Fat Dog Mendoza is an...interesting show about a boy and his dog. The show stars a boy and his dog as they do random wacky things. It also has an old granny with an afro, an onion headed boy, a two headed teacher, a monkey, and a random super-villain like dude. Yes, really.
Tropes used in Fat Dog Mendoza include:
- Big Eater: Fat dog.
- Irony: Mrs Rectangle, who spends her every appearance warning everyone about 'the great flood' that will destroy everything causes the event herself by forgetting to turn off her taps.
- Everyone else but her actually realizes the irony and despite the mass destruction cannot help but laugh.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Captain Glen Headstrong
- Only Known by Their Nickname: 'Little costume buddy'
- Too Dumb to Live: Piranha Mae: "Isn't this something? It's coming right towards us! Oh I love hanging out with you guys!" While having a missile flying towards her.
- Trademark Favorite Food: Fat dog and his hams.
- Waddling Head: Fat dog looks like one.
- What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?: Just look at it!