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Here is the cast of the Play Station game Evil Zone.

Sho Mikagami / Danzaiver! / "Exceptional Inspector"[]

Setsuna Saizuki / "Guardian Angel"[]


Linedwell Reinrix / "Medium at Daybreak"[]

Erel Plowse / "The Mercenary"[]

Gally 'Vanish' Gregman / "The Bounty Hunter"[]

Keiya Tenpouin - "The Man in the Shadow"[]

Midori Himeno - "Grappler and Passionate"[]

Alty Al Lazel - "Wizard"[]

  • Akiko Yajima
  • I Will Protect Her: To Erel.
  • Lawful Stupid: Rather than try to team up with the summoned warriors, Al gives up before the pre-fight cutscene even ends, and falls in line with the 'standard tournament for no reason' plot. We all cut him a break, since it's his sense of responsibility that leads him to trying to convince the warriors to let him, a native of I-Praseru, to settle their own hash.
  • Magical Boy Warrior
  • Playing with Fire
  • Savvy Guy, Energetic Girl: Him and Erel
  • Teen Genius: Is the most powerful court magician... at age 14.
    • He's actually such a magical tank that he was the one who summoned all the warriors with his powers.
      • He also is quite good at the court-style (as in, of lords and ladies) martial arts.

Kakurine - "Priestess"[]

Ihadulca - "The Absolute Existence"[]
