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Ever After (1998 film)[]

  • Jacqueline cleaning the cuts on Danielle's back after the latter was whipped, while agreeing that Marguerite deserved the beating she got.
  • The prince came to rescue Danielle, after he had horribly rejected and humilated her at the ball. To his surprise, she had already rescued herself. He then apologized to her, admitting that he was wrong and he betrayed her trust. But it turns out that she had already forgiven him for it.
  • Prince Henry (in apologizing for being a Jerkass) spontaneously calls Danielle by her real name (instead of Nicole, her mother's name, which he has been using up this point). She begs him to repeat not the apology, but the part where he says her name.
  • Another Heartwarming Moment came when he finally proposed to her.

 "I kneel before you not as a prince, but as a man in love... But I would feel like a king if you, Danielle de Barbarac, would be my wife."
