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  • For one of the more blatant examples, Fergus' Valentine scene simply has him asking the protagonist out for a drink.. and a one-night stand, regardless of their gender.
    • For that matter, several Servants will be drawn to the Protagonist regardless of gender. ie, girls like Hassan of Serenity, Kiyohime and/or Morgan will be interested in a Female Protagonist (with the latter referring to the Male Master as her "husband" and the Female one as "wife" ever since she's summoned), while guys like the aforementioned Fergus, Astolfo, Constantinos XI (whose Love Confession-like Bond 5 talk in the NA version does NOT change if the Master is a boy) and especially Ashiya Douman (who has a Ready for Lovemaking-like Final Ascension for both male and female Masters) will be drawn to a male one.
  • The protagonist is very, very, VERY close to Mash Kyrielight. This stays the Master is a man or a woman, and it gives her and a Female Master MASSIVE Romantic Two-Girl Friendship vibes.
  • While Enkidu has been dead for quite a while when the cast arrives to the Babylonia Singularity, their memories still linger in King Gilgamesh's heart. In fact, the Babylonia Animated Adaptation's first episode starts with a flashback to their death in The Epic of Gilgamesh, with Gilgamesh himself holding their lifeless body under the rain. He also is not exactly impressed with the fake Enkidu aka Kingu (who is using Enkudu's corpse as his vessel), and in turn Enkidu's Genetic Memory does kinda mess up with Kingu's thoughts...