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  • Healthy Eating has the strange figure in the window and Slendy suddenly appearing, waving his head back and forth before telekinetically slaming a door shut... And when they reenter they find Slendy gone... *shudder*
  • Introduction looks like a legitimate fitness video the whole way through. Then you reach the last couple seconds, and anyone who's seen Marble Hornets prepares for all new horror.
  • Cardio & Outdoor Activities: The Jump Scare of the distorted audio is bad enough, but then Evan pulls out a familiar looking doll that a man told a little girl to give him.
  • Evan's Dream Log: He describes a nightmare about a bunch of children disappearing, and then hearing their screams from inside trees. Given Slendy's MO, you have to wonder...
  • Joke's Over: It's pretty disturbing seeing comic relief guy Evan going Laughing Mad over bags of blood.
  • The first half of "I'm Okay" has Jeff eerily recounting how he was left behind in a burning school as a kid, and is suddenly interrupted by more audio distortion before the camera dies.
  • The letter in "Reunion." “Who are you, my dear friend, to reach someone like me? I look forward to our reunion in Hell. Otherwise, I fear my warnings have fallen on deaf ears. The sight of his black eyes, his markings, this face not human, now has claimed another one of us. I’m sorry I was too late. – Linnie.”
  • Just about every one of The Rake's appearances, but in particular the latest in Jessie. After being pushed out the window of the second story, it attacks Vince and we get an up-close look at it.
  • The concept of the hidden videos. Something is putting videos on the channel that the boys are unable to see, no matter how many times the links are sent to them. Massive increases in Paranoia Fuel right there.
    • How about the hidden pieces? There are videos uploaded by the boys but with bizarre segments that they can't see. Such as time distortion or bizarre text.
    • In "The Hidden Videos", a fan sends the boys a compilation of the hidden videos. When they try to watch it, the video turns to static and they fall unconscious. Whoever is responsible, they really don't want them to see the videos.
  • "Twenty four months". After a glimpse of just how ground down the guys have become emotionally, we get treated to a lovely montage put together by our old friend HABIT, who took the liberty of giving it a peppy soundtrack promising that "the best is yet to come, come the day you're mine."
  • Evan's expression right at the end of this video.
  • Not dead yet has plenty. The fans told Vince to check up on Jeff and Evan because of the second half of the above video (which Vince claims he can't see). In the basement he finds a pool of blood, a chain, and Jeff's shoes. He prepares to leave when he hears something, turns around, and the Slender Man leans in, wrapping his fingers around the wall. Sweet dreams.