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Some or all of these characters need descriptions. A list of tropes is not a description.

Characters from Family Compo include:

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Wakanae Sora[]

Family Compo Wakanae Sora

The father of the Wakanae household.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Mister Seahorse: Sora sees himself as a man, but is technically Shion's mother. He initially refused, because men don’t give birth (and also a thing about his job), but agreed when he saw how saddened Yukari was by her inability to conceive. His pride is greatly damaged when he's reminded of this.

Wakanae Shion[]

The daughter of Sora and Yukari. She is revealed to be... whichever gender she feels like (Though for the time being she's sticking with female).


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