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  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: John Carpenter directed the third game's cutscenes.
  • Anticlimax Boss: Paxton Fettel, and Commander Vanek.
  • Awesome Music:
    • "Four Rusted Horses" by Marilyn Manson was used in the launch trailer for F.E.A.R. 3. Here is the launch trailer and the song itself.
    • But even more awesome is the song that plays during the credits, if only for its thematic significance: "Mother" by Danzig.
  • Complete Monster: Genevieve Aristide, who shoots Stokes in the back, then tries to use the player as bait to trap Alma.
    • The Creep. It's Harlan Wade, minus the very limited redeeming features that he developed by the end of the first game, then twisted into a psychopathic, megalomaniacal abomination by Alma's insanity.
  • Contested Sequel: Every F.E.A.R. game and expansion since the first has resulted in reams of discussion as to whether or not it matches up to the original.
  • Foe Yay: Becket and Alma.
  • Funny Aneurysm Moment: Stokes asks Snake Fist who the hell Alma is. Snake Fist replies "She's the mother of the apocalypse!", an amusingly unhelpful description that becomes somewhat less amusing in light of the game's ending. Especially considering you are the father of the apocalypse.
  • Hell Is That Noise: Some of the automatic doors in the second expansion pack seem to be designed to produce the a sound that is painfully close to the same sort of laugh as the near invisible creepy monsters which show up in both of the first game's expansion packs.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: One of the meanings players gave F.E.A.R. was "Fuck Everything And Run". In F.E.A.R. 3, one of the multiplayer modes involves doing mostly this and is called "F**king Run".
  • It Was His Sled: F.E.A.R. 3 is built off the twist endings of both games prior: Paxton Fettel being the Point Man's brother and Alma being their mother, and Alma raping Beckett.
  • Memetic Molester: Alma. Which is totally justified.
  • Memetic Mutation: "SHIT SHIT SHIIIIIIT!!!!"
    • "You're like free pizza at an anime convention."
  • Moral Event Horizon:
    • Genevieve Aristide and Harlan Wade. Which of these two is worse is up to you, though consider Alma's forced impregnation, the sperm donor of which is her father. The bastard basically knocked up his own daughter.
    • Paxton Fettel crosses this if you win F.E.A.R. 3's campaign as Fettel. For someone obsessed with talking about his mother with his brother, it's horrifying to see Fettel absorbing Point Man's body to eat his mother. It's easy to lose any sympathy for him after seeing this ending.
  • Paranoia Fuel:
    • This is brought in full with Jankowski's ghost: at various points across the game (and some of the expansions), you'll hear his voice echo, "Is someone there?".
    • There's a scene in F.E.A.R. where you get out of an elevator, walk maybe 10 feet away, and press a button or two to get the elevator working again. Then you look up and Alma is standing there, between you and said elevator.
    • There's an Assassin in the room with you. Don't worry. He's just going to follow you everywhere and keep telling his friends where you are at all times.
    • Alma is standing right behind you. .....Made you look.
    • Oh look, there goes any sleep I might have been getting for the next week. Yep, right out the door, and it's taking the car with it.
  • Squick: See Fan Disservice, Mind Rape and Attempted Rape in the main page.
  • That One Boss: In F.E.A.R. 3, the REV powered armor in Interval 05 that appears in the plaza. Most such units in previous games were weaker, to the point that all it took was a few assault rifle magazines to destroy. This one eats bullets and explosives and laughs, and then returns the favor with lasers and automatic grenades.
  • Uncanny Valley: One review of the first game noted that, while the graphics were impressive, the characters more closely resembled plastic dolls than real people.
  • The Woobie:
    • You can't learn about Alma's background without feeling somewhat sorry for the girl.
    • And let's face it: Becket at the end of F.E.A.R. 2. He's been fighting for two days straight, got horrifically operated on, is having horrible hallucinations, is being attacked by endless numbers of enemies for no discernible reason, is stalked by an insane psychic ghost, gets raped and becomes the "father" of the apocalypse. It gets worse for him in F.E.A.R. 3, as he's escaped only to be captured and held by Armacham for nine months, then gets his mind invaded by Fettel before exploding. And worst of all, no one let him change his clothes in nine months. Poor guy.
    • Then there are the Replicas, if you think about it too much. Do they actually want to be shooting at you, or are they just being forced to do so by Fettel?
    • And then there's Fettel himself, who is being driven insane by Alma.