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Ever After (1998 film)[]

  • Crazy Awesome: Leonardo da Vinci. Everything he says or does is awesome.

 Leonardo da Vinci: "I shall go down in history as the man who opened a door!"

  • Tear Jerker:
    • This troper always had a hard time getting through Danielle's father's death scene.
    • Maurice's reunion with his wife early in the movie always gets this Troper, for some reason.
    • This troper can't even watch the scene where Danielle's book gets burned.
      • Agreed. The look of absolute anguish on Danielle's face as she has to chose between the shoes (her one gift from her mother, and the only way she can remember her) or her copy of Utopia (her one gift from her father, and the only way she can remember him), and then how broken she looks as she gives up the shoes; only to see Marguerite throw the book into the fire anyway. Barrymore/Danielle gives a heartbreaking scream as she reaches for the book, and then just as the audience feels a Hope Spot, the Baronness restrains Danielle and forces her to watch it burn.
    • The incident at the Masque has always reduced this troper to Inelegant Blubbering.

 "DO NOT address me so informal, Madame!"

      • This scene hits it's lowest note when he belittles her even more.

 "And you...are just like THEM [the scheming courtiers]."
