Completely Missing the Point: His recent Vlog of the new ThunderCats (2011) show had him overcritique a lot of elements in the premier & showing he didn't really get the direction the series is going in.
Growing the Beard: CR's scripts and jokes have grown commendably sharper and funnier within the span of less than a year. And with his Lamar Smith video, he's shown to even be willing to seriously discuss political issues like SOPA.
Mr. Fanservice: When his face was finally revealed, a few commenters stated how good looking they thought he was.
One of Us: He drops tropes word for word and he also used the word trope.
The Problem with Licensed Games: He showed extreme worry after seeing early screenshots of the Ghostbusters game. Later finding out that this was the Wii version, upon seeing the actual screenshots for the other consoles, he decided he didn't even care if the games themselves sucked.
Ironically, in the Episode 1 commentary, he admitted that he ended up liking the Wii version better.
The Woobie: CR revealed that a sudden hiatus of his work was caused by three deaths in his family. Apparently, each death happened for different reasons and in different states. He admits it's ridiculous, but that doesn't make it any less depressing.
The opening of the Samhain where he says that some asshole stole half the decorative tombstones from his yard.