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Ever After (1998 film)[]

  • When Danielle and Henry are attacked by gypsies, Danielle is told she can take "anything she can carry." She proceeds to pick up Henry and walk away carrying him on her shoulders. Charmed by her audacity, the gypsies invite them to stay for a meal.
  • Danielle punching Marguerite in the face and chasing her through the house with the threat that she's going to "rip her hair out" after the latter insults her dead mother.
  • Danielle refusing to let Marguerite wear her mother's dress. "I would rather die a thousand deaths than see my mother's dress on that SPOILED! SELFISH! COW!"
  • "My father was an expert swordsman, monsieur. He taught me well. Now hand me that key, or I swear on his grave, I will slit you from navel to nose."
  • The scene at the end where the Baroness and Marguerite re-encounter Danielle.
    • Also, Jacqueline giving her mother an awesome Ironic Echo.

 Baroness Rodmilla de Ghent: "Jacqueline, darling, I should hate to think you had anything to do with this."

Jacqueline: [sarcastically] "'Course not, Mother. I'm only here for the food."


