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  • The Top 13 Goosebumps video ends with CR defeating The Haunted Mask Ghost Busters style. But not the Ghost Busters you might think.
  • After the Nostalgia Critic revealed his true appearance, CR was revealed to already have a recognisable outfit, a geeky backdrop for his videos, and only a few eps later had the above fight scene.
  • I thought his review/bashing of "Katie Kaboom" was pretty admirable. Speaking as someone who was a teenage girl when she first saw the show, and was deeply offended by her parents comparisons of us, it's nice to know that even someone who was obviously never a teenage girl can have the same opinions.
  • in Part 2 of his My Little Pony retrospective (the FiM part) has him play "The Touch" when the main six use the Elements of Harmony on Nightmare Moon. Yes, I do mean THAT song.
    • Calling out Cartoon Brew for claiming that Friendship is Magic was "The End of the Creator-Driven Era" without even watching the show, but merely posting news about how Symbionic Titan got screwed over by Cartoon Network, and how Genndy Tartakovsky ended up doing animation for an Adam Sandler movie.
    • I'd like to nominate the entirety of the Retrospective! If ever you find yourself unable to explain to a friend why MLP is so enjoyable, just link that video, and they'll get the general idea.
  • His video on Lamar Smith. CR does an excellent job in summarizing the potential negative effects of SOPA and the hypocrisies in Smith's actions, all while maintaining a captivating voice.
  • Like the Katie Kaboom episode above, his calling out of the MLP "Mysterious Mare Do Well" episode for including very valid and well thought out arguements of the ways he hated it. He also points out that the episode could have been The rest of the Mane 6 having their egos boosted by being MDW that all of them think they're the best MDW and all of them crash the award ceremony and have a big climax. He also gets a Tara Strong sound-alike to do a Twilight impression in a letter to Celestia.