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  • Moment of Awesome: Kristofferson kicking a bully's ass with a display of fighting moves you'd never think possible to show in stop-motion.
    • Ash has his own MOA when he makes a dash with machine guns firing at him, breaks a lock, and digs swiftly and smoothly out of sight before a rabid dog breaks loose on his enemies. Hotbox!
    • Mr. and Mrs. Fox vs. Rat. Both of them originally appeared to consider Rat only a nuisance, but then he attempts to kidnap Ash, and they go full Mama Bear and Papa Wolf on him
  • Awesome Music: The "Stunt Expo 2004" or "Great Harrowsford Square" music, with the The London Oratory School Boy's Choir singing Dahl's "Boggis, Bunce, and Bean" limerick to a full orchestration by Alexandre Desplat. It happens near the end of the film when the animals are retaliating against all the humans.
    • Lyrics reprinted here for your convenience:

 Boggis and Bunce and Bean

One fat, one short, one lean

These horrible crooks

So different in looks

Were none the less equally mean.

    • Rat's theme (first heard on "Beans' Secret Cider Cellar") also qualifies. The latter part of the track his theme appears on (" Just Another Dead Rat In A Garbage Pail (Behind A Chinese Restaurant)") makes a tender reference to the melody of the three farmers' theme. This music is somber because of Rat's death.
    • Petey's banjo playing. Also doubles as a funny moment when Bean shows up.
    • For us Beach Boys fans, "Heroes and Villains". Just to see that forgotten classic be revived for a major production is mind-blowing to say the least.
    • What, no "Let Her Dance" love?