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  We just keep going. We do what we always do, and we truck on.


AKA Vin, Vince, Vinnie, Vinny, etc. Originally the host of the show. At first he doesn't believe in the Slender Man. Vin films compulsively, sometimes to the anger of his friends. The Bag implies he has some relation to, or even is, a young patient of Dr. Corenthal from the '70s who had encounters with a "Man" that may or may not be the Slender Man.

  • Agent Scully:
  • Creepy Child: Very much so when he was younger, if the Vincent mentioned in The Bag is really him
  • Only Sane Man: To an extent, as he seems to have begun to believe.
  • Perma Stubble: Goes between this and a small beard throughout the series.
    • Vinnie's beard had a good run, but was tragically lost as of "Consensus".
  • The Everyman: See name. (It's actually his stage name for the exercise videos the boys were originally shooting.)



  This ain't worth it, man...this ain't worth it.


The series' cameraman. Since the Slender Man began stalking the crew, he's begun appearing more in videos and went on an trip to his old Elementary school after his girlfriend, Jessa, disappeared, and since she and his brother Alex (who is being stalked by the Rake) have been his main motivations. The third Corenthal letter lists a patient named Jeffrey, in addition to Vincent and Evan. In the 11/26 Ustream, Jeff also said that there was a letter about a patient named Jeffrey, similar to the ones already found, although the letter has not yet been seen.

  • Expository Hairstyle Change: After he came back from his trip, his hair was much shorter.
  • Heroic BSOD: Off and on since Jessa disappeared.
  • Kick the Dog: Jeff is the one who referred the police to the Damsel as a suspect in Jessa's disappearance. Despite berating from fans he has yet to give an actual reason.
  • Properly Paranoid: Alex thinks his brother is going crazy. Of course, he doesn't know how much Jeff has to deal with.
  • Seeker Archetype
  • Who Is This Guy Again?: After his haircut, he looks far too much like Alex for some people. Amusingly, he grew his hair out again right after Alex got a buzzcut himself.



 I just think the sooner we nut up, the sooner we can take this fucker down. No more running, no more waiting...I wanna kill it.


The nutrition expert. Since Slender Man showed up, he has become much, much more unstable. Likes knives. Box #3 implies he has some connection with, and may even be, Corenthal's patient HABIT (although the latter assumption would require some sort of Time Travel).

  • Agent Mulder
  • Ax Crazy: Most obviously in the "Slender man" video, with hints in "Ashen Waste."
  • Badass: Attacked Slender Man with a baseball bat and lived. And then handled THREE close encounters with The Rake. The second time had his arm severely mauled. He reacted as though it may have been a bruise. The third time he threw The Rake out of a second-story window.
  • Batter Up
  • The Big Guy: Despite being shorter than Vince and Jeff.
  • Bruiser with a Soft Center: Evan knows martial arts, carries a giant bayonet around, is incredibly intense whenever the subject of what to do about Slender Man comes up, and he also charges Slender Man with a baseball bat. If his normal interaction with his friends doesn't make it obvious that he's this, however, his behavior in "Alex" certainly does, the What the Hell, Hero? he directs at Jeff notwithstanding.
  • Crazy Prepared: In "May & June", it turns out he'd been keeping an "emergency machete" attached to the bottom of Vince's car.
  • Creepy Child: Much like Vinnie, if he really is the HABIT in Corenthal's notes, then he was definitely this as a kid.
  • Demonic Possession: The other theory regarding his relationship with HABIT.
    • More or less confirmed with the CYSTW posts, as well as the "OUTSIDE HELP" video.
  • Dumb Muscle: Vince describes him as an "RL-troll" because he's hardly ever online. In "Damsel," he seems momentarily confused that Jeff's access key is in keycard form and not an actual car-type key.
  • Estrogen Brigade Bait: Take a gander at all the Evan fangirls at the Unfiction forums. Jessie's even worried about them coming after her for hugging him.
  • Expository Hairstyle Change: In contrast to Jeff and Alex's buzzcuts, Evan goes without a haircut as the series goes on. In an inversion, his longer hair only looks really unkempt while he's wearing his hat, which is usually when he's acting perfectly sane; it looks well-groomed during his Ax Crazy moments. Except during the non-canon "Slender man," where he is wearing it and looks appropriately disheveled while going after Vince.
  • Knife Nut
  • Laughing Mad: Most distinctly when Vinnie cuts open the blood bags in "Joke's Over".
  • Only Sane Man: While he initially appeared to be losing his mind, he seems to be the most practical and calm out of all of them... most of the time.
  • Relationship Upgrade: With Steph.
  • Sanity Slippage: Seemed to be at first, though later it seems that there's something else going on... see below.
  • Split Personality: "You may scare Evan, but he's just a bitch."
  • Stalker with a Crush: Greatly thought to be one for Damsel- he's reading her blog in the Sleep Deprivation video, is seen running behind her and Jessa in one of her videos, and makes a video defending her after Jeff reports her to the police.
  • Tyke Bomb: Like Nick, he may have been specifically "bred" for strength by HABIT to make him a suitable host.



 You guys ready to Slender-shoot?


The crew's fake Slender Man from the early videos; he appeared to have cut and run when the genuine article appeared but it turns out he's still around, occasionally turning up for parties and other group events. Should have run.

  • Demoted to Extra
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Went unmentioned for a long time until "Ryan and the seven trials of HABIT", where it turned out he was still around, just not involved much. Surprising considering he's the one who dressed like the Slender Man in the first place.


Full name Jessalyn. Jeff's girlfriend; "Jessa's kind of weird and I love her for it." She went missing soon after she first appeared. "Congratulations Magus!.avi" shows (or at least implies) she's been taken by Slender Man.

CANYOUSEETHEWORDS / "Damsel" / Steph[]


 When people make a mistake, they generally try to cover it up. I’m no different.


An art student at Princeton, first getting involved with the EMH crew through her friendship with Jessa. However, she's not unaware of a certain tall man. She and Jeff don't really get along; he suspected her of involvement in Jessa's disappearance and reported her to the police, putting her in the mental ward. Her last entry, on the post-queue, reveals her family was killed by the Slender Man and she is the one who burned down her house afterward; she seemingly signed off for the final time at the end.

The HYBRIDs take it upon themselves to save her, and do so... on the day she would've been released anyway. She has since been living with Evan. HALLOWEEN HANGOVER reveals that she and Evan have become an item, and she is now pregnant with his child.

Like Vinny, Evan, and Jeff, she shares a name with one of the children taken in by Dr. Corenthal in the 70s.



 Don't even know what to do. Can't tell anybody...I mean, this thing is much worse than some skinny stick.


Jeff's younger brother. First made cameos in "Day In The Life" and "Jeff", he seemed to be unrelated to the plot until his Youtube account was discovered. Was dealing with the Rake living in his closet. It seemed to have left Alex alone for a while only to move into his shed, sneaking into his room at night to whisper things to him. Even worse, Alex is now missing and presumed dead.

  • Evil-Detecting Dog: His beloved Sparky.
    • RIP Sparky as of "One step forward, two steps back"...
  • Expository Hairstyle Change: Very similar to his brother's.
  • I Reject Your Reality: Dealt with the deaths of his parents and dog by completely refusing to even process that they've passed on; note moments such as talking to recordings of his mom like they're having a conversation and interacting with a sock puppet as if it's Sparky. If Alex isn't spiraling into insanity then he's certainly going through a very unhealthy grieving process, as observed by Vinnie.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: "Troll Catch" has him initially being a bit of a Jerkass, trying to lighten the mood with Jeff in pretty much the worse way possible, but PMs with him have shown that he really does care about his brother and he genuinely seems like a good guy.
  • Name's the Same: No, not that Alex. Not that "J" either.
  • Obfuscating Insanity: Possibly.
  • Sanity Slippage: Alex has had a difficult time coping with the deaths of those around him.
  • Expository Hairstyle Change: Very similar to Jeff.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Between refusing to tell anyone about the Rake and leaping headlong into HABIT's game, Alex seemed raring to die in mysterious supernatural circumstances until his fellow teammates voted him out. Given that Alex is just a step short of complete lunacy though, perhaps this behavior is somewhat understanadable.



 You could always wait in the car, that always ends up well, right?

Nooo, fuck no.


A girl first spotted on the U Stream who joined the guys when they went to Lambertville in "Cops Checked, No Body". Dr. Corenthal is her great-uncle. She and Evan used to date, and are still friends. In "Jim Thorpe", the boys go to visit her and find her murdered in her home by the Rake.

Dr. Corenthal[]


 In all my years of practice, I have never seen a utensil buried so deep into a human body.


First mentioned in "-.", Doctor Corenthal worked at Fairmount Children's Home decades ago. The reports found in the Bags mention four of his patients, who share the names of the main characters: his most worrying patient by far was a boy named Evan who would only answer to the nickname "HABIT" and was generally a danger to everyone around him. Corenthal supposedly killed himself in 2005. Oh, and he is or was Jessie's great-uncle.

In the 1990s, Dr. Corenthal also treated Milo, the cousin of Noah from Tribe Twelve.

  • A Fate Worse Than Death: "The good doctor is not so lucky as to be dead. Just dealing with some old HABITs."
  • Apocalyptic Log: His notes on "HABIT"
  • He's Just Hiding: in-universe. But we don't know where yet.
  • Terrible Ticking: After working with "HABIT", the lyric "rabbit or habit" began to plague him--he even heard it in his sleep. This has led to fan jokes about him being so hip he liked Animal Collective decades before they existed.

The Slender Man[]


  Take solace in the rain, my children. It only means I'm near.


The mainstay and central character of the mythos, the crew originally created a fake Slender Man to add some spice to the show - only for the real one to show up. What "he" wants is as unclear as ever, but he's abducted Jessalyn and is doing everything he can to mess with the HYBRID crew's heads.

  • Badass in a Nice Suit
  • The Blank
  • Combat Tentacles: In "Joke's Over".
  • Humanoid Abomination
  • Noodle People
  • Psychic Powers: According to Evan's description of his fight with Slender Man, he telekinetically blocked the bat then did some kind of damage.
  • Real After All
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Blue to HABIT's Red. Comes off as a Blue to The Rake as well.
  • Speak of the Devil: What initially seems to have drawn him to the series. After everything else that's happened, however, the boys are starting to wonder if he would have shown up eventually anyway.
  • Suddenly Voiced: Sort of. He doesn't audibly speak, but there was a sequence of unsigned tweets-- one in allcaps and one normal. The allcaps one appears to be HABIT. The non-allcaps tweets are highly implied to be him; though according to HABIT not personally typed.

 Go play your little game, children. Nothing more to see here.


The Rake / "The feral Other"[]




First spotted in "Cops Checked, No Body", the entity from this well-known creepypasta: a pale, naked, savage creature that scuttles around on all fours and smells like raw sewage. It was living in the wall behind Alex's closet, and made its presence very clear, though Jeff and Evan drove it out. It disappeared, only to reappear months later in Jeff and Alex's shed, where it killed Alex's dog Sparky. The Rake appeared most recently in "Jim Thorpe", where it murdered Jessie and attacked Vin and Evan.

Some consider it the (still-evil) opposite to the Slender Man, comparing its feral, openly violent nature to Slendy's preference for silently messing with his victims' minds.

  • Beast Man: A really creepy variant; he's some sort of freakish, furless dog-man.
  • Canon Immigrant
  • Cross Through: The letter from the original Rake story is replied to in Everyman HYBRID
  • The Dragon: The dominant theory is that he's HABIT's enforcer.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Along with being a freaky dog-man, he also seems have some of the same powers as Slendy.
  • Leitmotif: Not a single piece of music, but if you here a song by The Decemberists playing in a video, expect a Rake attack at some point.
  • The Unintelligible: Assuming he's not speaking gibberish in "Alex" then he's very hard to understand. The consensus seems to be "I am the Rake."



  Sing along, rabbits.


A mysterious being whose presence has become increasingly felt as the series has gone on. Was thought to be the Rake, but now highly implied to be either a Split Personality of Evan or a disembodied spirit that sometimes possesses him. Has an email for registering for vague "trials", the Seven Trials of HABIT, and a Twitter account for actually outlining the trials. Appears to be the one responsible for the Morse Code videos as well as the other odd edits and cutaways in the main videos.

According to Can You See the Words, HABIT can possess multiple people at once and has been doing so at least since the 1950s. He apparently orchestrated the births of both Evan and his friend Nick so they'd be suitable hosts. He had Nick attack Evan as a trial, and Evan killed Nick.



  • Split Personality: Shows signs of being this to Evan. We do know that at the very least his true name is Evan, according to Dr. Corenthal's papers.
  • Super Strength
  • Troll: Some of the things he says and does are really just for no other reason than to piss people off.
  • Those Wacky Nazis: In addition to being Jack the Ripper, HABIT has also admitted to being Josef Mengele. He also seems to enjoy Nazi memorabilia.