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Dark humor abounds in the F.E.A.R. series.

  • In the first game, some of the commentary from the Delta operators, particularly Holiday, is hilarious.

Holiday: (disarming explosives) Man, whoever rigged this was a pro.
Bishop: Is that supposed to make me feel better?
Holiday: He may be a pro, but I'm the master.

  • Betters has plenty of commentary to add over the course of the mission, like when dealing with Alice Wade:

Betters: Miss Wade, those soldiers are after you, and if they catch you, their methods will be very unpleasant.
Alice Wade: Yeah, well, you said I would be safe on a helicopter. [1]
Betters: Stubborn bitch, isn't she?

    • Later, when Jin and the Point Man meet back up:

Jin: Thank God you're alright!
Betters: You two can make out later, now get on the chopper!

  • Alice freaking out if the Point Man decides to leave the elevator to take the fight to the Replica.

Alice: You don't have to kill everybody!

    • Really, the entire escort sequence. Between the oddly cheery music in the elevator to Alice's increasingly horrified reactions to the Point Man getting his Blood Knight on, its one of the most hilarious moments in the game.
  • In Project Origin, Jankowski's reactions if you screw around in the plaza.

Griffin: What kept you?
Jankowski: Bucket had to take a bath in the fountain.

  • Everything about Snake Fist.

Stokes: Who the hell are you?
Snake Fist: You can call me...Snake Fist.
Stokes: (incredulous) ...are you fucking kidding me?!

  • Later on:

Snake Fist: Alma covets you. She's a....coveter. You're like free pizza at an anime convention. She can smell you. And she wants to consume you.

  • Keegan and Jankowski get sadly little banter, but what is there is hilarious.

Jankowski: A lot of blood. Looks like he got hit in the aorta.
Keegan: The aorta? Maybe he got hit in the femoral, or subclavian?
Jankowski: Dude, making fun of someone's intelligence is a sign of immaturity.

    • A few moments later, after the first encounter with an Armacham goon:

Jankowski: Keegan, you okay?
Keegan: I think they hit my aorta!
Jankowski: Dude, give it a rest.


Mmmm! Those bullets taste like chicken, don't they?

  • FEAR 3 is a little less humorous, but Fettel gets a painfully hilarious pun in at the end of Interval Six, when the Point Man gets dropped off a bridge into the river.

If this is your plan, I'd say things are going...swimmingly! (Evil Laugh)

  • The Phase Commander threatening to dismember his own men if they retreat is one of the most darkly humorous moments in the entire series.
  • There are nail guns in all of the games, and they can be used to provide hilarious results by pinning your enemies head down on the ceiling, or nailing their limbs to a painting on the wall.
  1. The last helicopter got shot down by the Replica.