FSN Heavens Feel Film-Saber Alter

The Elegant Gothic Lolita Dragon King

"So I went to Takeshi Takeuchi with a variety of nonsensical requests such as, Please make the last boss costume naked-apron. "
- Kinoko Nasu, co-creator of Fate Franchise

  • In Fate Stay Night, the 'Obviously Good' female Servant, Saber, turns out to be the least sexiest out of the other enemy female servants. Really, compare her with Rider, or Caster (especially with her hood down), though Rider has the excuse of just merely being an opposing Servant, not aligned as evil like Caster. Played straight with  Saber Alter, who, while clad in darker version of her armor, is also shown in a classy and revealing night dress that shows off some skin.
    • Gilgamesh too. And Archer in UBW.
    • Kirei Kotomine is an attractive Sexy Priest with ripped body, and is an obviously up to no good guy.
    • Sakura wears a modest clothing while Dark Sakura is claded in skintight, Mana-based Vapor Wear.
    • Angra Mainyu's human form: lean and toned body, dark skin with tattoos, going shirtless while wearing only bandana, tattered waistcloth, some bandages, and a fundoshi (His April Fool's art instead put him in Going Commando).
  • In Fate Extra CCC Nurse Sakura wears a modest school uniform with a lab coat, while her counterpart BB wears skintight leotard and miniskirt, Passionlip with boobstraps and Absolute Cleavage, and Meltlilith with her c-string plate Thong of Shielding.
    • The true antagonist Kiara wears a form fitting nun outfit with a large slit and a what appeared to be a complex "Naked Apron" in her demon form.
    • Swimsuits aside, the male character to show the most skin is also the only evil one Archimedes. Consider his most famous legend and Historical Beauty Update, this is appropriate.
  • Zigzagged in Fate Apocrypha.
    • The Evil Alignment servants Jack and Semiramis wear revealing outfit, while Atalante is modest. Mordred (who is a servant on the good side) wears full plate armor but also wears even skimpier outfit underneath.
    • On the other side, Spartacus, the only evil alignment male servant apart from Vlad, is also the most Stripperiffic. The other good alignment male servants are more or less well dressed but the Red Faction Amakusa gets a Walking Shirtless Scene and Shakespear shows slightly more skin than his Grand Order version along with bondage scenes (that will be re-enacted in Shinjuku Arc) twice.
  • In Fate: Grand Order, the "evil" Jeanne Alter's ascension outfit shows more skin and shapely body than her good counterpart. This became particularly humorous when her Chaotic Good Lily version was released, and she topped herself with her "Lawful Evil" Rider version -- who's basically a Stripperiffic Ninja Maid.
    • Male version: Goetia, King of Human aka Blond Solomon is completely naked save for red-black energy that convinently covers his very well-toned body.
    • Lawful Good Vlad (Lancer) is claded in spiky and bloody armor with unkempt beard and barbarian long hair, while the Chaotic Evil Vlad (Berserker) looks like sophisticated gentleman with long wavy hair and pretty charming to boot.
    • Inverted with Lancer Alter and Goddess Rhongomyniad. The former, while has dark and evil appearance like Saber Alter, is unquestionably heroic (and not so stoic). The latter is a Well-Intentioned Extremist.
    • While Archer Emiya is pretty GAR himself, the various evil versions of him don't falter behind either. Shadow Emiya has Bare Your Midriff and slightly less restrained personality, Corrupted Heroic Spirit Emiya goes topless with blindfold with an outfit that resembles Angra Mainyu's but replacing Fundoshi with an actual pant, and Emiya Alter shows off his ripped body with only sleeves that cover where his nipples (normally) would be.}
    • To say nothing of Koyanskaya of Light and her Spy Catsuit...