FF7: About Random Battles is a flash animation by LegendaryFrog on Newgrounds.com, parodying Final Fantasy VII, particularly Random Encounters.
These are the following tropes:[]
- Deadpan Snarker: The Narrator.
- Interactive Narrator
- Lampshade Hanging:
The Narrator: Yes, I have no idea why these random animals were carrying 248 gil and a magic fire ring. It will forever be a mystery! |
- Lemony Narrator
- Mockumentary
- Not What It Looks Like: In one of the extra scenes, Barret and Tifa talk about Tifa's melons. Not those melons.
- Oh Crap: The Tonberry... THE TONBERRY!
- Parody
- The Scrappy: Yuffie and Cait Sith. "Just kidding, guys! No one likes you!"
- The Voiceless: Everyone but the Narrator.
- With a Friend and a Stranger: Cloud chooses Tifa and Aeris in his party. The Narrator is pleased.
The Narrator: Nice job, Cloud! They're hot! |