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  • Jeanne Alter's existence itself. While characters claim that her existence is impossible due to Jeanne having no hatred inside her heart resulting in her being just a fabrication, the truth is much more simple: she is the Jeanne who chose to follow her own heart and become normal girl instead of devoting her life as a saintess to the god's will.
  • It may be strange that Amakusa aided the protagonist in helping Jeanne Alter Santa Lily find her own true wish, then you realize that it's Amakusa's own way of redemption. Like her, Amakusa forced his own belief of salvation on everything without caring about their own "want". By helping her find her true wish, he too, learns to find his true feeling.
  • The Bowdlerise of Meltilith's outfit. Back in CCC, Tamamo straightly told her that because she showed off too much, it lacks any erotic appeal. She probably took the suggestion to heart.

Epic of the Remnants[]

  • During his imprisonment at Moriarty's hideout, Shakespeare claims that his alignment is inverted despite that there is no change in his personality, motivation, or appearance (san his racy bondage confinement), until you realized that since "True Neutral" is at the center of the alignment board, thus you can only get "True Neutral" as its opposite alignment.

Cosmic in the Lostbelt[]

  • Why is Rasputin/Kirei Kotomine, of all people, an Alter Ego despite his fighting style being suited for an Assassin? It is to make him stronger against both Kiritsugu and Irisviel, an Assassin and Caster respectively.