Fandom Crisis! is a My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic fan-fiction by Mr. Boltitude.
Nyx has been having horrible nightmares. A tall faceless pony stalks her in her dreams. Then one morning, a crazy stallion in a blue box crashes into the library saying he has a solution. Little does anypony know her dreams are terribly real, and will lead to an adventure unlike any other.
This fanfic contains examples of:[]
- Crossover: Between other My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic fanfics of all things. Stories crossed so far include Past Sins, On A Cross And Arrow, as well as some more-obscure fan-concepts such as Slendermane, and Doctor Whoof
- Recursive Fanfiction: Described above in "Crossover".
- Rule 63: After a trip in the TARDIS, the cast finds themselves in a universe where every colt is a filly and every mare a stallion.