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Fairy Navigator Runa is a Shojo manga based on Japanese novels of the same name. The manga is a collaboration between the novels' author, Miyoko Ideka, and artist Michiyo Kakuta. It's published by Del Rey Manga.
Runa Rindo was abandoned shortly after birth and left at a school for foster kids, her only clues to her parents' whereabouts being a mysterious box and pendant. When she reaches fourth grade, she encounters two strangers, Mokke and Suneri, who can turn into animals both normal and chibi-sized. They claim she is the Legendary Child and a fairy princess, and the only one who knows where the Jewel of Everlasting Time is. While skeptical at first, and unwilling to jump at the call, Runa realizes she must act when an evil fairy kidnaps her friends.
While the fairy is defeated and redeemed, Runa realizes that staying at the school would endanger her friends. She sets off with Mokke and Suneri to find the Jewel in the hopes it can grant a wish before falling into evil hands.
Oh, and the source of her powers is a third eye in the back of her neck.
This manga contains examples of:[]
- Animorphism: Some fairies have an animal form as well as a human one.
- Because Destiny Says So
- Blow You Away: Kamachi's element is wind.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: The first fairy Runa fights, Kamachi, attacks her before she's transformed or even knows what's going on, then retreats when Mokke and Senuri show up to fight him. He also takes his hostage to an open rooftop with plenty of wind, his element.
- Enthralling Siren: Shizuku uses this to lure Runa, Mokke, and Suneri to her.
- Extra Eyes: Runa's third eye.
- Eyes Do Not Belong There: Runa's third eye on the back of her neck, concealed with a scab and later a ribbon.
- The Fair Folk: Some fairies are...not all that nice.
- I Just Want to Be Normal
- I Have Your Wife: Kamachi kidnaps Sae, Runa's best friend.
- It's Not You, It's My Enemies
- Left Hanging: Del Rey cancelled the English versions after 2 volumes were published, leaving the series on a Cliff Hanger.
- MacGuffin: Runa's pendant, the mermaids' crystal ball, and the Jewel of Everlasting Time.
- Magical Girl: Runa.
- Making a Splash: Shizuku.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Runa consistently mispronounces Sae's name as Che.
- Not Herself: Runa struggles to control her other form at first, coming dangerously close to killing Kamachi.
- Our Fairies Are Different: 'Fairy' here seems to refer to anyone with magical powers, whether they be humanoid, animal, or mermaid.
- Our Mermaids Are Different
- Parental Abandonment: Played straight, but Runa later finds out that they died shortly after leaving her at the school.
- Refusal of the Call: At first, though Runa finds she can't fight fate.
- Sirens Are Mermaids: Shizuku.
- Tender Tears: Runa is prone to these.
- Third Eye
- This Is Unforgivable!: Runa's other form declares she will not forgive Kamachi for kidnapping Sae and hurting Mokke and Suneri.