Family is a web-based sitcom based on the real life of filmmaker Terisa Greenan, who has been in a polyamorous relationship with two men for many years. It takes place in Seattle and follows the lives of Gemma, Ben and Stuart, who all live together. Gemma is partnered with both men (the men are just friends) and everyone can also date others. Two episodes go online a month, and the series is also on YouTube. It deals with life as a triad, in which Gemma worries about the neighbors and what others think of her, how weirded out they are by other polyamorists at times, dating, and dealing with disapproving parents.
Tropes used in Family include:
- Abusive Parent: Ben's dad, which leads to Calling the Old Man Out.
- Author Avatar: Eliza is played by Terisa.
- Cranky Neighbor: Subverted. Gemma thinks the neighbors hate her (Ben seems to think this, too), but once she actually meets them, it's a different story.
- Deadpan Snarker: Stuart
- Delusions of Local Grandeur: Jim is rather hyped on his fame. Gemma had no idea who he was.
- The Documentary: Eliza is filming a documentary on a polyamorous family; Gemma, Ben and Stuart end up doing it after Jamie gets into trouble.
- Fired Teacher: Jamie.
- Imaginary Enemy: Gemma gets stalked by two imaginary Victorian etiquette ladies after she starts reading an etiquette book.
- Microsoft: Apparently this place hires a lot of polyamorists.
- Naked First Impression: Stuart insists on coming downstairs naked, but finds that he needs to get his Hand or Object Underwear when he sees who's at the door.
- New Age Retro Hippie: Dewdrop, and most likely a lot of others at the poly potluck.
- News Broadcast: Jim is frequently featured in these.
- NSFW: Certain episodes involve sex and nudity.
- Open-Minded Parent: Ben's mother.
- Your Cheating Heart: Jim