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You think these Princess Curls are extreme, you should see the curling irons!

It's like they knew that we had seen this movie before, and we knew the curves they were gonna throw at us, but they made the curves just a little bit sharper than usual.

When the writers decide to play with a trope by turning the results Up to Eleven.

Since Tropes Are Flexible, they can be taken to various degrees. This is about taking them to degrees much higher than typical, often to ridiculous extremes.

In short, this is why The Same but More warns that higher degrees of tropes alone are not new tropes. Those are simply Playing with a Trope.

This is usually done for parody (which makes this a Sister Trope to Satire, Parody, Pastiche), but there can be other reasons to do this.

Compare Troperiffic, Serial Escalation, Up to Eleven, Refuge in Audacity, Logical Extreme.

Contrast Downplayed Trope.

Examples of Exaggerated Trope include:

Anime and Manga[]



Live Action TV[]


Tabletop RPG[]

Video Games[]

Web Comics[]

Western Animation[]

  • A lot of the Disney Princess artwork really loves to crank up Everything's Better with Sparkles.
  • The Hilariously Abusive Childhood of Doctor Doofenshmirtz's Multiple Choice Past from Phineas and Ferb: "It all started when I was born. Neither of my parents showed up." He had to pretend to be a lawn gnome after theirs was repossessed, he had to wear dresses, he wasn't allowed to go swimming in public pools, his father preferred the dog and named it "Only Son" and he was abandoned and raised by ocelots.
    • Then there's Phineas and Ferb's Homemade Inventions - they think nothing of building a mountain ski resort in their backyard, a rollercoaster that spans the city or two spacecraft and mission control with a free morning, and Candace's inevitable case of It Was Here, I Swear: whatever it is, and however much of a mess it should leave behind, everything vanishes without trace by the time she tries to show their parents.