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  • Hiruma kidnapping Monta.
  • The viral video Hiruma makes in Chapter 53 to get the Nasa Aliens to play the Devil Bats. It involves depicting the Aliens' racist coach as a (literal) chicken and putting him through a Humiliation Conga. The build-up to it makes it even funnier, as you just see Hiruma filming random things out of context (from Monta doing one of his acrobatic catches to Cerberus taking a crap) and have to wonder what he's up to this time.
  • Sena getting savvy about Monta's fantasies. "Why am I always the one throwing confetti?"
  • Sena's delirious, exhaustion-fueled hallucinations after the game with the Nasa Aliens. Especially when he sees a shirtless Shin carrying a huge dumbell, a ten-ton weight, and a live elephant. Balanced on a fingertip.

 Sena: He can't be real! But the scary thing is, I can't be sure...


 Doburoku: You support him a lot too, as his girlfriend.

Mamori: Yeah.


Mamori: *with a wild look on her face* I am doing my best as a MA-NA-GER!

  • During the game between the Koigahama Cupids and the Seibu Wild Gunmen, Hatsujou is about to go through his usual shtick of making fun of the opposing team for not having girlfriends to cheer them on... and then he sees Seibu's cheerleaders, and laments "Oh no, it looks like we've lost on every count!"
  • The Sports Festival chapters have some funny moments, like Hiruma managing to convert Yukimitsu and Mamori into his evil plans, and Hiruma dressed up as a bunny.
  • This. Take particular note of exactly who Kurita crushed. Two of them are Devilbats.
  • Kotaro Sasaki using up one of his team's time-outs... just so he can tell the Devil Bats the Bando Spiders' dramatic back-story.
  • Takami and Hiruma showing defeat... "is that what you expected me to say?!"
  • Ikari's backstory during the Kanto semi-finals. He was constantly getting suspended for picking fights with people he thought were making fun of Ojou Academy. After a string of these, he overhears two guys ridiculing the current lineup of the White Knights, and proceeds to... sign up for the football team.
  • In the Oujou vs Devilbats competition, after finally managing their first touchdown, Monta claps his arm over Sena's shoulder declaring that they'll plow through to the next touchdown with an unbeatable tag team. Sakuraba hears this and tells them that he and Shin will do the same and score as a tag team. The commentator notes that Shin isn't the type to put his arm over someone's shoulder and wonders what he'll do.


    • Poor Sakuraba.
  • Chapter 270, Sena vs. Gaoh. How does a guy look so badass yet so cowardly at the same time?
  • After Kurita finally manages to stop Gaoh, the rest of the team gets fired up resulting in....ultra-manly screaming and thick eyebrows. Even the mascot. This troper nearly choked laughing seeing Marco's reaction.
  • Gaou + Agon vs Gomery and the pages building up to it, starting from Agon getting his hair shaved off, were absolutely, gut-wrenchingly hilarious. Sena and Monta put it best.

 Sena: "The worst. It's the worst tag team in history."

Monta: "From the bottom of my heart, I'm happy they're our teammates."

  • The night before the match with America, the whole team bursts onto scene screaming bloody murder which builds to be....

  Sena: "What's with that uselessly badass pillow fight?!?"

  • Mizumachi taking one for the team to be the "Cupid of Friendship" for Sena, Shin and...Agon.
  • "There is only one person having so much fun though ..."
  • When huge amounts of flowers were delivered to the clubhouse and Mamori suggests Hiruma did it, Musashi and Kurita's disbelieving faces sold it.
  • Sena nervously asks a few people if they could make some room for them at a resturant. They rudely make fun of him. Enter Gaou, Shin and Agon. Shin politely asks, Gaou has a Slasher Smile on and Agon flat out tells them to "die".
  • Anytime the normally stoical Shinryuuji Nagas (minus Agon and Unsui) start blushing, hooting or hollering whenever they see a pretty girl. Only to later revert back to normal when they see guys.
  • Mizumachi is more concerned with how Agon's hair regrew in such a short time and suspecting it was a wig when everyone else was freaking out over how Gaou had gotten easily beaten by Mr Don. Next panel...

  "There are two corpes now."
