audience Participation Song: Showings of this at anime conventions usually feature the audience clapping along to Gendou's theme and singing along to a video that sets ACDC's "Big Balls" to Pokémon.
- Non Sequitur Scene: The aforementioned Pokémon AMV.
- Big No: Kaji lets one rip after he uses a crowbar to "free himself" from Misato.
- It's actually more of a scream of incomprehensible pain.
- Cool but Inefficient
Aoba: The power of song has no effect on the target! |
- Left the Background Music On: As Gendo enters the Di$ney meeting accompanied by his theme music
Billy Dee Williams (green member): "Man, am I gettin' sick of his theme song!" |
- Larynx Dissonance: Asuka, who has the voice of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
- Memetic Mutation: It's Gendo!
- Ohhh, baby...
- Teh uber pimp!
- Shinji, I Am Your Father
- Make-Out Point: According to Misato, a hill overlooking Tokyo-3 is one.
- Memetic Badass: In-Universe. Gendo is portrayed as a Kavorka Man pimp with his own Theme Song.
- The Omniscient Council of Vagueness: Di$ney.
- Overly Long Gag: A still frame of Asuka's reaction to Touji's "manhood" set to the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel's "Messiah."
- Pass the Popcorn: "Ooh, Cat Fight."
- Potty Failure: Shinji pees in the entry plug.
- Shout-Out: Plenty of em...
- The Power of Rock: NERV attempts to bring down the attacking angel by performing "Bohemian Rhapsody." It doesn't work.
- Temporal Paradox: Gendo creates one (and causes Second Impact) by playing the song "1999" in the year 2000. And Third Impact by playing it again in 2014.
- Third Person Person:
Keel LorenzBob Dole. - Volleying Insults
Misato: Bitch. |
- What an Idiot!: Kaji gives a copy of Prince's "Greatest Hits" to Gendo in order to uncover his plans.
- Wingding Eyes: Kaji gets spiral-eyed at one point in the Redux version.