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Fridge Brilliance[]

  • In "Damsel," why does Jeff suddenly hand the camera off to Evan, the one out of the three who actually knows at least self-defense, while they're somewhere they're not supposed to be and will be physically restrained if caught? Maybe Jeff and Vince are starting to realize that Evan's going a little crazy for real and not just being his usual, quirky self, and they're afraid a confrontation would make him go full blown Ax Crazy and stab someone.
    • Don't forget how Jeff tackles the security guard. Obviously Evan isn't the only one who can deal with a violent situation.
  • How the hell are the guys not more alarmed when all kinds of weird cuts and Alien Geometries are showing up in their videos? "Cops Checked, No Body" reveals that they somehow can't see any of those clips.
    • This has been hinted at in two of their Twitter responses early on. Jeff asks why they keep getting questions about a video titled "- - -". Some time after, he apparently checks Youtube and is unable to see the video, even asking if people are trolling them.
  • The crew doesn't seem to be slipping into complete and utter insanity quite yet. Sure, there's Evan, but other than that, any signs of madness are sure coming slowly. They claim it's because they have each other to hang onto. Is this why Damsel seemed calmer and more at ease when she was hanging out with Jessa?
  • Everyman Hybrid? They were probably planning on crossing over a bunch of creepypastas from the start.
  • Alex's many issues. You don't have to watch the videos to notice a strange correlation. Aside from his brother, which of the Hybrid crew does he tend to hang out with the most...?
  • The Rake is in the shed? Hoheoehoheheoha

Fridge Horror[]

  • The blood that pours out of the bag in 'Joke's Over' looks too watery to be blood, and when Evan attacks Slender Man with the baseball bat he winds up with Blood From the Mouth. Now think back: some of the first few stories about Slender Man suggested that he could melt his victims into mist.
  • The characters are aware of The Slender Man Mythos. In fact, the first few appearances of the Slender Man are actually a joke, which is what probably drew Slendy's attention to them. Think about this. In their world, Slender Man was fictional, at least, for a time. It ties in with the concept that Slender Man exists because we know about him. Think about what this implies about The Slender Man Mythos in our world.
  • In "Public Service Announcement," when they fess up to putting in a fake Slendy, they mention that of the appearances in the first videos, "not all of them are ours." Bearing in mind the above "can't see the weird videos" issue, which ones aren't?
    • Similar to this, when this troper started this series he was a little disappointed in the lack of subtlety of some of the Slendy appearances, like when they're pushing the car. Come on, Slendy was barely obstructed by the trees, they would have easily seen him if they had looked around. But then came Public Service Announcement, and this troper realized: all the crappy, amateur appearances were the team's Slenderman, and the convincing, subtle ones were the real Slenderman. Series redeemed.
  • In "Alex," Evan is wearing a Bioshock T-shirt. Evan and the rest of the cast are apparently avid gamers if the other videos are anything to go by, and he's worn game-related T-shirts before, so it doesn't seem like much. The Rake, however, bears a resemblance to the Spider Slicers of Rapture, and Alex's room is utterly trashed like Rapture after the riots. The shirt is a nice visual touch even if it wasn't intentional.
  • In one of the papers by Dr. Corenthal it says that HABIT likes to kill rabbits. HABIT calls the people who entered the tournament rabbits. Considering what's already happened to Ryan this may not end well.
  • The guys lose contact with Jessa shortly before the events depicted in Joke's Over. Think about it.
  • HABIT recently released some directions for his Seventh Trial, explaining that the trial's time limit is indefinite and will continue as long as there are at least two rabbits left. That's right, There Can Only Be One! In other words, the final trial is to be the last rabbit breathing, meaning he's calling on them to kill each other.

Fridge Logic[]

  • When you break into a mental institution to break out a patient, the first part of your plan should be grabbing a camera to film yourself breaking the law. Admittedly, even with an ARG where the aim is to simulate reality, it'd be pretty dumb for a major plot event to happen off-screen.
    • This happened with Lonelygirl15 as well, where Bree and Daniel had a fight and recorded it. When Daniel pointed out that they were recording a private moment for the public, I believe Bree said something about how "they" deserved to know.