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  • These exchanges between Castor and Pollux once his face transplant is revealed.

 Castor Troy: You're not the only one in the family with the brains.

Pollux Troy: No, although now I am the only one with the looks.

Castor Troy: Touché.

Pollux Troy: Seeing that face on you makes me afraid my tiramisu might come back up.

Castor Troy: Well, think about me. This nose. This hair. This ridiculous chin.

  • When Castor begins to suspect his "wife" knows something.

  Castor Troy: Lies, deceit, mixed messages... this is turning into a real marriage.

  • "No more drugs for that man".
  • The prison fight where Cage as Archer has to psych himself up and convince not only his brother that he is Troy, but the rest of the prisoners. The scene where Cage goes bug-eyed in particular is the Funny Moment.
  • "Dad, I'm sorry I shot you."
  • The prison has a very large television screen that shows a nature channel all day. Pollux Troy and Burke Hicks have differing opinions on it.

 Pollux: I wish they would show those salmon spawning sequences again, I find them intensely erotic.

Hicks: Eh... fucking nature channel. One more waterfall, I'm gonna foam at the mouth.

  • When Castor as Archer first drives through Archer's neighborhood to his house he looks at all the pleasant, nice looking houses with mowed lawns and white picket fences with derision and disbelief. "Whaaat is this place? I'm in hell."