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Arthur Pendragon/ King Arthur[]
Nigel Terry[]
- Bed Trick: How he was conceived at the beginning and later on...
- Brother-Sister Incest: With his sister Morgana who pretended to be Guenevere.
- The Chosen One
- Cool Sword
- Heroic Bastard
- Only the Worthy May Pass: With Excalibur.
- Supernatural Aid: With Merlin, Excalibur and the Lady of the Lake.
Nicol Williamson[]
- The Cassandra: Throughout the movie, he will tell you exactly what will happen. However, he keeps it so low key that the audience won't notice without a second viewing while the characters just simply ignore it.
- Hermit Guru
- Last of His Kind
- Large Ham: In a World where knights shout everything, one man's hamminess stands out even from this crowd. (Possibly the source of his ham is the Dragon.)
- Oracular Urchin
Nicolas Clay[]
- Knight Errant
- Knight in Shining Armor
- Love Triangle: With Arthur and Guenevere.
- The Paragon Always Rebels: Throughout the movie, he is praised by his fellow knights as the one who helps bring about their victories, but...
- Fallen Hero: ...after what happened when Arthur caught him sleeping with Guenevere. He then ditches his armor and goes off preaching the evils of the King and how he allowed the country to fall.
- Wound That Will Not Heal
Leon De Grance[]
Patrick Stewart[]
- Bald of Awesome
- Large Ham: It's Jean Luc Picard wearing medieval armor.
Helen Mirren[]
- Bed Trick: With Arthur as part of her revenge.
- Blondes Are Evil
- Creepy Child
- Primal Scene: Watched her mother and her Dad ( It's really Uther in disguise) have sex in front of her.
- Evil Sorcereress
- No Immortal Inertia
- Royal Blood
- Strange Girl
- Vain Sorceress
- Antagonistic Offspring: To his father, Arthur.
- Bastard Bastard: Big time
- Bling of War: One of the fanciest armors in the movie.
- Blondes Are Evil: Just like his mother.
- Creepy Child
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: He loved his mother until, Merlin tricked her into performing the Dragon's Breath. In his rage, he strangled her to death.
- The Power of Love: Averted. Arthur offers it to him, but tells him off and plans to conquer his kingdom.
- Together in Death
- Mutual Kill: With Arthur.
Mordred: Come Father, let us embrace at last. |
Uther Pendragon[]
Gabriel Byrne[]
- Bed Trick
- Supernatural Aid: With Merlin until he ruined his plans to bring about peace because he wanted to have sex with another Queen.