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FX poster 1058

Is it murder or is it Title Drop?


 Rollie: In this hand are the bullets for the gun.

Rollie: And in this hand... is Krazy Glue. A thousand and one uses. Now a thousand and two.


He's a special effects man from Australia. He's a New York detective who specializes in pissing people off. Together, They Fight Crime!

No, wait. That was the second movie.

FX: Murder by Illusion is a 1986 movie starring Brian Brown and Brian Dennehy, about a movie special effects man, Rollie Tyler (Brown), who gets dragged into the criminal underworld when he is hired by the F.B.I.'s witness protection program to fake the death of a notorious mob boss.

The F/X shoot goes awry, and now it looks like Rollie - through criminal negligence or deliberately - is responsible for the death of the man whose death he was supposed to fake.

While Rollie frantically tries to figure out what went wrong, NYPD Detective Leo McCarthy (Dennehy) is investigating the same murder, and increasingly frustrated that the FBI is being less helpful than usual.

Not to be confused with FX, the Fox Entertainment owned cable channel.

The movie was followed up in 1991 with F/X 2: The Deadly Art of Illusion, in which Rollie, now retired from special effects, is asked by his girlfriend's ex-husband to help him catch a killer. When the ex-husband and killer are both killed by an unknown assailant, Rollie turns to former-detective turned Private Investigator McCarthy to help him figure out why and bring the killer to justice.

Both movies were followed up by F/X: The Series, which has its own page, and recast the roles of both Rollie and McCarthy, likely for budget reasons.

F/X and F/X 2 contain examples of:[]