- Crowning Moment of Awesome: Andy's speech on Celebrity Big Brother telling off the celebrity culture desperate for fame and the paparazzi who indulge them.
- Samuel L Jackson's film role:"Tell Them Uncle Sam's in town"
- Crowning Moment of Heartwarming — "I'd be the penguin."
- Darren and Barry's hug in the Christmas Special.
- Crowning Moment of Funny — "May I have back my prophylactic, Dame Diana?"
- Then damn near tops himself when Warwick Davis confronts Radcliffe about hitting on his fiance, which prompts Daniel to call for his mom in desperation.
- Patrick Stewart's screenplay about a man who uses mind control to see women naked. Mostly because he is so serious about it. Although, being Patrick Stewart, he doesn't need mind control to get women to take their clothes off.
- Also this part. What really makes the line is how he sounds like Gervais is the most pitiful creature he has ever seen. "You're not married, you haven't got a girlfriend, and you've never watched Star Trek? ...Good lord."
- "Oh fuck off, I'm Clive Owen."
- The entirety of Andy's first meeting with Sir Ian "Action! WIZARD! YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" McKellen.
- Moreso for British viewers, Ross Kemp destroying his hardman image beautifully. "Super. Army. Soldiers."
- Ear Worm: The theme song to When The Whistle Blows.
- Not to mention "See his pug-nosed face! (Pug, pug! Pug, pug!) Little fat man with the pug-nosed face!"
- Hilarious in Hindsight — Kate Winslet cameoed as herself in an episode, where she announced her intention to star in a Holocaust film purely because such films always win Oscars. A few years later, she finally won an Oscar for The Reader, which is, you guessed it, a Holocaust film.
- Ho Yay — Darren and Barry.
- Memetic Mutation — "Are you having a laugh? Is (s)he having a laugh?!"
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